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OK, so whom/what did you vote for today and why? What state?

I'm in WA. I switched from the Democrat (Murray) to the Republican (Rossi) for Senate -- but it had nothing to do with Obama. I'd actually pretty much decided this several years ago after reading that Sen. Murray was a big proponent of earmarks -- something I strongly oppose. And I actually switched my vote in the House from the Republican to the Democrat.

I voted "no" on one of the ballot initiatives here (to repeal a recently-enacted sales tax extension on candy and soda) after reading that the "yes" side had hugely outspent the "no" side (thanks to a lot of money from the candy and soda companies). I'll be damned if anyone thinks that my vote can be bought!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I voted for Robert Bentley for Governor because I liked what he said in the campaign.

    I voted for Martha Roby for House even though I didn't like her because I wanted to make sure Republicans had atleast one portion of the Fed govt.

    I voted for a Democrat for Solicitor General I think it was partly because he was running against a Republican named Young Boozer. I mean, who would want a Young Boozer as Solicitor?

    I wrote in the name of the person I voted for for Agricultural Commissioner in the primary even though he didnt win his parties nomination because he had actually farmed at some point whereas the others were just politicians.

    There were 5 amendments on the ballot. I didn't really understand what they said but I voted the way I thought meant it was reducing or not raising taxes. But I could have actually been voting to raise taxes since I couldn't understand what they said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i live in washington and voted for patty murry, dino rossi is not supportive in the working class which is the backbone for our economy, he is a strong advocate for free trade which is the reason our country is in the condition it is now, all free trade translates to is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it has never worked anywhere in the world, the rich find ways to exploit the poor/control the government by lobbying and endorsing the politicians that will support them personally, you can see it in how our countries wealth is divided, the top 1% control a third, the next 9% have another third, and when you get down to the bottom 40% of the people they have a grand total of point 2 percent of the wealth. (and the funny thing is most of them aren't even feeling the effects, a lot of them are even doing much better because with the housing market down they can buy even bigger houses) anyways all of this can be seen in who supports these politicians patty murray is supported by the unions and dino rossi is supported by the banks, so unless you are in the top 10% and only out for yourself i suggest voting for someone that will take control of the private sector and save our working class

  • 1 decade ago

    Ohio, i voted mostly republican and also voted for a local issue which helps fund programs for the handicapped. Voted against some sort of school levy crap because over the past 5 years our school system has had the money to tear down every school in our city and surrounding cities and build brand new school buildings, now all of a sudden they are broke and dont have money.

  • 1 decade ago

    I voted for Rick Perry because he tells Obama to go to hell.Also I voted for James White for Texas House of Representatives in Texas happy to see that James White won and it went From Democart to Republican.

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  • Dot
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hayes, Libertarian, Louisiana

  • 1 decade ago

    -Geoff Davis, Congress <3


    -Rand Paul, Senate <3

    Pro-Life! :D

    Yeah... I'm 14, I can't really vote yet... But I walked houses, made phone calls, and passed out flyers. I did my part! I sooo wish I could vote... But.. Oh well.... They won without it :)

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