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Would you watch an anime series if you already knew how it ended?

For example, if you had seen the last one or two episodes to it, and knew the plot behind it, but had not seen the ENTIRE anime from start to finish... would you still watch the show, just to have it completed? Or would you consider it a waste of time and not bother?

What about if you already knew some major plot spoilers that happen the show (but hadn't seen any of the actual episodes)... still worth the watch?

Also, I'm talking about shows that are in the 25 - 60 episode range (so, not the longest shows out there, but still more time-consuming than a series with fewer episodes).

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People here assume that I have watched A LOT of anime.

    Actually, that's not true - I'm a full-time university student that volunteers and works as well - I don't have time to watch that much anime. However I know WAY too much about all sorts of different anime. I know plots (from beginning to end) of anime that I have never watched simply because I like to know information so I can share it with others.

    I think knowing a lot about an anime has it's advanatges.

    For example, I know a lot of anime that people here (Comics & Animations) like and I have recommended to many (after doing research) and I have yet to watch that anime. Why? Because the plot doesn't interest me.

    On the flip side, if I find out a lot about an anime - I will go and witness the sheer genius of it firsthand myself. Regardless of the fact that I know what will happen and what has happened, if an anime is good enough to get your attention and make you interested - doesn't it deserve to be watched?

    There have been a couple occasions where I have pissed myself off because I found an anime particularly intriguing and pursued it to the point where I ruined the show for myself - but I still watched it nonetheless. I just wasn't as _____ (insert emotion) as I would have been if I didn't spoil it for myself ^_^;;

    Essentially, what I'm trying to say is - if you're really interested by the anime and think that it will make it as at least a 7/10 on your ratings - then you shouldn't pass it by.

  • I would still want to watch the series,just not right away. Give yourself some time to forget what you saw happening in those last 2 episodes. Wait a month or so,then watch the series. Watch plenty of other series during the month,so your mind will not stay on those final eps. from the first series.

    Myself,I hate spoilers. I avoid them.

    This is why I don't like reading a manga about a series that has already been animated unless I have seen the eps. that animate the part I am reading. Because the manga will spoil the anime for me,and make it not be fun to watch,anymore.

    Source(s): KM
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi B. :D

    Umm, I've actually never been in a situation like that (I don't like to watch the last episodes of an anime without having watched the whole show, I'm usually really obsessed haha) but if I had seen the last episodes of a series, and they really caught me, I think I would watch it from start to finish, because I would like to know how that happened and how/why the characters ended up like that.

    As for spoilers... Well I HATE spoilers... So I usually get mad xD

    Well this happened with a manga... I already knew many spoilers about Death Note... Like, the L "thing", and the end o_o Oh my gosh I was sooo mad at my brother (the one who spoiled me -_-) >.<

    But I still went on reading, but maybe it's because I had bought the series, so I think it works differently for anime... I don't know... But if you think it's a great plot, maybe you should give it a try, maybe it will be interesting to get to know why that ending was like that, how all started, how the thing they spoiled you happened and so on... If you find it annoying, just give up... Don't feel obligated... :D

    Bye! ^^

  • Jazka
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah. I knew the ending to School Days before I watched it. And also with Vampire Knight.

    In fact I have tendency to read the Wikipedia summary of an episode before watching it. I've never been bothered by spoilers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    OF COURSE you should watch it!!! D8

    Why wouldn't you? Wouldn't you just love to feel the satisfaction from completing the series? If you don't finish it, it's like a door left unclosed! And even if you know the plot, spoilers and ending... it's still fun to watch, admire the animation style, the music, the seiyuu's talents in acting, the funny little moments that will make you laugh, the moments that will make you sad, the moments that will make you angry, everything! Sorry if you think I sound like an angry Otaku, but jeez. v_v;

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know how FMA: Brotherhood is going to end, since everyone on my facebook posted it the second the last episode came out, but I'll still continue to watch it. I'm too curious of what happens to lead up to the ending not to.

    I guess it all depends on the anime and how interested you actually are in it.

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