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Lv 5
Toledo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What would you do if you were in Obama's shoes?

I am talking about economy, medical care and immigration, the three hot issues today.

I've asked that same question dozens of times and have yet to receive an articulate answer, which indicates to me that his opponents are fast in the finger pointing and blame and lacking in solutions.

I'm non partisan for the reasons indicated the above. I don't care which faction of the political spectrum, they are all guilty.

Prove me wrong.


Remember, you have to get your ideas through the American people and congress.

Update 2:

Ad hominem attacks are silly and does not answer the question.

Update 3:

Every one of you is very short in two area's, getting it through the American people and congress.

17 Answers

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Push for an extension of the Bush tax cuts. They would have passed if Pelosi had held a vote on them instead of voting to go on vacation.

    Admit that the BFD Obamacare bill is a bad bill and push to have it revoked. 70% of Americans want it revoked!

    Use TARP money that has already been paid back to reduce the deficit.

    Use unused so called stimulus money to reduce the deficit.

    Drop the case against the Az. immigration law and let them and any other state, that wants to, help the federal government find and deport illegals. 70% of Americans are for the Az. law.

    Go after sanctuary cities.

    Drop the corporate tax rate. Ours is the second highest in the world.

    Return GM and Chrysler to their legal and rightful owners. If they go bankrupt oh well!

    Make federal employee unions renegotiate their contracts so that their pay and benefits are more in line with the private sector and those who pay for their salaries and benefits.

    If the federal employee unions won't renogotiate then disband them and make them illegal.

    Since Imam Obama said during the campaign that "everyone needs skin in the game" make it so that EVERYONE has to pay some federal taxes. Or institute a flat tax that everyone pays.

    Balance the federal budget without any more taxes.

    @ Jim Em..... Since everything that I have mentioned is favored by a majority and in most cases a large majority of the American people they would be easy to pass. If Obama and the Democrats actually did some of this stuff they would not be in the situation they are currently in!

  • gfe r
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Economy-Cut taxes and spending. Or cut spending a lot and keep taxes the same. The IRS alone has 100,000 federal agents working for it. What do they produce? Nothing. Cut out a lot of the public sector jobs. End the wars-1 TRILLION and counting. Legalize and tax marijuana. Both parties are only interested in power, not the interest and will of the American people.

    Medical Care-Medical care is a private industry and should stay that way. Expanding government influence will not help or be cheaper for anyone. Malpractice insurance for Dr's is what needs to be cheaper, if it were Dr's would charge less money and health insurance would be cheaper, allowing more people to have health insurance. Catastrophic health insurance should be the main form of health insurance that people purchase. If everyone had a high-deductible plan that only charged $5000 maximum per year, the people could pay cash for Dr. visits (shocker i know, but people did pay cash for health-care at one point and it worked.) If something catastrophic happened to the person they would only have to pay $5000 and then the rest is paid for by insurance. If they can not afford $5000 there is always private charity to help them out.

    Imigration-People with clean criminal records and good education should be put on the fast track to citizenship. Illegals already in the country should be given a grace period to come forward and set up a plan to pay back taxes and become a citizen with proper id and a SSN. Those who choose to not come forward after the grace period should be deported with zero tolerance. Proper US id should be required to get a job. People that hire illegals should be fined harshly. Legalization of marijuana would help end some of the border violence as well.

    Source(s): My views condensed i could write a LOT more.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Save America.

    Jump off a skyscraper.

    Actually I would support Arizona's laws and enforce it through out the country.

    Stop the health care bill that the majority was opposed to.

    Disassemble the IRS. Stop income tax completely. there is to much corruption any way.

    Plus criminals, prostitutes, illegal ls and drug dealers never pay it.

    Then start national sales tax because everyone buys.

    Then the criminals and such would have to pay.

    The wealthy that spend the most would still pay the most.

    That would shut up the liberals crying how taxes favor the rich.

    Start working welfare.

    Bring God and prayer back in school were it should be and remember that public school was started so kids could learn to read the Bible.

    Abolish all same sex marriages and enforce the defense of marriage act.

    Get rid of inheritance tax.

    That money was taxed when the giver earned it.

    But the first thing would be to make murdering your own babies in the name of freedom and calling it choice illegal.

    Stop government funded abortions in our country and other countries (Mexico City Act )

    Arrest and convict death camp abortion Doctors.

    Later I'll tell you what I would on day two

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'd enact tariffs on all imports and only offer tax breaks to open up facilities in America and employ Americans. I'd use an executive order to do this because the country's economy has collapsed. Any business outsourcing jobs outside of the country would be subject to full taxation and no write offs. I don't care about a possible "trade war" with fascist China. Maybe a trade war is what we need to get people to wake up and revive our manufacturing base.

    I'd give the cons what they asked for and use the FBI to split the Teabags and get them to kill each other off. The old COINTELPRO tactics the Reich wingers used against leftist groups. I'd implement the Fairness Doctrine to get the Reich Wing media to be accountable for their lies. If they don't like that, use the Sherman anti-trust act to break up the corporate media monopolies. For medical care, I'd continue to push for a single payer plan. With the Teabags and the lying Reich media being held accountable for their lies, the truth about a single payer plan and our inefficient and expensive system would get out and most people would support the single payer plan.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since spending like a drunken bank robber doesn't seem to be helping much, I would try the opposite: cut spending. But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result each time. Spend, spend, spend. And when that makes the economy worse, spend more. I think liberals have no sense of balance. A little bit of government is a good thing, so a whole lot of government must be even better. A little bit of regulation is good, so regulating everything in existence must be really good. When a bureaucrat says bureaucracy is a good thing, and people believe it without questions, does that really make them "liberals"?

  • 1 decade ago

    Economy. Quite simple. Quit bailing out cronies and benefactors, no one is too big to fail. Stop using the Fed as a personal piggy bank in order to fund legislation meant to pander to specific subgroups in order to buy votes. Reduce the size of the government, increase efficiency, and stop acting like big brother.

    Medical Care. Instead of handing insurance companies millions of new customers through forced consumerism, why not actually get in and reform the system. While I know this will piss off those who voted for Obama expecting freebies and handouts it is the only real solution

    Immigration. The majority of our nation is against amnesty for illegals, why not listen to them, secure our borders, and start deportation proceedings against the criminals here illegally. I know this will cause Obama to lose many voters and potential voters, but it is the ethical thing to do.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Extend the tax cuts, make it known that I would not be adding extra taxes, i would make it so business could spend the record trillions in cash they have on hand to hire.

    I would give tax cuts to small businesses that hire new workers

    I would remove China's most favored nation status

    Health Care

    I would limit liability

    I would allow for the market to straighten up pricing

    I would actively and aggressively stop fraud

    I would have medicare and medicaid run like a business not like a government money hole


    Deport them all

    Even if it did cost 93 billion dollars you would save 10 billion every year.

    9 1/2 years and you are paid back and then you can apply 10 billion every year to the budget.



  • Moose
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cut and slash spending on almost all levels, fight for a balanced budget, take away public assistance funded by American taxpayers to illegals and make it so unattractive for them to be here they don;t want to sneak in and give local and state officials the authority to deport any illegal they find.

    Medical care is tricky. I don't want people to be denied any medical treatment, but I don't want astronomical costs either, so I would have to think about it or hear a bunch more ideas to form a complete plan,

  • 1 decade ago

    Get my feet disinfected.

    Seriously, I'm too much of a personal responsibility person to ever support liberal policy. I would rapidly become very, very unpopular with the Dems.

    EDY L, I laughed SO hard at what you wrote. Thank you for that.

  • You're asking in the wrong place (a pack of trolls). Ask at the Campaign for Liberty forums.

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