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What is the Republican Strategy?

Everything I have read from the republicans seems very vague. Can anyone give me specifics to how Republican are going to reduce the deficit, create jobs, and keep health-care cost under control.

Which specific programs and entitlements should be cut?

How can you create and keep jobs here when outsourcing is more profitable to companies?


ez- you say don't outsource, as the ceo of a company my concern is profits. By outsourcing I can increase profits. Would you be willing to reduce wages in this country to the same level as China?

Update 2:

Misha - you say get rid of ambulance chasers. When all studies show that malpractice is less than 2% of health-care costs.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You big government hacks don't get it. You don't have to do anything. A free market runs itself. You just have to keep taxes and spending and regulations low.

    Get rid of the ambulance chasing lawyers that fund the Democrats and healthcare costs will go way down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you mean vague like 'hope', and "change"...?

    how about not trashing the constitution in favor of socialism...?

    seems pretty straight forward to me.

    most small business, the ones most responsible for jobs and the ones most hurt by the new administration, don't outsource.

    a little education could serve you well... econ101 and maybe a basic civics course...

    you people think that outsourcing is different from illegal immigration and thus have no problem with amnesty, in general. however, the only difference is with illegals we have to foot the bills for their kids, their health care, their education, their prison sentences, etc, etc, etc.... if these are the only 2 choices, whic htey are not, i'll take outsourcing any day of the week. furhter, if unions didn't make employers pay $14/hr+helath care for rounding up shopping carts, an irrational and idiotic rate, we wouolnd't be outsourcing or hiring illegals.

    last, i didn't say 'dont', i said they dont...

    Source(s): you oobviously have little if any idea of what you write.
  • 1 decade ago

    They're going to keep Ofullofit under control until he vetos his way all the way back to Chicago, then get this country back on the right track.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get elected.

    Notify corporate masters.

    Await instructions.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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