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Why do some people assume feminists all look alike?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would attribute this to the feminist backlash, where 'feminism' has become a dirty word. Feminists have been labelled as masculine in a derogatory way; i.e. butch looking, and aggressive. A lot of the backlash is aimed at the aesthetics, as this is the most insulting way to deride someone without requiring discursive analysis of their theories, which would be inaccessible and uninteresting to the layman.

    It's the equivalent of a bully picking on a kid because they wear glasses; it's easy to whip up support for an easy to grasp insult, that other people can pick up and join in with. It saves having to think what, if any their problem with feminism actually is, because then they'd have to understand it, and would probably realise it's a social and political movement that carries a lot of clout and is not so easily dismissed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm guessing what you really mean is when people say all feminists are ugly, because I've never once heard anyone say all feminists look alike. Though, as someone above said, some people will believe anything, so I don't doubt it has been said before. Anyway, I guess it's part of the stereotyping. Not much else really needs to be said on the subject.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's all about archetypes.

    Because to them, a "feminist" is a specific class of ball-busting man-haters, and the thought that a beautiful woman would be so shatters their wet dreams, so they make up this imaginary template of Feminist: ugly, pudgy, stupid, hypocritical, white, possibly lesbian buts it's too hard to tell by looking but probably because she can't get a man which is why she hates men in the first place.

    Lesbian and feminist are usually interchangeable to these men.

    Unless the lesbian is involved in a three-way with the men, then that image is a slender big-boobed red-lipped, amazingly attractive woman. Or two.

  • MZT
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because so many feminists have displayed their hatred for men, and have used their new found power to put men down and insult them at every possible the feminist who said that all men are potential rapists, or that women need men like fish need bicycles, or that a woman who enjoys intercourse with her husband is only contributing to her own oppression really dont think that those type of statements, and many more btw, are easily forgotten do you? Such misandrist statements make men feel that these women are ugly both inside and out...and if you were a man and they were talking about you, I will bet that you would feel the same. many of those things are happening to men too...awful treatment by one human to another is NOT just a female issue, but a human rights issue...cant you see that?

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I haven't watched the video, yet, but to answer your question, I think that it is EASY for men (and some anti-feminist women) to attempt to discredit the feminist movement as a collection of 'ugly mugs', because it is more difficult for them to comprehend the reasons why the feminist/women's rights movement exists in the first damn place. The women's rights struggle is an international struggle. It encompasses everything from domestic violence and lower pay here in America to the mutilation of young women's body parts (Female genital mutilation) and 'honor killings' in foreign nations. It is so much EASIER to scream that all feminists and women's rights advocates are ugly instead of say, watching a video detailing the human rights atrocities occurring against women all around the world, just because they ARE women.

    I have read of women being executed for being raped to public beheadings of women. Domestic violence continues to rage and women continue to die because of it, every week. In my opinion, THIS is why there is a clear and present need for women's rights advocates and feminists.

    But if a woman presents all of these facts to opponents, still so many will sputter "Ugly feminists!". It's ignorance and sexism.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Stereotyped thinking. I swear, the most physically attractive professors/TA's that I've had have all been from the Gender and Women's Studies department. It's just easier to discredit an ideology if you can first turn to lazy insults about their proponent's looks. I think the same is true of many groups, including Christians and political conservatives.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because those people are ignorant,theyve come across ugly feminists and assume all of them are ugly, or it could be that they think feminist's are man-haters, and that a man-hater couldn't possibly be attractive,they're stupid, thinking looks have anything to do with personalty.

    Some of them have their own idea of whats attractive,and they don't want that ruined by their personalty, but they're only deluding themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems very unlikely that they believe it. They just want to discourage women from uniting to fight for our rights. Divide and conquer, it's an effective strategy, and making women feel ashamed or embarrassed to call themselves feminists does just that -divide us. When women stand together, we are a powerful force, and that scares a lot of men.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they have a sick, pervert mind full of hatre of men. They are Schizophrenic Man-haters, so they are UGLY deep to the bone.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ignorance, and you can't argue with them - you can't have a battle of wits with unarmed people.

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