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Catholic..and Christians, would like your opinions ....?

Please watch this clip and respond....


I ment to say ALL christians ...oops...

I know better than that...

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    that's exactly the voting guide we aught to use when voting for a candidate. Thou shalt not kill. But how many candidates are pro-abortion? If we can't even vote to save human life, in it's most helpless state, then we should not expect that God will bless this nation, and we will get more of Obama and his America destroying meat heads. When people's pocketbook gets picked through higher taxes, higher electric bills, over taking their 401-k's, maybe then they will get involved in saving our country--but not before we save the lives of the unborn. Voting pro-life!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem begins in that he is using the Ten Commandments. The Church of Rome uses a different numbering of the Commandments from that used by all the other churches and the Jews.

    But even leaving out my own personal doctrinal arguments I found it so sickening that I could not watch an entire minute of this hateful and shameful attempt by the right wing to influence people through religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks dude, but No Thanks! I got to the 7th commandment with him and it was all I could do, I had to cut him off. He is using the commandments for his political agenda, and some of the things he is saying is as offensive as that ridiculous toupee COVETING his head.

    I am a Christian, non catholic, but I find this inflammatory, and unnecessary. If you want to gain votes to your personal agenda, separate politics and religion, don't propagate dirty stories and mud slinging against others that are not of your belief, love thy neighbor as thyself and fear not, God is in control.

    He said a lot of nasty things, some may have little truth, very little, but the what we do, and what they don't has no place in forcing the word of God into his twists and doctrine. Sorry He sucked big rotten eggs, big TIME.

    I am a true Christian, I don't support what he is saying and doing and how he is doing it.

    How many commandments did he violate just there, and there are more than 10 friend and yes, they all count.

    One can say what they want, but because he is on catholic tv, saying this in a catholic forum, he is casting a dim view on catholics (and catholics are christians) and all christians regardless of denomination.

    I do believe you should consider the 10 commandments when making decisions, but not in the way this guy does. He is not reflecting the love of Christ here, he is coveting and lieing. I do not respect him using God's holy word to do things that way. We must do things Gods way and not the way of this host for havoc.

    Love thy neighbor as thyself, God loves the atheist, and we should too. Now our votes are about what is best regarding the issues. Having knowledge of God helps to cast a good vote that counts, but inserting all of these things that are slanderous to some will cause more unstableness and bias in this nation and we have enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds a bit fundamentalist for a Catholic, but it isn't the Catholic Church speaking, just the personal opinions of a TV host. But his basic premise - that we shouldn't leave moral truth outside the voting booth - is certainly true.

    Source(s): Catholic ... and therefore Christian ... deacon
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  • Ross
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is right.

    So much brainwashing has taken place through the media etc in the past few decades that vast sectors of society cannot distinguish between what is right and what is wrong and are the the mercy of those who can create opinion and impose it on them.

  • H S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think that perhaps he needs to run through the bit about bearing false witness again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those aren't even the Ten Commandments ...

  • 1 decade ago

    just wondered why you said "catholic AND christians" - are Catholics not supposed to be christians?

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