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why is Christianity/Islam more important than God?

There have been religions on this earth for thousands of years. Hindu religions outdate christianity and Judaism. Buddhism outdates Christianity, the Native Americans has indigenous religions since pre-historic times, .......who are we to suddenly say that Christianity and Islam are now the true religions.

What happened to people before they knew christ. Did people just die for thousands of years until Christianity (or Judaism) came along? Who are we to say that other religions have no merit what so ever? Could it be possible that everyone is trying to reach the same spiritual goal, bowing the same god (even though the names are different), ......yet they just have their own way of getting there. MEN (PEOPLE) wrote these ancient relics. Could it be possible that they were altered to fit the men's goals, to use it as a way to shape society?

I think people need to be more open minded to spirituality. I think all paths (including Christianity) have spiritual merit. I mean, you got some kid who grew up his whole life studying buddhism, and then some 40 year old pastor comes up to him and says, "Convert". Is that right? How does one know that his prefferred religion is the "end all be all"? We only know as much as we believe, and as much as we are told.

Why can we not just be children of God?

Why do we have to have religion instead of spiritual exercises?

Why can we not have a more universal God.

In Mexico "Pollo" means "Chicken in english".

Couldnt Brahman and Jehova be the same person, just interpretted differently? Couldnt Jehovah and the Native American Sun God be the same thing? Its culture man!

What do you guys think about this?

Do you believe in the slogan "Kill the infidels"

or do you have a bumper sticker that says "Coexist'?

What is your stance?


Think for yourself. ------ Question Authority. Tisk tisk

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religions were essentially created by society to reign in it's people in the absence of credible law-enforcement agencies to goad and scare people into good behavior !

    Religions are harmless (in fact they have given a lot to human civilizations) as long as they preach co-existence ,peace and kindness.

    Trouble starts when they begin to compete for followers like dumb celebrities.

    We might never know if GOD really exists or not............even if he did would you think he would agree with:

    1) Price on a cartoonists head for drawing an image of mohammed, or a writer for criticizing a religion

    2)Massive conversions with inducements of food,money and school in Africa and India.

    3)Caste systems wherein people are discriminated ruthlessly.

    Live and let live brothers !

    "जीव जीवतु च"

  • Walter
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It depends on your definition of God. I'll tell you what I think. There can be only one God. The God who created the heavens and the earth. I do not believe that there can be multiple gods. You ask if Christianity/Islam are more important than God? No. Any teaching that does not reflect the true will of the creator is worthless. The challenge is to find out what is true and then discard the rest. The way I see all of this is that truth has to be my final authority. I deduct the truth based upon the evidence that I see or hear. I can't see God, but I do see evidence of His creation. The truth of His creation is self-evident. However, the problems come with the interpretation of the evidence; hence, all of the various religions. I've studied most of them, and I think that the Christian faith reflects that which God intended. I don't see any other faith that has such a high moral standard as the Christian faith. However, Christianity is only as valid as the truth that it reflects. I believe it to be true, but I couldn't point to any good "church" because of many errant teachings.

    Islam teaches that Jesus Christ was not divine or God in the flesh, but rather a prophet. That is the difference between true Christianity and Islam. Having said that, the only way you can see if there is any benefit to you is if the conduct of the religious group is that which does not disobey God's commandments or teachings. Or, you can judge them by their conduct. Their conduct will tell you all you need to know about who or what they are; all you have to do is to look at it and their actions will speak for themselves.

    I don't see anything better than true Christianity. I've spent many years studying these issues. I don't claim to know everything, so I am always open to learn a new truth. The truth will always be the state of the case; it is what it is. So God is not relative to a persons perception. God is what He is and there's nothing anyone can do to change it. We were born with a free will and the ability to reason. Much of our problems seems to arise from letting other people do our thinking for us, rather than taking responsibility for that ourselves.

    As far as "Killing the Infidels" I can only imagine how evil that statement is because it violates God's commandment "Thou shalt not kill." The only thing a person has is his life and the gifts that God gave him. To take that away from him for a political or religious reason appears to be wrong. How can a dead man repent before God if someone kills him? In recent history, we have seen the violence from Islam, much like that of the Roman Catholic Church during the crusades. I don't think any of these so-called religions are worth the drop of one man's blood.

    It is very difficult if not impossible for good and evil to coexist; one comes from God, the other from Satan. One has nothing in common with the other.

  • 1 decade ago

    God originally put us here to worship him and people knew this, we know this because the first Man Adam (PBUH) was put on Earth for this reason and conveyed the message.

    This was sent as a way of life, so it did not need to be named as a certain religon as most people knew so, but as people started worshipping other than god, i.e, idol worshipping, God reintroduced his message and sent more messengers. The religions had to be named to be recognised and to avoid confusion.

    Some religions were wrong, such as polythiestic ones. The ones that were right are:

    Judaism--> It became corrupted as people changed it, so God sent ..

    Christianity--> So the message is revealed again and people follow it.. it over time becomes corruped with man made interventions.. so Allah sent..

    Islam--> The final one.. revealed and recited by heart to maintain even non-Muslim experts recognise the originality and see corruptions in other religions.


    You have taken the "Kill the infidels" quote out of context.

    Does the koran teach to kill, tax or convert infidels as a general principle? Also does the Koran teach that in the last day trees will cry out there is a Jew behind me come and kill him?..No.. check out the website..

    Source(s): My stance: Read the Quran if you realy care about this, you will learn loads. NOTHING is more Important than GOD.
  • 1 decade ago

    I might not be one of those to judge but those who do will give many people a thousand years. Yes it could be people from many faiths. Christ will make himself known even those who lived before Christ.

    Romans 3: 27-31 Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.

    Romans 4:21-25 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness." The words "it was credited to him" were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

    The Lord made the earth by his power; by his wisdom he created the world and stretched out the heavens. At his command the waters above the sky roar; he brings clouds from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning flash in the rain and sends the wind from his storeroom. At the sight of this, people feel stupid and senseless; those who make idols are disillusioned, because the gods they make are false and lifeless Jeremiah 10: 12-16.

    Revelation 9: 20-21 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.

    Revelation 20:1-6 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are lost. When people don’t know God and don’t repent to him for all of their sins, they perish. He is the same yesterday today and forever. There is no God like him. His works are great and can’t be numbered. We are all children of God if we are born again. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12). To me Christianity is the one true religion because everything from heaven- hell and genesis- revelation are all true facts. Satan uses the other religions to manipulate the population and lead them into hell. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:14). We are all lost without God in our lives. Inside this earth, this very moment, there are millions of lost souls and it can happen to anyone if they die without the Lord Jesus Christ. God is a jealous God. He does not take it well when we start listening to Satan (his enemy), inclining our ear and heart toward Satan. Just as a person becomes upset and jealous when his spouse shows signs of unfaithfulness and starts flirting with other people even so God becomes upset and jealous when we show signs of unfaithfulness and start flirting with Satan. God represents Goodness, Virtue, Morality and Right. Whenever we start considering wrong, start listening to wrong, we are really listening to the voice of his enemy, Satan. When we turn to God, when we commit ourselves to him, we become married to him in a sense (similar to the way that a man becomes married to a wife. We enter into a covenant or "marriage contract" with him). Engaging in sin after this is an act of unfaithfulness, infidelity and untrustworthiness on our part. God designed us to do Good. He made us with the intention that we would follow his way of Goodness, Love, Right, Honesty, Morality, etc. That is the way we were designed to go. To go the way of Evil is against our basic nature and design and it is disloyalty to the God who made us and loves us. Satan is a liar who is continually trying to deceive us and divert us from God's way. He is a tempter. He would try to get us to believe that his way is better and easier. He would try to get us to question God's way and to doubt it. He wants to pull us away from God, pull us into his way.

    Source(s): Bible.
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