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Spiritually Speaking? Evolution:?

Which evolved first, children or Adults? If Children, how did they survive without parents? if Adults, how did evolution decide to create adults first then children?


Keep Earth Clean: what's stupid about this question. It is a reasonable, and sound question about evolution. It is obvious you can't answer it, so you lower yourself to name calling. And you wonder why people don't believe in evolution?

Update 2:

Just Curious: what try? Rather, make me believe that either children evolved first or adults. It's a reasonable question.

Update 3:

Kwark: Does the fossil record prove macroevolution? To date, scientists worldwide have unearthed and cataloged some 200 million large fossils and billions of small fossils. Many researchers agree that this vast and detailed record shows that all the major groups of animals appeared suddenly and remained virtually unchanged, with many species disappearing as suddenly as they arrived. National Academy of Sciences: So many intermediate forms have been discovered between fish and amphibians, between amphibians and reptiles, between reptiles and mammals, and along the primate lines of descent that it often isdifficult to identify categorically when the transition occurs from one to another particular speies.

Update 4:

Kwark: Reference source: Was Life Created? 2010 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

Update 5:

Happy Penguin: I am aware of that. But, if humans evolved, which evolved first? An adult human, or a baby human. I do know a little about the theory of evolution, and it does not take this into consideration. One might ask: it takes protein to make DNA, but it takes DNA to make protein. Which was first? With this in mind, which evolved first, and adult, or a child.

Update 6:

Keep earth clean: What school? The one that can't even answer such a simple question. I would ask you to look into the history of scientific fabrications. The theory of evolution is rife with frabricated science.

Update 7:

Maurog III: That is absurd to say that primitive humans had children and ran. Even aniimals care for their offspring. Most of you have said this is a stupid question, but I think most of you can't answer it scientifically. You resort to saying a legitimate question is stupid. What I think is stupid is that science claims to be able to understand how life got here on earth, yet they can't explain something as simple as this question.

Update 8:

So, a species evolved into something that can have children, therefore, an adult evolved first; according to evolution. If that is the case, why don't the children of this same species evolve as adults from the womb?

Update 9:

Keenan J: where do people, or should I say scientists, come up this glib?

Update 10:

Kwark: This is not a stupid question. It is a sound and reasonable question about the theory of evolution.

Update 11:

Also what I'm hearing is you have to study science for decades to understand the glib of evolution. Yet, in these decades, humans haven't evolved.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nice try...

  • You seem more concern about physical evolution than spiritual

    Darwin theory of evolution: there are mutations that make idividuals different from one another, and if that differences make them fit the envorment more than the rest, they will continue to survive and their offsprings will succeed their favorable features.

    Likewise, suppose there were a bunch of newborn apes who got different mutations: 1/ones growing more flexible hands, 2/ones making big noises allday, 3/ones alergic with fruits, 4/ones who run faster and 5/one who got bigger brains... One can guess that only 1,4,5 make it to adulthood and bred together into some more superior apes that get many or all these advantages. Just like that, after each peroid of time, the population got a little better, through many (I mean a whole big lot) generations, the first babies, the first individuals of Homo sapiens, was born, got all the features we have today, but their parents were still damn-close-to-human apes.

    So, babies first, and they were taken care of by their parents, though not humans but are still good papas and mamas and the proof is that we're here.

    Source(s): I'm sorry for manners of some ppl, they're a lil overreacted Hope my answer help Nice day
  • 1 decade ago

    First,my definitions: by "adult" I mean an example of a species which is fully mature and capable of all the functions a unit of said species will ever be capable of.

    A "child" is an example of a species which is not yet mature. It will eventually gain capabilities that it currently lacks.

    Now, I could stop here and say that because primitive cells are fully mature at their creation, they represent a case of adults creating more adults and skipping the step of children entirely (thus, adults came before children), but that wouldn't be interesting, so I'll continue.

    Currently, adults/children exist as part of the same cycle of which there is no beginning or end. However, at a certain (very distant) point in history, the pinnacle of evolution involved the splitting of one cell in to two (no adults or children). Therefor, logically speaking, at some point, there must have been a creature that appeared who could produce "children" yet was not itself a "child".

    The creature in question was most likely some kind of extremely simple cellular organism that created smaller copies of itself that were functionally identical, yet could increase in size. At this primitive state, the concept of "child" might be applied.

    This hypothetical organism represents the link between simple cellular fission and more advanced reproduction, therefor it was created through fission but creates organisms through another mean. It began life as an adult, yet the next generation it produced consisted of "children" which began the grand cycle we see today.

    Fully mature organisms were the first to appear by many millions of years, but there was no difference between "adults" and "children". Our concept of "children" only appeared after the necessary evolutionary leaps were made, at which point there were also clearly identifiable "adults".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you know how cells reproduce?

    Do you know how fishes reproduce?

    If yes, then why ask stupid questions. If no, then why not learn something first.

    The answer is, adults and children existed for a long time without any actual adult-children relationships. Basically, primitive species just made some offspring and ran. Social units like families, herds and packs evolved way later.

    "Which evolved first? An adult human, or a baby human" is patented nonsense, precisely for the reason Happy Penguin told you.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    The first living organisms were simple enough not to have a distinct childhood.

    The first human baby was born to parents which were not quite human, but was nonetheless similar enough for the parenting techniques they had learned still to be relevant.

  • Kwark
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What are you talking about?

    Based on your question, you have no idea of evolution.

    That's the kindest statement I can make about you.

    I suggest you delete this question and don't mention it to anyone ever again.

    I am so embarrassed for you.

    Sense isn't your forte is it.

    Your a Jehovah's Witnesses, well that explains so much.

    Science is fabricated. That's rich coming from someone who believes in a book that has a talking snake.

    If everyone thinks that you are asking a stupid question, maybe you have asked a stupid question. If you can't see that it is a stupid question, maybe you are just plain stupid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Might I point out that an Adult Human and a Baby Human are both the same species....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And you wonder why Christians get called stupid.

    <edit>It is OBVIOUS from your question that you have NO IDEA how evolution works.I'd explain it to but it's too long and I'm too lazy to type all that.So go back to school and LEARN!

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