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Why do people on say that America is a center-right country?

The voter regististration numbers indicate that the United States is actually a Center-left country.

In 2008 there were 169 million registered voters in the USA.

86 million of them were registered Democrats.

55 million were registered Republicans.

28 million were registered as something else.

6 Answers

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, there are more people registered as Democrats, although the numbers are closer today than they were in 2008. According to present polling, there is a significant voting block of conservative Independent voters who are to the right of the Republican Party (this group is estimated as at least 10% of the electorate and is the core of the Tea Party).

    Party registration figures don't mean as much as you would think. Where I live, the Republican Party wins all local government offices, so everybody is registered as a Republican (there are no open primaries in my state), even many liberals who usually vote for Democrats in the general election. There are undoubtedly many areas of the country where Democrats have a registration advantage but the voters actually elect Republicans (for example, Democrats greatly outnumber Republicans in Kentucky, yet Kentucky always votes for Republican presidential candidates and always sends Republicans to Congress; Jim Bunning would not have been re-elected in most states in 2004).

    Every time the President and Congress attempt to govern from the center-left (the Carter administration, the first 2 years of the Clinton and Obama administrations), the Republicans return, supposedly more conservative than ever. In 1964, Barry Goldwater was defeated by Lyndon Johnson. Lyndon Johnson was the last truly left-wing president this country had (which is why George W. Bush actually expanded the size of government more in his first term than any of the presidents since LBJ). LBJ was a failure as president. In 1966, the Republicans made massive gains in the mid-terms. In 1968, Richard Nixon was elected president. Although the Republicans suffered a setback after Watergate and Jimmy Carter would be elected president, Ronald Reagan soon brought the GOP back with a vengeance. Under George H.W. Bush, the Republican Party drifted leftward and would be abandoned by many right-leaning voters in 1992 (in favor of Ross Perot), which elected Bill Clinton. Clinton tried to govern from the center-left, but the Republicans won in 1994 in a landslide. After Newt Gingrich blundered by backing down during the government shutdown, Clinton was able to reposition himself as a "moderate" and save his presidency against Bob Dole (although that was partially because the Republican base wasn't very enthusiastic about electing Bob Dole).

    In 2000, George W. Bush was elected and Republicans controlled everything for the first time in decades. He was re-elected in 2004. However, Bush, like his father, had not actually governed from the right. Once public opinion began to turn against the Iraq War in mid-2005, he was finished (helped along after the federal government's "relief" efforts for Hurricane Katrina actually made things worse). In 2006, the Republicans were rejected and in 2008, Obama was elected because John McCain was a weak candidate. The opposition to Bush's policies from the right and the rise of the conservative Independents had already begun during the Bush era. However, it only truly took off after Bush was gone. Since Bush was gone, the Republican partisans suddenly felt comfortable joining the discontent with the Republican Party from the right and turning that discontent against the Obama administration (which is mostly a continuation of the Bush administration).

    The reason why we are a center-right country is because the American people skew rightward. For the Republicans to win elections, they have to be sufficiently right-ward that their voters are enthusiastic enough to turn out to vote. For the Democrats to win, they have to be moderate enough that undecided voters are comfortable deciding to vote for the Democrat. To the right-winger, any compromise amounts to defeat and to a rejection of their beliefs. To the left-winger, compromises are acceptable, since they believe that perpetual "progress" is inevitable. It is of little consolation to a conservative that the liberals aren't getting everything they want, since the liberals will eventually get everything they want anyways. Every compromise on health care "reform," to pick just one issue, including the Republican expansion of Medicare, only leads us ever closer to the left-wing goal of government-provided health care.

    Because conservatives want their side to win, they don't show up to vote unless the conservatives are conservative enough to achieve conservative goals. Because liberals don't have enough votes to elect liberals on their own, they have to convince moderates that they aren't going to take things to their logical conclusion because moderates are horrified by the thought of any significant change in either direction, but are willing to tolerate moderate steps in either direction. If the liberals go too fast, the moderates desert them and the conservatives win.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We're Conservative, according to the latest Gallup Poll:

    According to the new Gallup Poll it is:

    42% Conservative

    35% Moderate

    20% Liberal

  • Janet
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree that it is center right. But why does the GOP want to govern right/right/right. There is not a bit of moderate / center in the GOP anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come back Wednesday if you still want to ask this question. Have you not been watching the news?

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    And also Party does not necessarily equate to ideology

    Source(s): -Phil
  • 1 decade ago

    if true, then dems would be large and in charge.

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