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Atheists and feminists: How many of you have given support to female preachers?

I've seen the 1 Cor. 14 guy ask this question a 100 times. And golly gee, this is something I would just love to know.

Has any atheist or feminist ever given any kind of support to a female preacher? Please respond in detail. Is it because they are disobeying 1 Cor. 14.

Thank you.


Come now Rask, have you ever seen the 1 Cor. guy ever post a question without citing the KJV verses.

Update 2:

So, I'm taking Anna's as a very qualified, "Sort of." That's 1 of 13, but merely on the principle of equal rights.

Update 3:

Villhelm, hmm. I guess that is sort of a vague qualified yes as to the probability of it happening sometime in the past.

Update 4:

I appreciate those who have responded thus far. It seems, based on our poll that with the exception of one theoretical, "It's possible" and one feminist siding on principle with female clergy members there is very little if any orchestrated and targeted support of atheists and feminists for female preachers.

Update 5:

I suggest we close questions about female preachers being supported by atheists and feminists and leave this question of whether women should be clergy to the petty squabbling of we Christians. That seems to be a very reasonable conclusion to me.

Thank you for your participation one and all.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Has any ... X ... ever ...Y'd?"

    Most assuredly there exists some X which has Y'd somewhere, sometime in history for most any Y you can imagine.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One of them tipped over once and I had to set her upright. As far as financial support, all I can say is LOL.

    It is so difficult to find female preachers since so many are still trying to figure out how to remain silent while prophesying with their heads covered.

    I saw a woman do this and it was just devastating to her family.

    Have you ever sent money to help those lying , slow bellied ie lazy people from Crete?

    The same apostle credited with I Cor also claims that this describes people from Crete. It is why some people call stupid people cretans. I think this is a bit unfair and someone should be taking up offerings or at least devote themselves to begin a campaign to reach those who are lying, lazy gluttons.

    I also wonder why anyone visits there are lives in such a place.

    No, support for women preachers except my wife who preaches but some people call this nagging.

    I think that is sadly unfair.When men express a little negativity , no one calls them nags.

    Nag, nag , nag. It is like the constant dripping of rain.

  • 1 decade ago

    As an atheist and a feminist, I don't exactly support female preachers. I don't support preachers at all. I do, however, think it very sexist (and therefore wrong) that, in some religions, females aren't allowed to be religious leaders. I'm not too fond of religious leaders but, if they have to exist, everyone should be allowed to be one regardless of their sex/sexuality/race etc.

  • 5 years ago

    Atheists might desire to no longer care much less with regard to the gender of preachers. Feminists choose women everywhere. Now as for Corinthians, in case you care to heed the words of fake prophets, this is unquestionably your genuine.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I do not support anyone who would become a preacher (male or female). I do not consider it to be a honest way of making a living.


  • 1 decade ago

    Well, my cousin is one and I've certainly given her hospitality, though the fact she's a preacher is besides the point.

    Apart from that I once helped a nun hitch-hike by goods train after we both missed the same passenger train.

    Other than that, zilch...

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would we involve ourselves in your petty in house squabbles?

    The only good preacher is a non preacher.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Or maybe you ARE the 1\Cor 14 guy in disguise you sly old dog.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What why would atheists give support to any preacher?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suppose I might qualify as a "Feminist"; after all, I enjoy women more than I do men.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. What with being an Atheist and everything I don't support any member of the Church

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