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Why would anyone fake evolution?

I've heard a lot of Creationists claiming that evolution is faked, that it is a lie. They do occasionally back up these claims with sources of dubious reliability, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone answer the question: Why? What could anyone possibly hope to gain by faking evolution? To what end is evolution faked? What, quite simply, is the point?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They're taught that evolution was invented in order to be able to claim that no god was necessary for the creation of the world, and that the theory is nothing but an excuse not to believe. The fact that Darwin was a believer when he came up with it and that many evolutionary biologists today are believers makes no dent in their certainty.

    I once had a teenage fundie tell me that his life's goal was to prove that Darwin's intent was to attack Christianity and try to bring it down.

  • 5 years ago

    To deflect us from the true story. About 60,000 years ago those grey aliens with the big eyes and the flying saucers showed up here. At this time we did not exist. They took an ape like creature and genetically modified it over 60 times. Mixing their own DNA with the ape. This took many years, the end result of which was a human being. For reasons I don't understand they refer to us as 'containers'. There are many theories on why they did this but nobody really knows. One is that they have somehow lost the ability to breed and are essentially a dying race. They come from a twin star system called Zeta Reticuli which you can find on Google. Although for operations here, they are based on the moon. This is the real reason NASA never went back to the moon. The moon is not a big rock in orbit, it is infact a spaceship. There are civilizations in the past who document the time when we had 2 moons and another time when we had none. When you die the electrical device which we refer to as the soul goes straight to the moon where it is essentially downloaded. This device is invisible and electrical, it's the device that keeps the heart beating. All aspects of your life is in there, EVERYTHING. No secrets. This life for humans is a test. Earth is like a nursery of sorts. We all fail the test many times before we get it right. We live many lifetimes on Earth. Each time the soul is wiped clean and we start again inside a newborn baby. Nobody knows what happens if we pass the test. I'd like to think we get to leave Earth and become a higher life form on another planet elsewhere in the universe. This is one reason why they would fake evolution, because whether true or not, you did not believe a word I just said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "What could anyone possibly hope to gain by faking evolution?"

    The general feeling seems to be that evolution, by which those who claim fakery, mean any and all science that has any overlap with their creation stories, not just biological evolution, attacks religion because it means that various creation stories are wrong.

    But the majority of Christians already know that genesis is not literal, certainly not in a young-earth, literal 144 hour working week construction project way, it's only a small minority of extremists who feel that way.

    It's the same kind of minority who maintain that the moon landings were faked - yet the USSR who had everything to gain from showing it a fake, said nothing despite the fact they had antennae pointed at the moon and got signals consistent with a moon landing, much to their dismay.

    Mainstream Christianity is like the USSR here (no other similarity intended), they've had to acknowledge that genesis is a load of bollocks if taken literally because science works, either that or they have to deny much of science, which is insane.


    "you don't have to be a genius to see that's why Christians are against the lies of evolution"

    lol, you also don't need to be a genius to see there are quite a lot of religious people who have no problem with science at all, and many religious scientists too boot.

  • Dragon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think the bigger question would be "how" could anyone fake evolution? Unless we're supposed to believe this is something scientists have been working on for a while? Like before "science"? I think the biggest problems come from a crazy assumption the religious have that all scientists are working together. They seem to totally miss the fact that a large chunk of being scientific is attempting to prove others (and yourself for that matter) wrong. The stuff that doesn't get proved wrong is the stuff we're left with. You know. Reality.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Most scientific approaches to evolution are rational and credible. But like every aspect of society, there's always someone who's just in it for the fame, the glory, or the money. These people occasionally try to dodgy an artefact or site, but carbon dating and other testing usually catches them out

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Why would anyone fake evolution?

    Wow - I'd like to see that. "Watch me now as I evolve into an entirely new species"

    2) Why? What could anyone possibly hope to gain by faking evolution?

    Hmmmm....I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but there are *several* examples, historically, of people faking evidence (producing fraudulent evidence) in support of the theory of species evolution. They get their name in print - in scientific journals. They get their "finding" placed in a prominent place in a museum. In one very well-known case, the scientist involved gained a very prestigious (and lucrative) position as curator in a museum. Others gain high-paying posts in universities or greatly-increased government funding.

    The situation is probably actually worse today than historically: by which I don't mean that there are more cases of fraud, but rather by which I mean that the incentives to produce notable results are far greater - basically, government funding and - for the seemingly most successful scientists - university "seats" or positions with commensurate salaries. Scientists have never had a greater incentive than now to produce groundbreaking results. Naturally, those incentives have lead (and will continue to lead) scientists lacking integrity to produce fraudulent results.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lol. Very true. In my psychology undergrad course we had a series of lectures on the psychology of the paranormal. Why people believe in Alien abduction, telekinesis, thought reading etc. Our lecturer always said why would a researcher fake their results to show these things do not exist. If he could test just one subject and find any of these things were true he would be rich and famous for life. As it is he just keeps lecturing and publishing to the scientific press.

    Same with evolution. If one peer reviewed paper could disprove Evolution there would be Nobel prizes, TV and probably movie rights. So why would they fake it?

  • 1 decade ago

    They love to be dismissive of Darwin yet I wonder how many of them have actually read any of his writings. I would bet a large amount of money that not many have. If they haven't, if they have never done any real reading on the subject then their opinion ultimately doesn't matter because it's an uninformed opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the work of Satin (sic) to lead the unwary away from the true path that leads to the Big Sky Fairy, who made the world in just 7 days, 6000 years ago. The sclientists are pawns in Satin's evil games. They bury fake fossils everywhere.

  • adacam
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I suppose the creationists would say that evolutionary scientists find the results they want to find based on their initial anti-religious prejudice, and ignore any evidence that does not support them.

    That's total bull$hit, of course. To say such a thing displays a profound misunderstanding of the way that science works.

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