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Lv 5
Toledo asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Are you happy with the election outcome?

Honestly, I don't give a rats behind what most here think, it's just fun drilling holes in partisans and rah-rah clowns.

But humor me anyway ------- are you happy and why?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Democrat, I'm not happy, but I'm not all that upset, either. The Republicans keep saying they know how to get us out of this recession (they sure knew how to get us into it), so, I say, let's see what they can do.

    The American people are obviously idiots. They're never happy with what they've got. They voted out all the Republicans when Bush was President, and now that there's a Democrat in the White House, they're getting rid of the Democrats. I think people are expecting perfection, and that's not ever going to happen no matter who's in control. First of all, a perfect world is not attainable, and also because, in the end, there's not all that much difference between the two parties--they're both out for themselves first, and if the American public happens to benefit from something they want, fine, but that's their prime motivation.

    All of you c0ns who are dancing in the streets and thinking this is the end of President Obama: aren't you worried that if the Republicans can't turn this around in two years, they won't get booted out? You might have been better off if the Democrats retained their majority, because then in 2 years you can blame everything on them.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a conservative, I am quite pleased with the election outcome. Although in some ways I think the outcome could have been better, I prefer to see the glass as three quarters full rather than one quarter empty right now.

    However, what is more important now are 2 things: 1. what the new Congress will do, and 2. what this could mean 2 years from now. My own sense is that with the new political configuration on Capitol Hill, Republicans will only have control of one house of Congress (the Democrats still have the Senate, even if by a significantly narrower margin), so in my view that could portend potential gains in 2012, because Obama will be unable to run against Congress as a whole if he decides to seek reelection that year. I think that what we are likely to see is a whole lot of gridlock on the Hill, with few if any decisive moves one way or the other politically. Still, I find that far better than what has been occurring during the past two years - the force-feeding of government run health care on a reluctant American public, the unprecedented spending binges that only got us much deeper into debt, the unprecedented interference in the private sector, etc.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's a relative thing. There's only so many names on the ballot. I used to be somewhat conservative. But the patterns of history don't lie. Every economic downturn happened under a Republican leader. What does that leave? You can waste your time with a third party, vote Democratic, or stay home.

  • Dave
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not at all. Its great that the House is now Republican, but the idiots re-elected Franks, Reid and Waters, so the major power players are still in power. How Franks and Waters, two of the key players in making the housing crisis happen got even 10% of the vote is beyond comprehension.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, yes, yes, yes.......I see the clouds clearing and it is so much appreciated. Obama might have been handed some problems, but he certainly didn't make anything better...on the contrary, he made things so much worse...thus the results last night. We have a lot to say about what goes on in our government, and quite obviously, we the people were not/are not happy with the Obama administration. Crapola that it takes longer to correct a situation...Obama made it worse. He didn't tackle the problem at all...he enlarged it by his big spending and now we all have to pay for it. Yeah, I can see the sun coming through once again. Thanks the Lord.

  • 1 decade ago

    No and semi-yes...

    I am NOT pleased that the "Republicans" (fiscally irresponsible corporate-colluding religious freaks and fanatics are more like it) gained a majority in the House, but I am VERY VERY RELIEVED that they did NOT prevail in their foreign-dollar-funded/special-interest-funded takeover attempt of the Senate, which I consider to be the more deliberative and more powerful branch of the Legislative body. And I thank GOD that idiots like O'Donnell, Angle, and NY's Paladino whackjobs did not get into power!

    I have a lot of confidence in President Obama's charisma and intelligence, so perhaps some of these "newbies" will actually work with our democratically elected leader and put the interests of this great nation ahead of their collusion efforts with the GOP's traditional base (big oil, ruthless and dangerous pharmaceutical industry, greed-driven insurers, Wall Street fatcats, Rupert Murdoch's empire, and foreign investors in OUTSOURCING of Americans' jobs).

  • 1 decade ago

    For the most part, yes. But Pelosi, Reid, and Frank are still in office, so America still has a lot of waking up to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd have been happier if King Harry would have gone down--but all and all going from "endangered species" to the greatest comeback in over half a century--repudiated Nobama and his progressive nonsense--I'm estatic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm very happy, I'm getting tired of high taxes and big government spending, I've been graduated from college for 6 years now and I'm still looking for a job

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Overall, yes. I'm disappointed harry "ritz carlton" reid wasn't booted, and that barney "boy brothel" franks will be around taking up space for another two years.

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