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Is anyone here foolish enough to believe that the Democrats cant pass anything they really want?

Obamacare proved that once and for all. So how can anyone say with a straight face that the Republicans are blocking any legislation.

People, don't be as stupid as Obama, Reid and Pelosi think you are.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not just the GOP but AMERICA did not want Obamacare, and the Dems passed it anyway.

    "You will know what's in it after we pass it!" Bwahahahahahaha.....

  • 1 decade ago

    The democrats only have 59 votes if the 2 independents stick with them, with a connie filibuster, you need 60 votes for cloture which means at least one republican has to vote too. If not for the filibuster, 400 plus bills, would not be stalled in the senate.

    Once again a connie thinks we are as ignorant as they are when it comes to how the government works.

  • 1 decade ago


    The only foolish people I see are the ones stubbornly denying the obstructionism of the Republicans in Congress. Do you know how to read? For example, yes - Obama DID get the Small Business Bill passed a few days ago... but only after MONTHS of wrangling.

    The Republicans want Obama to fail, and will do whatever it takes to stand in his way. SHAME on you.


    “(Reuters) - President Barack Obama signed a $30 billion small business lending bill into law on Monday, claiming a victory on economic policy for his fellow Democrats ahead of November congressional elections.

    The law sets up a lending fund for small businesses and includes an additional $12 billion in tax breaks for small companies.

    "It was critical that we cut taxes and make more loans available to entrepreneurs," Obama said in remarks at the White House. "So today after a long and tough fight, I am signing a small business jobs bill that does exactly that."

    Obama is trying to show voters, who are unhappy about 9.6 percent unemployment, that he and his party are doing everything they can to boost the tepid U.S. economy.

    Democrats said they backed the bill because small businesses had trouble getting loans after the financial crisis that began in December 2007. They estimate the incentives could provide up to $300 billion in new small business credit in the coming years and create 500,000 new jobs.

    Republicans characterized the bill as a smaller version of the unpopular Wall Street bank rescue effort and blocked it in the Senate for weeks until two retiring Republicans broke ranks and voted to end blocking maneuvers.

    Obama criticized the opposition party for fighting the bill and thanked the two Republicans, George Voinovich and George LeMieux, whose support allowed it to get through the Senate.”

  • 1 decade ago

    Unless they are completely partisan, Democrats could have easily pulled off a couple of Northeastern RINO's in the Senate to pass anything they wanted to.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Filibuster - The republicans have used the filibuster more that any other time in history.

    Things will never be the same!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What I fear is the 'lame duck' congress, et al, after NO-vember 2 flushes most of them out, passing 'revenge' legislation on the USA - - cap & tax, etc that's STILL on the socialist shopping list.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are like a bunch of little spoiled children. They all ways want to blame someone else. They are hypocrites.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberalism is based on passing the blame, it's *always* someone else's fault. That is their appeal in a dysfunctional society of deadbeats.

    Even the thought of taking personal responsibility is enough to send Liberals running to their Therapist for Prozac.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not, but that doesn't stop them from blaming the Republicans.

    The party of Blame, Wealth Envy, and Division.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    er... that was before scott brown? remember?

    do any of you know how the senate works?

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