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Why do Christians keep silent..?

Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Muslims.

Yet virtually never do Christians in any of these countries-perhaps with some occasional exceptions in India--attack Muslims. In the West, there have been no armed terrorist attacks on Muslims or the deliberate killing of Muslims. There does not exist a single group advocating such behavior.

Have you seen any of this in the Western mass media? Have any Christian church groups-some of which find ample time to criticize Israel-even mentioned this systematic assault? Indeed, on the rare occasions that the emigration of Christians is mentioned, somehow it is blamed on Israel, as one American network news show did recently.

I'm not writing this to complain about double standards, since one takes this problem for granted, but out of sheer puzzlement. Presumably, much of the Western media and intelligentsia-along with a lot of the church leadership, assumes that it is impossible for a non-Western, "non-white" group to ever be prejudiced. There is also a belief that if one dares report the news about pogroms carried about by Muslims against Christians it will trigger pogroms by Christians against Muslims.

The Catholic Church is quiet because it fears that complaints will increase persecution. Indeed, at a recent high-level Synod for the Middle East, leading Catholic clerics from the region blasted Israel and talked about how wonderfully Christians are treated in Muslim-majority countries. Iraq was singled out as a country where there were no problems in Muslim-Christian relations. Apparently, though, appeasement isn't working.

The al-Qaida terrorists said that all Iraqi Christians would be "exterminated" if two "Muslim women" in Egypt were not freed. Apparently, these were two young women, both married to Coptic Christian priests, unlikely candidates for conversion to Islam. They were in fact kidnapped and forcibly converted.

Thus, aggression against Christians is turned into a rationale to persecute Christians, a pattern we have often seen used elsewhere by Islamists. Yet many of the attacks in these countries are not carried out by revolutionary Islamist groups but simply by regular people, sometimes in large groups.

Here's a very partial chronology of such attacks and for the situation in Egypt go here.

According to the Iraqi terrorists' statement, the church was a, "Dirty place of the infidel that Iraqi Christians have long used as a base to fight Islam." Increasingly, Islamists are making it clear that any presence of Christians in Muslim-majority countries is unacceptable, just as the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is unacceptable.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The simple truth is the Christians do not have anything that the West needs i.e Oil

    the media always reports these stories with unease as it tries to portray a secular society.

    Not many speak out because they don't even know Christians live in the middle east, which is perplexing as this is where Christianity started.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately you'll rarely see this type of news in the mainstream media (here in the US at least, there was a story about the persecution in Iraq in BBC this morning). We've learned to depend on Voice of the Martyrs, International Christian Concern, Open Doors etc. to learn about the plight of our brothers and sisters in other countries. VOM in particular has become more widely known since I started supporting them decades ago.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got faith it replaced into basically pertaining to ladies human beings who chatted and asked questions during the service interrupting the service for others. My pastors does not enable any talking during the centers, yet allowed his spouse to grant a million/2 of the sermon one Sunday. She did very nicely. She had long previous to Bible college additionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason Christians are silent here in the United States is because of the ease of living naturally as American which is their OLD NATURE. Scripturally, no one born again of the Spirit has any Biblical authority to come out of the Kingdom in Heaven and resettle in their OLD nation as Christians. Christian in these lower nations are getting slaughtered for Christ sake. And the problem with U.S. Christians is they forget this spiritual battle is between Lucifer's Kingdom which rules on this side of the actual cross and the Kingdom of Christ which is in Heaven and rules on the EAST side of His cross. WE who are from the Kingdom of Christ are supposed to come directly into the Lucifer's Kingdom from the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ and that is easily done as every nations right wing leads UP to the Kingdom of Christ. Each nation's left wing including our Democrat wing, is actually Lucifer's church on the earth advancing his Kingdom. That is why Christians are COMMANDED to "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. When we DON'T come out of our own Kingdom we do not have the authority of the Kingdom of Christ to back us up when we speak and it is than simple.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I suppose it is because we know who we are and don't have to keep ramming our beliefs down peoples throats. I'm afraid the myth of peaceful Islam is wearing very thin. Still religion causes a lot of trouble and will do while these fanatics keep on about it. Live and let live..give it whirl.

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