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how much and how do you do work around house during 8th month of pregnancy?

This is my 2nd pregnancy, i m feeling extreme discomfort, can only do 10 mins of something then feel very tired. baby seems like is going to pop out any min. how do u manage ur house chores.


I have nesting instinct too, and i m doing little at a time. I was not feeling this exhausted and in extreme discomfort up until 32 weeks, but now i feel lot of pain and pressure down in my pelvis and back region. i am just wondering if anyone feels same and still do everything in house. Lemme knw HOW u guys manage it.

Update 2:

I have nesting instinct too, and i m doing little at a time. I was not feeling this exhausted and in extreme discomfort up until 32 weeks, but now i feel lot of pain and pressure down in my pelvis and back region. i am just wondering if anyone feels same and still do everything in house. Lemme knw HOW u guys manage it.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I listen to my body and if i simply cannot do anything I DONT. I get anaemia during pregnancy and that makes me feel super tired, i do what i can when i can and certainly don't feel guilty for not running around like a headless chicken when i can barely stand without feeling like i'm about to faint. Look after yourself, ask for help. Some women don't get so tired or uncomfortable during pregnancy, we are all different, not all of us are superwomen who are full of energy during pregnancy. The 1st and 3rd trimester are my most difficult.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm 32 weeks and work about 30 hours a week. I still do all the housework but I'm slowing down on what I do, slowly. I just cleaned my house from top to bottom last week and I'll definitely be hiring a cleaning lady next time. I can still do the dishes and laundry but sometimes I get my husband to help. I think everyone's different with their pregnancies. I already have about 1-2 days a week where I can't walk because of hip and back pain. So, I'll probably be taking maternity leave before too long. But at the same time, I hope to work until I absolutely can't anymore. I'm in pain, frustrated, and uncomfortable most of the time but I don't really know what else I can do. I could lay around all day but then I'd be scared the next 8 weeks will creep by. Just do what you can and forget about the rest.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am 37+ with our second and have times of extreme discomfort,fatigue also. However I just do what I can do and when I am really having trouble I just do small spurts of things around the house. My hubby is wonderfully understanding and pretty help full. I only work part time so time isn't an issue. But if things don't get done or the house/dishes are a mess for a few days nobody sweats it. It is what it is. Your house doesn't have to be perfect to be happy. Hope you feel better more often then not. Congrats and good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am pregnant with baby #2 and m running 32 weeks right now. I am still working full time and at home I have to take care of my daughter, run the house chores. Its very tiring sometimes as I dont have any help. My back hurts badly and my baby moves all day and night. But I dont have any other way out right now so just counting days.

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  • LG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I had family help. I was on rest for a couple of weeks during pregnancy due to a raised blood pressure and had my hubby and other family help out with chores and laundry and the grocery store, etc. It was nice, but being 8 months pregnant you are not too comfy anyway, so I was very restless resting if that makes sense.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I worked full time and did all the house work I've done before except any heavy lifting. I worked until I went into labor. I delivered at 36 weeks but that got nothing to do with work or house work.

  • I worked 8 hours a day and came home and cleaned.

    I was exhausted! I was put on bed rest as soon as I got to 35 weeks though so I got to be lazy :)

  • Ash s
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    im in my nesting period so i run around the house just cleaning like crazy but before i hit it i was tired all the time and just rested and only did a couple of things a day and just took my time.

  • MarD.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    less is more... you will get that nesting urge, but some women are just plain exhausted. Have some friends come over and do some fix up for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    When I get tired, I just ask everyone else around me to do it for me . . . . in a nice way though lol

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