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Is taxation legalized theft?

If the government is HOLDING A GUN to my head in a form of payment, and threaten with jail time, that is legalized theft because if I do the same thing to a private citizen, I go to jail.

All businesses goods and services are voluntarily payment whereas government goods and services are coerced payment. If government thinks it has better services, why not let the private sector compete.


I would support government police, courts and military. All other government should be repealed.

Update 2:

@ agb90spr...

How does it feel to be wrong?

The United States doesn't have the highest standard of living.

That is Switzerland, which has the SECOND highest index of economic freedom.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No, taxation isn't criminal-theft via the state. in basic terms when you consider which you do unlike a regulation would not make that regulation evil. The criminal foundation for taxation is written into maximum state's constitutions. sure, it ought to be challenged if area and/or all of it threatened to be unconstitutional yet you would be very stressful pressed to locate a courtroom that could try this. yet once you do unlike issues like public practise, libraries, roads, police, fireplace departments, water, sewer, help for different utilities, tourism and a protracted checklist of different products, then via all skill initiate a revolution! you will ought to provide up virtually each little thing you recognize right this moment because of the fact it may all substitute.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Taxation is NOT legalized theft. It is actually the lifeblood of American economy. Your taxes pay for public infrastructure (like roads, highways, public buildings), federal employee wages (including the military), and the pay for public services (schools, social security, etc.). If the government didn't receive taxes from the citizenry, American society would quickly crumble. The government would destabilize and civil war and chaos would ensue. It would be anarchy in a moral vacuum. End result: a broken society, essentially ruled by local warlords (i.e. afghanistan). Not good for anybody.

    P.S Libertarians are anarchists without the gnads. Socio anarchy for the win. The government (or lack there of) that you envision is entirely impossible for humanity to handle. Humans lack the moral responsibility to handle anarchy (No, not chaos. A stable society in which logic and moral responsibility take the place of government.). In short, what you hope to achieve is a pipe dream, more of a philosophy than a political stance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try looking at this another way.

    If you and your neighbors didn't pay taxes who would provide the infrastructure that allowed you to make money in the first place. basically you would be paying bills with chickens or firewood (No currency), there would be no roads (except those you personally built), you would have no education, there would be no protection from thieves or murderers, no armed forces, food wouldn't be checked for impure additives, bacteriological safety, etc., drugs would be whatever the snakeoil salesman sold you, doctors would have no education, ....

    See the point? Government taxes pay for almost everything you benefit from , whether you recognize it or not. Sure, some things you personally don't need/want, but then there are things you benefit from that others pay for, so it works out.

    When you consider that the US has one of the highest standard of livings in the world, and pays some of the lowest taxes, you really have NO room for complaint.

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  • rayven
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Look further into the need of having the tax in the first place. If you go far enough into the rabbit hole, you'll find that the entire system is built on a scam.

    Are taxes legalized theft? Yes and no. The real legalized theft is paying a company interest because we have to borrow our own money from them instead of the government doing its job.

  • 1 decade ago

    So you are saying that we should disband our armed forces and have mercenaries who are only loyal to their employers defend you?

    Should the courts and police only work for the highest bidder?

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That's one way to look at it.

    But taxation has some benefits, few, but some.

  • 1 decade ago

    Poor babies don't want to pay taxes. Waaaaaaaa

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