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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

How do you define "Social Justice"?

John Doe, an American born citizen is laid off from his factory job because his wages are cut after a couple hundred illegal aliens with fake I.D.'s are hired and do his job for far less pay.

John paid heavy taxes his whole life, and pulled his weight, never receiving assistance of ANY kind, even only owning a 3 bedroom house with 2 kids. Now his unemployment is out, house payments, bills and tax payments are overdue, the bank takes his house and it is sold to a slumlord who rents it out, The Doe family is forced to the streets having been turned down for any assistance, even food stamps, because they are white and do not help their county meet their "Minority quotas" they are told they do not qualify for any aid.

Living in their car now, they drive by their old house to see Jose Illegal and his family, and Jose's brother and HIS family, 4 adults and 10 children moving into the 3 bedroom house. Jose pulls off the "Doe Family" sign above the front door and tosses it on the ground along with all the Doe family's memories.

Jose and his brother and their families recently came to the U.S. illegally from Mexico hoping to work and send enough money to Mexico to by a beachfront property with their own hotel. They all get jobs at the same factory where John Doe use to work using stolen I.D.'s and earn $30,000 a year each, sending $120,000 back to Mexico in the first year, they did not have to spend ANY of it here because using several I.D.'s they get several welfare checks, several food stamp cards, WIC, public subsidized housing, and free health care for them and all their children.

A year later Jose Illegal and his brother and their families now have sent enough money out of the U.S. to Mexico to start their business and live a better life back home. They move out of the house which is now a trashed, run down dump, for more illegals to move into.

John Doe and his wife are dead, when moving across the country to his brother in laws state for a place to live and maybe jobs, they are murdered by illegal aliens at a bus station for a few dollars, the children are placed in state care.

This is not a true story, but is based on a similar story from a year ago which IS true.

Illegal aliens and their supporters call this "Social Justice".

A self admitted illegal alien, and supporter told me last year:

As long as it is the White families that suffer, lose everything, and die. They don't care.

And as long as the illegal Mexican families get every entitlement they demand, have lots of kids and have a good live at our expense it is "Social Justice".

So how do you define "Social Justice"?

Not by what happened to John Doe's family I hope!


@It's him again.

Yes, the employers are guilty too.

You missed the point.

The illegal aliens are just as guilty, and are happy to take from Americans, and happy to see Americans suffer,

calling it payback or revenge or "Social Justice"!?!?

The working class American never did a damn thing to them to deserve ANY kind of payback!!!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can not count the times I have read that the illegal Mexican abandoned their country, how the illegal Mexicans ran instead of fighting for their country, how if the illegals Mexicans really wanted to make a difference they would go home and fight from there.

    So why would illegal Mexicans be "sending $120,000 back to Mexico in the first year" if their intentions are to take over America? Why would the Illegal Mexicans have a dream for "a beachfront property with their own hotel" when it is said over and over that they left their country to take over ours.

    I only know of one reason to use a made up story when one supposedly exists and that is there is no such story. Now I can not help but wonder why is it when ever you say some one is illegal, you have already pointed out it is because "they admitted to you that they were illegal themselves.

    Social Justice to me is when a criminal finds his trial in the streets not in the court. It is when you are tried by those around you and those that know you and not from "a jury of your peers." It is also known as Civil Justice. Now I know my definition is a bit askew but it is my understanding none the less. (in part)

    "Social justice

    Social justice , sometimes called civil justice , refers to the concept of a society in which justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than merely the administration of law. It is generally thought of as a world which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and an impartial share of the benefits of society. (Different proponents of social justice have developed different interpretations of what constitutes fair treatment and an impartial share .) It can also refer to the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society.

    Social justice is both a philosophical problem and an important issue in politics, religion and civil society. Most individuals wish to live in a just society, but different political ideologies have different conceptions of what a 'just society' actually is. The term "social justice" is often employed by the political left to describe a society with a greater degree of economic egalitarianism, which may be achieved through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or property redistribution. The right wing also uses the term social justice, but generally believes that a just society is best achieved through the operation of a free market, which they believe provides equality of opportunity and promotes philanthropy and charity. Both the right and the left tend to agree on the importance of rule of law, human rights, and some form of a welfare safety net (though typically the left supports this last element to a greater extent than the right)."

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Real social justice will happen when illegal aliens can not find a job because employers will be subject to lose there business if caught hiring them.Real social justice will happen when land lords stop renting to them,when our ERs refuse to treat them,when our schools turn there countless children away. When an illegal alien cant have a baby and it has birthright citizenship and becomes the illegal aliens key to countless entitlements. When our border is secured and our laws enforced to the letter and our country rids its self of all illegal aliens...

    Now thats a comeuppance,thats Social Justice to me...Yes pay backs going to be a nasty b***h

  • 1 decade ago

    Social justice anyway you put if it takes document fraud, lying, cheating,stealing, the Mexicans can dream of whatever they want but at the end of the day, It's the Americans whom are paying for the Mexican dreams.Mexicans earn such low wages and if they have kids born here, they do get social help. You could call it a complete benefit package.Dr visits, free, medications free, ER free, they do not pay any co-pays.Their income guidelines offer them entry into entitlement programs. Something else, Mexicans tend to live 10-20 per home, so as to keep costs low and get more money.Remember how bad it got in the 70's when seniors were discovered being forced to eat dog food, because,their fixed income with very few entitlements... Think about what we Americans have endured.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is that John Doe did not follow the advice of leading experts: put at least the equivalent of 8 monthly salaries as an emergency fund into an easy accessible bank account. On top of that, save money for a rainy day.

    Had John Doe done that, instead buying a new car on credit every 3 years, and a big screen tv, also on credit, he wouldn't had lost his home. He would have had the luxury to look for another job without breaking a sweat. Another mistake John Doe made is not getting enough education. If you work at something that can easily be done by an illegal immigrant, you wasted your life. One does not need to be a brain surgeon or nuclear physicist in order to avoid being replaced by a drone, but some education is the best offense and defense in being able to find another job.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have no "blind faith" in anything. As citizens we use our voice and vote to move our government to act in our best interests and move towards "social justice", which includes more than just "blacks". Your contention that the "majority of blacks are still mired in misery" is more than inaccurate, it's down right ignorant and self-serving. I don't mock Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not the illegal aliens fault. It's the employer searching for cheap labour.

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