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Athiests, Christians, Jews, Muslims and All, who knows the most?

Which groups know the most about religion (their own and others)?

Islam, Judaism, Christianity: Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals. Or do atheists know more about religion?

Who knows the least?


I am sorry to those who saw this on Yahoo! already. I saw an article online from a local newspaper and didn't know it had been on Yahoo. Generally questions off the homepage but me too, so I understand.

I must say, I was a but surprised to see Athiests at the very top, but then again they tend to be open minded.

Did it surprise anyone that Mormons scored the best on the Bible?

20 Answers

  • cheir
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anyone can know a lot about anything - but understand little of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists tend to because they respect the other religions somewhat more than someone whos, say, Jewish (not trying to offend just picked an example and didnt want to choose the obvious stereotype, I know most Jews actually are very accepting oh I think thats a stereotype too sorry!) and has to learn about Muslims. It goes against their belief system and DIRECTLY against the religions rules.

    Atheists are more laid-back and aren't told that everyone should be Atheist

    You forgot Agnostics. They definitely know the most because they're willing to accept any religion.

    I'd say Christians or Muslims know the least only because of how other religions totally breach their code of ethics. And it doesn't mean just your own religion. Technically Atheists and Agnostics would win then because, hey, theres like one thing we need to know.

    Source(s): Agnostic.
  • 1 decade ago

    Surprisingly enough, I just read a brief article about this. Catholics and Protestants know a little more about other religions than they do their own. Atheists probably know more than we may think because they take time to do some "research".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    based on my personal observation..

    Islam.. specifically the Shia muslims.. know the most about their religion.. because its very detailed..

    as well as other religions.. because simply the religion approves its preceeding heavenly religions.. such as christianity, judaism, sabians, zoroastarianism,...etc therefore, alot of muslims have pretty good background about these matters..

    the least.. in my personal opinion.. would be the christians..

    because as per the attitude id seen from my christian friends around me.. they dont like to discuss religion.. infact they tell me that discussing religion would allow the devil to enter their minds and deviate them from christianity.. so they told me that for this reason they prefer not to read about other religions nor to discuss their current religion :/

    Source(s): peace
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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe your asking this question based on one survey. If you really believe that a survey interviewing a few thousand people can be used as evidence for the millions of other Americans (not to mention the rest of the world), then you're delusional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wonder if you watched the headline cable news network they reported earlier of a study that was done and this study says that people who are agnostics are the most religious literate

  • 1 decade ago

    I know Christianity and a little about islam. But when I read other religions etc. it just makes me wonder how they believe what they believe no offense to anyone. I'm glad God opened my eyes to see the truth :3

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Atheists know more about Christianity than Christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There was an article about this on the homepage of Yahoo today. I don't know if its still there. Go check it out.

  • 1 decade ago

    ooh well i heard of sanyasis(yogis) belonging to shivism who do yoga in freezing cold of himalayas and are about 120+ yr old who do black magic too, they know more than all and i guess the african sislis know least as they say that the tree in middle of their village is their father

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists followed by Jews,Catholics,Protestants,Evanglicals.

    I do not know where Muslims rank.

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