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'Basic' american football questions: HELP! SOS!?

So we have this sheet(s) we're supposed to do for gym class...and I'm not exactly knowledgeable in the area of football. Some of the questions I got off google, but I can't seem to find the answers to these. And now, I'm starting to panic. Help! Please! Best answer will be the ones who can answer the most questions in the least amount of time.

1) When a team gets together to discuss what play they are turning next, they are said to be in a ________.

2) An overhead throw that is not caught is called an ________.

3) If someone from the defensive team catches a pass thrown by the quarterback, it is called ________.

4) And individual who 'snaps' the ball back to the quarterback is called the ________.

5) A pass that is thrown to a receiver behind the line of scrimmage is called a ________.

6) If the center does not snap the ball before the play clock expires, what is the penalty? _______

7) Can you be called for penalty if you don't have enough men on the field? _______


@mighty: I know EXACTLY how you feel...

@Joey: Thank you!!

I seem to have one more.

Can a quarterback throw a pass after he runs past the line of scrimmage?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Huddle

    2. Incomplete pass

    3. Interception

    4. Center (I think)

    5. Lateral

    6. Delay of game

    7. Yes

  • 1 decade ago

    1- Huddle

    2- Incompletion

    3- Interception

    4- Center

    5- Screen. A lateral, which other answerers have said, is when a ball carrier passes the ball to a player behind them, so they're wrong. The only thing a lateral has to do with the line of scrimmage is that when the ball carrier has passed the line of scrimmage a lateral is the only way he can transfer the ball to another player, unless you count a fumble.

    A screen pass is when the receiver catches the ball at, behind the line of scrimmage or barely in front of the line of scrimmage and uses blocking to advance the ball.

    Don't worry about the thumbs down, so far I'm the only one to get it right. I you don't believe me look the definition of "screen pass" and "lateral" on wikipedia and see which one fits the question better.

    6- Delay of game

    7- Yes

    NOBODY can throw or pass the ball forward once the ball moves past the line of scrimmage. However, they can give it to a player behind or right next to them. This is a lateral.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Huddle

    2. Incompletion

    3. Interception

    4. Center

    5. Screen Pass

    6. Delay of Game

    7. Yes

    No - A QB can't throw it once he's past the line of scrimmage, that's a penalty.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Huddle

    2) Incompletion


    4) Center

    5) Lateral

    6) Delay of Game

    7) no only for have too many men on the field. one example is when safety Sean Taylor died, the following week the Washington Redskins (his former team) lined up with only 10 men on the field as a tribute to him for the first defensive snap of the game

    and no the QB may not throw a pass after he passes the line. he may lateral the ball back called a pitch but not forward.

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  • 1 decade ago





    Pitch or a screen. (depends how the play is ran). Not a lateral

    Delay of Game

    On Offense, yes (if your missing an offensive Lineman, and only have 4 lines up to play.)

    A QB Can't be past the line of Scrimmage and still throw the ball.

  • 1 decade ago


    2.incomplete pass


    5.lateral and it can be on or behind the line

    6.delay of game

    7.yes as well as having too many. its 11 on 11

  • 1 decade ago

    1. huddle

    2, incomplete pass

    3. interception

    4. center

    5. not sure

    6. delay of game

    7. I think yes ,but not sure

  • 1 decade ago

    1) huddle

    3) interception

    that's all i know, sorry! i'm awful at sports and lame at gym.

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