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What would a T-Bag president have done about the economy if he were elected instead of Obama?

Most economists say we would have gone into a great depression without a stimulus package. Would the T-bag president decide not to have one? Would he allow banks and businesses to fail? What do you think would have happened?


"Most of the economist that the media is willing to put out to the general public have said we would have gone into a great depression without a stimulus package."

- Right, only the economists with enough credibility to be cited.

30 Answers

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let the banks and everyones savings go broke.

    Let the auto industry fail so that they could start back up with 8 dollar an hour jobs like wal mart

    Start a couple more wars.

    Make it illegal to be a muslim in this country

    Elect Sarah Palin as war chief

    Elect christine Odonnell for satanic help.

    Invest in tanning beds with Boehner,

    Allow Cantor to be VP

    Make McCain the General of an anti Hispanic Army killing hispanics throughout the country.

    Cut taxes for the rich.

    Cut benefits and eliminate social security.

    In other words.


    oh, and by the way. Make Christianity the countries official religion and bring back impaling and dunking and burning at the stake for not believing.

    Make all double wide trailors more safe in tornadoes

    Do I need to

  • $
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Most economist have not said we would have gone into a great depression. Most of the economist that the media is willing to put out to the general public have said we would have gone into a great depression without a stimulus package. Among economist as a whole the story is a bit different. Allowing companies to fail does not mean that they simply die and we are left with a void. Allowing companies to fail also allows new companies to come in and try new ideas. The tech industry is a great example of this. Look at the huge numbers of small businesses that have grown from the tech industry. As large tech companies reach the end of a relatively short life spans the employees don't just disappear. They start up new companies with new ideas and innovations. Demand drives the markets and just because some companies providing services for that demand go under does not mean the demand go away as well. Think about if GM would have been allowed to fail. A GM employee starts wheeling and dealing with the parts manufacturers, the banks that own the factories, some of the key employees and all of a sudden you have a new auto maker. The advantage she/he has is that she/he has a good pool of employees to pick from. No unions or corporate fat cats to worry about because they are not needed. New management, new ideas, and a new company.

    What would a T-Bag president do? Well there is no way to know for sure, but lets be real honest. What can any President really do? I don't think anyone else could do any worst.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, he wouldn't have raised the minimum wage in the middle of a recession. Something like 50% of teens who would like jobs, can't find them. My high school senior has been looking actively for over a year. Imagine how much money teens with jobs would pump into the economy.

    Then, he wouldn't have passed health care 'reform' in the middle of a recession that has already raised the operating costs for business provided health benefits by over a third. Small businesses, we're talking hundreds of thousands in added costs. Larger corporations, we're talking hundreds of millions, if not billions.

    He would have supported rather than vilified private industry, profit and the free market. To Obama, profit is evil, except when it pays for social services. His is a parasitic rather than symbiotic view of commerce in America.

    Businesses fail? Pull on the big boy pants, Hoss. Businesses fail all the time and it is a good thing. You think that if the banks failed that their assets and accounts would not have been assumed by other stronger, better run banks? Instead, the same failures who helped create this crisis are not only still at work, but being promoted. Failed business is a temporary condition and is necessary to strengthen the better businesses out there.

    He would not have handed over entire industries to the unions who play a SIGNIFICANT role in entire industries going over seas or failing. Unions are why the U.S. no longer has a steel industry. Unions is why U.S. car companies cannot compete. Unions and taxes is why most businesses are going overseas.

    Business exists to make a profit, not to provide you with all your wants and needs. You want it, you earn it. A profitable business will provide an opportunity, not a garauntee.

    Hard lessons, Hoss, but that's the real world.

    Oh, and speaking of 'real world', the percentage of Obama's advisers that have real world experience or held a job in the private sector is only 8%. The lowest of any President since the 1800's. Wonder if that matters.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    For starters we ARE in a depression. Stimulus package? Your kidding right? It was a liberal wish-list that was 30 years old! Less than a third of what was on it had anything to do with REAL jobs! Now they want another 50 billion to fix the roads! Why wasn't THAT in the stimulus package?

    Source(s): Try reading a book that hasn't already been colored in.
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  • 1 decade ago

    No most economists do not say that, it is all in your head, put there by the Obama media. A "conservative" president would never have a agreed to the stimulus. NO health care bill designed to destroy the country, no enemy *** kissing, no apologizing to anyone for anything. Tax cuts along with cuttin spending and first and foremost we would have had a president and a first lady proud to be Americans and proud of their country.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Here is just a snippet of what our plan is! Feel free to read it all!!

    Our Plan to End The Uncertainty and Create Incentives for Job Growth If we’ve learned anything during the recession, it’s that we cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity. The best way to get people working again is to rein in the growth of government and end the uncertainty facing small businesses. By addressing both issues, our plan revives free enterprise and moves America away from a debt-driven economy.

    • Permanently Stop All Job-Killing Tax Hikes: We will help the economy by permanently stopping all tax increases, currently scheduled to take effect January 1, 2011. That means protecting middle-class families, seniors worried about their retirement, and the entrepreneurs and family-owned small businesses on which we depend to create jobs in America.

    • Give Small Businesses a Tax Deduction: We will allow small business owners to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their business income. This will provide entrepreneurs with a much-needed infusion of capital for investment and new hiring.

    • Rein In the Red Tape Factory in Washington, DC: Excessive federal regulation is a de facto tax on employers and consumers that stifles job creation, hampers innovation and postpones investment in the economy. When the game is always changing, small businesses cannot properly plan for the future. To provide stability, we will require congressional approval of any new federal regulation that has an annual cost to our economy of $100 million or more. This is the threshold at which the government deems a regulation “economically significant.” If a regulation is so “significant” and costly that it may harm job creation, Congress should vote on it first.

    • Repeal Job-Killing Small Business Mandates: One of the most controversial mandates of the Democrats’ government takeover of health care requires small businesses to report to the Internal Revenue Service any purchases that run more than $600. This 1099 reporting mandate is so overbearing that the IRS ombudsman has determined that the agency is ill-equipped to handle all the resulting paperwork.. We will repeal this job-killing small business mandate.

    Source(s): Republican Pledge to America
  • 1 decade ago

    Most economists do not say the economy would have gone into depression without the stimulus. You completely made that up. As far as GM and Chrysler, that was simply a gift to the UAW and put off the inevitable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most Kenysian economists say we would have gone into a depression. Austrian economists disagree. A true conservative leader would have allowed businesses who made poor decisions to fail strengthing good businesses and sending a message the irresponsible behaviour will not be bailed out.

  • 1 decade ago

    most economist do not say that. that is a lie. owe-bamas own people said in 2009 we would be no worse off than if we did no bail outs and most likely, we would recover quicker. we would not have spent 1.6 trillion on healthcare, we would not keep asking for more bailouts, 20 billion last week and 50 billion this week. businesses fail all the time. it is what makes other companies stronger. why do you want to do business with companies and bamks that can not manage themselves to begin with?

  • 1 decade ago

    Lower taxes on business instead of talking about raising them. Period.

    That stimulus package cost more than both of Bush's wars put together, and the economists you're talking about are calling that stimulus a failure. Are you lying or just not listening? It's hard to tell with liberals any more.

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