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How exactly are Republicans for a "Small Government"?

When they support a bigger military, the Patriot Act, torture, and are against safe abortion, gay marriage, and marijuana regulation?

I don't want to start a flame war, I'm just curious.


Brian, besides your ignorant points on abortion, gay marriage, and marijuana - you leave a pretty big hole. Just because both parties support the Patriot Act doesn't mean it's a moot point. What I'm saying is, if the Republicans were "small government", they'd oppose it.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess Republicans don't want their mail, or to drive on interstates, a strong military, schools, etc.

    Yep, government sure sucks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, the military is actually one thing that the framers gave responsibility of to the Federal government..

    Abortion is the intentional termination of innocent human life so is akin to murder, gay marriage is more ridiculous than anything else and marijuana is treated like many other mind altering drugs..

    The Patriot Act is a concern but it seems both parties support this and torture has nothing to do with how big government is..

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A bigger military is Constitutional. All is fair in love and war. Abortion and gay marriage are not in the Constitution for the government to have any power over. Marijuana should only be regulated Constitutionally within the Interstate Commerce Clause. Any other duties not enumerated in the Constitution are up to the states (10th Amendment).

  • 1 decade ago

    1) No redistributing of the wealth

    2) No raising taxes

    3) Not giving more to illegals than our American citizens

    4) Say no earmarks and mean it

    5) No keeping unemployment from rising above 8 %

    6) Less government control of everything

    7) Let States decided on some things, not Big Daddy

    8) No more $286 million Title-X funding for Planned Parenthood (abortions)

    9) Less Czars and Maids working for the First Couple

    10)Less corruption

    11)Fewer trips in Air-Force I & Helicopter Jumps

    12)Fewer vacation trips and reserving 60 hotel rooms

    13)No funding for private schooling of First Children

    14)No campaigning for presidential candidates (that's discrimination)

    Hope your curiosity has ebbed now that I've mentioned only just a small few.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They don't want as much taxes or government control of things such as health care and the economy. They are interested in more govt control for things such as military because they believe it keeps the country safe. They're not against safe abortion, they're against any abortion because they're morally opposed to it, same thing with marijuana. Not all republicans are against gay marriage, but the ones who are go against it because they believe the definition of marriage is of that between a man and a woman. These are some things they believe that should be disallowed/put in place, but that doesn't mean they want a big government. They are against big govt. programs such as social security because they believe they are generally ineffective, corrupt, and drain money from the country and from taxpayers. Their small government belief also goes along with their belief in lower taxes; the less the govt control, the less money is needed.

    Hope I helped (:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republicans are hypocrites, they campaign for fiscally responsible government however fail to recognize that fiscally responsible lies in increased personal freedom, increased economic freedom and a noninterventionist foreign policy. Modern conservatism has been perverted by the moralizers in the christian right. Now conservative has switched from advocating minimal government and the separation of church and state, to advocating a massive military and law enforcement complex with which to enforce its beliefs on the world. The men who made America great like Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln would be disgusted by American two party politics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree that REpublicans, by actions, are not for a smaller government. THey keep the same entitlement programs. They keep the same wasteful spending. They even increase taxes when in office. If you go by what they say and what they do, they are liberals (for the most part...a few of them are good). However, what does abortion have to do with the government being larger? You want the government TO PAY FOR THEM. Heck, you guys want the government to drug test every pregnant woman.

    Anyways, I do not believe that liberals have the right to insult Republicans for their big government ways. Especially being that you guys want hte government to control every single aspect of our lives.

    Heck, you guys haven't even considered KEEPING THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF MARRIAGE ALL TOGETHER and NOT having the government regulate marijuana...obviously, you guys want large corporations to handle marijuana, since you want it to be treated like alcohol and tobacco.

    In the wise words of Ann Coulter, "There are a few good Republicans. There are no good Democrats."

  • 1 decade ago

    "When they support a bigger military" The primary function of our government should be to provide protection to allow us to enjoy our freedoms.

    "the Patriot Act," Obama has not only protected this but has extended it. Not a Dem/Rep thing.

    "torture" who says that???

    "and are against safe abortion" abortion is murder. We are all free to enjoy our rights. Once you produce another human being your aren't free to kill them just because they are inconvenient to your life style.

    "gay marriage" Most could care less

    "and marijuana regulation?" I could care less about that either but you need to look at the current administration. They are going to use federal law to override the California law legalizing marijuana if it passes.

    It sounds like you have fallen for a bunch of false arguments and scare tactics proposed by the dems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are for smaller government exactly through the things you try and imply create big government.

    Our military has kept us free from outside oppression and it is one of the few things that the Founding Fathers actually SAID the military was supposed to pay for (not the massive welfare state it has become) The Patriot Act has also helped keep us free, it is massive hypocrisyy of the liberals who hate the Patriot Act but want to invade our lives in a far more invasive way then the Patriot Act, for the sake of their fake concern for "animal rights".) .

    Liberals love torture, just look on any blog about someone accused of abuse of animals and they demand that the accused 'abuser' be tortured to death without a trial not just them but their children as well and their parents and friends.

    Republicans might want to change the definition of marriage and create bigger government to enforce their new definition but CONSERVATIVES are against that.

    Also what I just said about marriage goes for Pot regulation as well.

    Conservatives don;t want a big government 'regulating it' just outlaw it, and finished.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Big Government solutions means Big Government Taxes and regulations inherently designed to intrude into our lives. Some examples:

    A motorcycle helmet mandate no biker asked for.

    EPA strangulation of the rubber industry that sent 300,000 jobs to Mexico and ruined the economy of the greater Cleavland area.

    Auto industry mandates that ended almost all exports from America because of increased costs

    Cutting off the water supply to thousands of farmers in the Calif central valley to "help" a spices of bait fish, costing tens of thousands of HISPANIC farm jobs!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They aren't.

    They built this deficit - and the vast majority of our debt.

    They claim to be for small government because some very slow people still believe them when they say that talking point - DESPITE THE LAST 30 years.

    Also, tenthers are morons who don't have a clue about the constitution.

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