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My husband...ok last question. Ive asked but maybe i asked wrong.?

my husband was gone for 2 days because a friend need his help. We talked on the phone and everything, but tonight he got upset with me because i wanted to do something with him and my son. He decided in the middle of it it wasnt for him and walked out. We left because i felt like i didnt take him into concideration. Its just hes always gone and im here alone all day everyday and some nights too. He doesnt like me to socialize with people because he dont like them so all i have is him and my son. I crave interaction and someone to talk to. When he comes home he talks for hours and i mean i have to sit there for 3,4 or more hours sometimes only listening and maybe ask a question or 2. I want so much to talk also, but i try very hard to only llisten. Anyway, we got home and he was mad. He sat outside and i left the door open for him. When he came inside he said 'maybe i should leave the door open for your lover' i said and he knew 'i left it open for you and please dont start talking to me like this' he went out the back i followed and he said leave him alone. I brought him coffee and went to bed. He came in a little later. We made love. I fixed him coffee lemonaid and food as he requested. He played games and when i started to play one on my cell he asked me what i was doing i told him and he said he wanted me to play with him. So i started to play with him and he started to say mean things. I ignored him. He then said ' you are on the road to hating me and this is what i want yo to do to hate me and tell me to leave and that is when i will love you even more than i do now' i asked why and the reason and he got mad and he decided to sleep in another room. He wont come back in here with me tonight. I guess what im asking is is he telling me that he doesnt want me anymore but cant tell me? He wants to be single? He feels obligated and doesnt like it? What am i missing? Please help i really need to understand this saying. He always tells me i dont understand him or think

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there

    I'm sorry to say his actions are that of a man who does not want to be with you

    but at the same time he does not want to be the one to end it and look bad.

    His actions and the things he says seem to be the actions of a guilty person.

    I think he is up to no good and putting the blame your way

    like saying leave the door open for your lover.

    It is typical behavour of a person doing what they accuse their partner of.

    Not wanting to spend time with you and your son

    spending a lot of time away and saying a friend needs help

    these are very old and long used excuses.

    You are being a fool to put up with it and even more of a fool to wait on him and give him sex

    that won't change things as he is getting the best of both worlds.

    You need to put yourself first and your son so put your foot down and tell him

    it's time he decided what he wants.

    You could soon find a guy who will want to spend time with you and commit more of himself to making you feel happy and loved.

    Think of yourself and your son from now on okay.

    Good luck & be happy.

    Dave (gorleston u.k.)

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like he may actually be the one cheating. usually when a partner starts accusing the other of being unfaithful for no apparent reason it means they are actually the guilty party. I would put a tail on him the days you guys are apart and watch what he does, i would also pull phone logs, etc..And yeah he's treating you pretty sh*tty and you dont deserve that. Start standing up for yourself and telling him that this is a marriage NOT a dictatorship, you have just as much right to talk about things, do stuff, and be acknowledged as he does. Dont back down, make sure he knows that if he wants out of the marriage hes going to have to be a man grow some balls and end it himself, instead of being a d*ck and trying to get you to leave. My husband tried that crap with me and when i refused to leave he finally confessed he was the one with the problem not me and pulled his head out and left on his own. He came out looking like the @ss not me.. Be a woman and stand up for yourself, stop cooking, cleaning,etc...and tell him until his attitude changes you refuse to do wifely duties..

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with Jessi Ann and Bashful Brit in the fact that it seems he is the one cheating on you. My son's father is like that with the whole be negative and mean thing and then he wants to have sex. It is crazy and not love. All the signs are there that he is cheating. He wants to humiliate you and make you feel less than, but you need to muster up some nerve and love yourself and not be treated that way. If God is not in it from the beginning, it won't work! Pray about it and seek God because no matter what he does, you are still his wife. My ex-husband used to beat me up and God said no matter what he does, you have to be the woman I called you to be. Honor your marriage vows so if it ends, you can hold your head up high and enter into another relationship freely because you will know it did not end because you stopped honoring your vows.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to get a life other than obsessing over your husband. Why not take some courses. Your entire evaluation of your happiness comes from whether your husband is in a good mood or not. You sound like you married a total jerk. Why was he gone for two days ? Give me a break. Get some help and get out of this lousey marriage and abusive fruitloop husband.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My guesses are 1) He is a total psycho and 2) He wants to be single. I lean towards number two. You really don't need to tolerate his $hit. Go to a lawyer (some will even take you for free) and file for divorce. I usually say stay and work things out but it's obvious from his actions and words that he doesn't want to work anything out, he wants to be alone and single. What I don't get is why he dragged you into this marriage anyways but that's another issue. Get out of this unhealthy, sick marriage and be happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let him read this. If it doesn't open his eyes to your feelings, then there is nothing that any of us can offer you here. You could try counseling if he won't even listen to your pleas, but don't type all night, talk to him. Tell him how you honestly feel, and ask him to be honest as well.

  • Lou
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He is giving you every reason to leave him or for you to kick him out then he can play the victim and say you kicked him out either way leave him he sounds like a loser and wants to turn you into one as well. Email me if you have more questions it's in my profile.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't often say this to a woman, but it sounds like you deserve much better than what you have now.

    It sounds like he wants out, but doesn't want to be the "bad guy". He wants you to initiate the break up by telling him to leave.

    Source(s): The Man Needs no Source
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i am sorry i thought at beginning you were married but in reality you have husbands name only get rid of him you deserve something better than him controlling you. its not making you happy is it. you are entitled to be happy. sorry hun but he not worth the effort and as for helping friend age old excuse.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like he is a controlling maybe you should leave and find somebody better instead of wondering if he is going to leave

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