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How do nonxtians handle xmas?

Last year I wasn't an xtian in december but did the whole gift exchange anyway. This year I have no desire to take part in it. I just dislike the concept of a pagan religion having a high holy day and another pagan religion stealing it and jamming it down other peoples throats. I have no desire to even accept gifts this year :-\ So I have two problems:

1. Even though I'm 22 my oldest sister still gets upset when i do something my parents do not like. My parents know Im not doing xmas. They have voiced concern about my sister coming into my work and start throwing things and yelling... i have no idea how to tell her since she gets so violent so easily.

2. Its not even halloween and im already sick of xmas.... how the heck do people that dont celebrate it get by?


christ means messiah, obviously i wont reffer to jesus as messiah... or mashiach. hence xmas.

and ive explained, i lack a desire to give or get gifts.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just try not to pay any attention to it, and it'll be

    over before you know it. It happens every year,

    like a lot of other dumb things I have no interest

    in, such as the super bowl or elections.

    If your family thinks it's a big deal, then you have

    to at least be considerate and send a card, but that

    should be sufficient.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a bitterness in your post that I see among many former Christians.. a focus on the commercialism and the materialistic aspect of the modern celebration of the "Christmas season."

    As a pagan, I don't celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday, but I do celebrate Yule as a pagan holiday. While gift-giving can be a part of Yule celebrations, I do not incorporate it into my Yule celebration. I do, however, participate in the gift exchange common at this time of year... not out of any Christian sentiment and certainly not out of any need to idolize crass commercialism. I do it because it has become tradition, it has become expected and ultimatly, it does no harm. It is, overall, fun if you view it in the right way and a way to share in a beautiful community exchange that creates and maintains bonds of love and friendship.

    Some people get weighed down and overwhelmed by the prospect of buying, making or giving copious gifts, trying to impress people or reward their family and friends for their friendship etc. I think people who do get overwhelmed DO need to step back from the gift-giving situation and re-assess what is important. Gift giving should be gift-giving... not bribery, guilt-tripping etc.

    Gift giving is fun for many people. It would be hard-hearted and rude of you to refuse gifts that are offered to you, no matter what religion of lack thereof you practice. Even more then your refusal to give gifts, your intent to refuse offered gifts will cause others to see you as a scrooge out to ruin their holiday. It is best to view the gifts you receive for what they are intended to be... gifts. Offers of goodwill. Exchanges of peacemaking, love and a means by which they can feel included in something bigger them themselves.

    So, Merry Christmas,

    Happy Hannukah

    Blessed Yule and

    Happy holidays!!


    Source(s): eclectic neo-pagan
  • 1 decade ago

    Sit down with your parents and your sister now lay it all on the table... Your parents can express their concern regarding your sisters possible violent reaction possibly heading off a confrontation at your place of work... If your sister still insists on showing up at your work yelling and throwing things call the police, just as you would with anyone else who showed up at yelling and throwing things...

    The longer you live your life in fear of what your sister may or may not do the longer you empower her to get her way through violent antisocial behavior... Stand up to her now or prepare to live the rest of your lift under her irrational, violent thumb...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anti depressants, dope and some patience. You could try being involved in xmas with your family and not pushing the issue too much. Oh, if your sister is violent , I don't know what to tell you , other than telling her to stay the f away from your job.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually volunteer to work so that coworkers with children can do the Xmas thing with them.

    My wife and I keep it quiet, other than attending the big family Xmas dinner.

    edit: The issue isn't Xmas, it's your sister's anti-social and potentially criminal behaviour.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your sister tries to disrupt your work then give security a heads up or even the police

    How can you hate a holiday you don't celebrate? Do you hate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa too?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an atheist and still celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a pagan holiday, anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just enjoy the time off and give and get some presents, I've done it my whole life and it's never once had anything to do with any religion; it's a time to give stuff, get stuff, get drunk around relatives, and generally enjoy yourself. Loosen up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, considering Christmas is a Pagan holiday, this could be directed at christians as well as non christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call it what the non christians call it?

    Secualar (non religious) Winter holidays

    Pagans (the original ones that started it) Yule, Winter solstice. the celebrate it dec 21 however, as that is the actual date of it.

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