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Pro-lifers & Pro-choicers, would a fetus be considered "innocent blood"? (See details)?

I just read a question about the sins God detests which are listed in Proverbs. One of them is hands that shed innocent blood. Here's the entire list:

Proverbs 6:16-19 (New International Version)

16 There are six things the LORD hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Being pro-life, I immediately thought of a fetus being aborted. Whether a fetus is considered a life or not (obviously I believe that it is), it still seems to me that innocent blood is being shed. What do you think; would this strengthen the argument against abortion? Or do you think it's not relevant? Are you pro-life or pro-choice? And what religion, if any?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't base my morality on the rantings of bronze age zealots.

    However, a couple times, God ordered people to rip up pregnant women and dash babies against stones. It doesn't seem like he's all that concerned about fetuses. In fact, he also sent bears to rip up a group of children, just because they called someone "baldy". Women and children aren't that important in the Bible. That's probably why child abuse laws really weren't in existence until early in this country's history when a humanist group had to use animal abuse laws to keep children from being beaten.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would strengthen the argument if you were already a pro-life Christian. However, most people who are pro-choice don't believe the unborn child is human. If they did believe that, they probably wouldn't be pro-choice. Often, proving the fetus is a human would be enough to change their minds. Many people who have worked in abortion clinics have quit on the spot when they watched some abortions being done and saw the fetus was, indeed, a child.

    So, like I said, it would strengthen my personal views because I am a pro-life Christian. But a person who is pro-choice doesn't believe that innocent blood is being spilled and if they aren't a Christian, Bible verses aren't going to convince them of anything.


    Wow. Just look at all the hate you are receiving. Talk about intolerance!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I do believe that a fetus is innocent blood and that abortion is morally wrong and a grave sin in the eyes of God. For this reason, I was pro-life for many years.

    Then in college I became pro-choice because I realized that outside of religion, there is no concrete proof that human life begins in the womb as opposed to birth, and therefore the pro-life movement was forcing our religious beliefs on others.

    Now I've sort of swung back to the pro-life side of the pendulum, but I still hesitate to call myself either pro-life or pro-choice because I have issues with both sides. I still believe that abortion is morally wrong; BUT I also realize that if it were made illegal, women would have illegal "back alley" abortions that could kill not only the fetus but the woman as well. It's worse for both the woman and the fetus to die than just the fetus. So I guess you could say I'm pro-choice but with reservations. I support the legalization of abortion because I'm pro ALL life- the life of the mother as well as the baby. Does that make sense?

    I'm Catholic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to say, I don't like the idea of abortion. In the (given the fact that I'm a lesbian) very unlikely case I got pregnant, I don't think I'd do it - unless there was a risk fo my life or the baby had severe genetical defects.

    Of course a fetus is alive but so are the animals we eat. As long as it wouldn't be able to survive on its own (with medical care of course) I wouldn't consider it a human. Most countries' laws draw the line at three month which I think is where it belongs.

    Apart from my personal attitude I'm 100% pro choice. Why is that?

    Legalizing abortion is the only way to stop extremely risky illegal abortions. Millions of young women die every year worldwide because of illegal abortions. The only way to stop this is to legalize it and to make abortions availabe within the public health system.

    In the end countries with legal abortion have lower abortion levels than those without. This is of course mainly because those countries have usually better sex education in schools at younger ages and better access to contraception at younger ages. Look at the teenager pregnancy and abortion rates in central Europe (Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria) on one hand and in Latin America on the other!

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is little that is more innocent than the unborn child. He has not yet made a conscious, informed opinion, he has not seen the sky or water. He has not seen sin, nor heard of sin, nor been tempted to sin. He has not said an unkind word or thought an impure thought. He is the body in fervent growth, all hormones and enzymes and tissues in formation. All he knows is the heartbeat of his mother as he silently receives his creator's gifts and instructions. He is, for now, perfection. He is the heir of new earthly life in Adam's line, unblemished, three score years and ten spread ahead of him, maybe four. And on that road awaits him too a name, a job, a wife and family of his own. Yet he knows that trial must come and even sadly, death itself. But if now, defenceless, he suffers at the hands of another, not a sin to expunge, not a crime to answer, He that knows him best will see no fault and declare him truly innocent of wrong, his killer, truly guilty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well Im definitely Pro-Choice because I feel that everyone should have the right to choose weather they can love, protect and afford a child! I think Rape, incest, and treating females like property is a horrible sin yet It seems that the bible doesn't mention much about God not liking that! Personally I believe in God but I also believe that the bible is a little misleading.

  • sisson
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a toddler is not greater considerable than the mummy; that is purely AS considerable because of the fact the mummy. in the case the place a mom will die except she is given particular therapy which will injury the toddler, then I do evaluate it perfect to furnish her the therapy. the point of that is to no longer take the existence of the new child, notwithstanding it extremely is an unlucky area consequence. I under no circumstances advise willingly and knowingly letting a mom die. you ought to be truthful, notwithstanding, and admit that an rather small share of abortions take place via danger to the mummy or toddler. it extremely is silly to decide all ethical subject concerns based on the uncommon exception with extenuating circumstances.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who cares what the bible has to say about spilling blood? The Christian god demands the shedding of innocent blood many times in the Bible. He even calls for the rape and enslavement of young girls by the same men of God who murdered their parents. This is not a book to base a civilization upon.

  • 1 decade ago

    The issue of abortion is trivial compared to Old Testament Biblegod's mass genocide. After murdering however many innocent Egyptian children alone, Biblegod has no right to make ANY moral judgements.

  • 1 decade ago

    Innocent blood-- children, mentally challenged people, non-military casualties during war, the list goes on. The thing they all have in common is that they all have already been born.

    Non-cognitive, first trimester fetuses don't really count as people. They are potential life, but not life, potential persons, but not yet people, the same way a fertilized chicken egg is not a chicken.

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