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All of the polls show that the number one concern for Americans is the economy and jobs. . .?

. . . and the GOP constantly bashed the Democrats for focusing on Health Care instead of the economy and jobs. But now all they are talking about is repealing health care, and not talking about how to fix the economy or get jobs out there for people.

Can anyone explain that to the rest of us common folk? Because I don't see how no one can't see all that and then not scream PLAYING POLITICS and HYPOCRITES.


For all you about the money - the bill hasn't happened as of yet. As in the money hasn't been spent on it at all. So how can you save money you haven't budgeted?? The DEFICIT is the difference between the money that has come in, and the money that has been budgeted. This budget was created BEFORE the health care bill went through any congressional body. So that has NOTHING to do with the deficit. That is merely the conservative media feeding you continued bs to justify a focus when a party is playing politics and nothing more.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who the hell is going to say they're NOT concerned about the economy.

    But the Republican lie in response to that is that DEMOCRATS are somehow responsible for Bush's Recession, and that somehow giving trillions more dollars to really rich guys in the form of special treatment and tax cuts is somehow going to change anything.

    Source(s): It'll change things all right - it will make really rich guys even richer at the expense of the rest of us and the NATIONAL DEBT!!!
  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    NOT playing politics.....not being hypocritical..... the health care bill will cost the government 1.3 TRILLION dollars.... and while the Democrats claim it pays for itself and even lowers the deficit.... where is that 1.3 trillion dollars REALLY coming from?......ANSWER: YOU

    When the health Care Bill was offered it was at first rejected by the GAO (Government Accounting Office) as too expensive..... so the democrats took it back .....added some hidden taxes..... like the tanning bed tax and many others..... then resubmitted it as "self paying".... but the person actually PAYING is anyone making more than $19000 a year...In addition to this 1.3 trillion the American tax payer will be paying......corporate America estimates it will cost them 94 billion dollars..... and you know that cost will be passed on to us in the form of higher cost for goods and services....not to mention that corporate America will fire people to save money so they can buy health insurance for those they keep....higher unemployment

    the fact that the Republicans want to roll back the bogus health care bill is DIRECTLY connected to the economy and unemployment.... nothing hypocritical about it

    EDIT You confuse budget and cost.... The Pharmaceutical Industry along with several other industrties are laying off people preparation for 2014....People are impacted NOW.....between now and 2014 YOU will be paying additional taxes to prepare to implement the health care you are paying NOW.... even in 2014 all YOUR tax dollars will be dedicated to this useless bill that does not even correct the problem it pledged to solve ....18 million people will STILL be at risk

    AND that free medical care you are drooling over is a farce

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i might want to vote adverse to Obama regardless of if he grew a halo and his opponent had horns. the guy is a significant mistake and disaster! If he passes amnesty adverse to the want of the human beings, as solid because the sentiment is adverse to it, I assume there'll be violence. i'm no longer advocating violence in besides yet there are a determination of already indignant human beings accessible and he will only cause them to better indignant. The Mexican human beings in this us of a might want to be those to conflict through for it the most. Obama does no longer care about the want or the health of the human beings, only his time table, that's all about skill and administration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    11.6. 2010 london u k: there were other issues. see below if u can:

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    HomeAboutHome > health supplements > Controversies@b H Obama :who? Record_birth Shall Be Issue In Usa & Globe For Years To Come If Us Deny Issue:ok?

    Controversies@b H Obama :who? Record_birth Shall Be Issue In Usa & Globe For Years To Come If Us Deny Issue:ok?

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    can u review electoral rights to lead nation@largest, and the richest democracies,viz india & us@rich/poorTEXT?

    cuts in future?

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    Democratic Tsunami@USA:rights of weak/poor @80% 0f us population@320M,we people washed away to lead@electUSwhy?

    10.30.2010 democratic Tsunami@usa: leadership rights through electoral r washed away @process of free leadership opportunities to all rich/weak/poors due economic disparities of population @ relative poverty@ population.Leadership games r played in usa as if poors ommitted as players. the rev dr kamal karna k roy knocks the closed doors@ democracy @ USA thought writ of certiorari petition, 2nd, on usca10 denver CO on 10.29.2010 filed:

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think perhaps you should listen a little better. That is not All the Gop is saying that is part of it. They are also talking about not raising taxes and increasing jobs. I think the left wing media just focuses on what it want to. Nothing has changed with that .

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As soon as the money stops hemorrhaging out of Congress (like for the galactically enormous costs of the Health Care bill), the jobs will come back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stopping Obamacare will help the economy, like stopping cap and trade and all the other Communist policies of the New Communist Democrat Party, you know, the party that admires Mao Zedong and detest Gorge Washington

    but they been closet Communist for decades, Obama mistakenly told them it was safe to come out in 2009


  • WJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Won't you join me in asking your representatives to end the Fed?

  • 1 decade ago

    Eh, it's just politics as usual...Personally, I could care less (awaiting Thanksgiving & saving for Christmas).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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