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  • LGBT: Is the sort of person who would force a transgender kid to go through puberty against their will .....?

    ..... Also the sort of person who would force someone to carry a pregnancy toi term against their will?

    It doesn't take a lot of twisting to turn an argument against puberty blockers into an argument against reproductive choice.

  • LGBT: Who is the real "pretend lesbian" here?

    A: A trans woman who prefers sex with women (whether or not they be trans) to sex with men.

    B. A non-trans woman who does not especially enjoy sex with women (and whose past partners did not enjoy it much, either), but dislikes men too much to consider trying sex with them.

  • Spiritually speaking, what was the first written penal code to proscribe capital punishment for mere property crimes?

    Bonus question: Is there any religion without such a restriction in its principal moral code even today, where only the Law of the Land keeps a person charged with a simple property crime -- i.e., not involving any harm or threat of harm to life -- from being put to death?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • What exactly is your problem sharing a bathroom with a trans woman like me?

    This is what is going to happen: I am going to (1) quietly wait my turn, (2) lock myself inside the first stall that becomes available, (3) turn around, pull my jeans down / dress up, sit down and do my business, (4) wipe, rearrange my clothing and unlock the stall door, (5) make my way to the washbasins and wash my hands thoroughly, (6) possibly fix my make-up, depending how busy the place is and (7) leave.

    What exactly is your problem with any of this?

  • What do MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) actually hope to achieve?

    Do they really believe that women need them more than they need women?

    6 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago
  • Is there going to be a schism in the Lesbian community?

    Some Lesbians are not attracted to bisexual or pansexual women. Some Lesbians are not attracted to trans women. Other Lesbians don't really mind, as long as their partner identifies as a woman wanting a relationship with a woman.

    Nobody should be forced to have sex with anybody they do not want to. But it seems that "Lesbian" can be interpreted broadly or narrowly, loosely or strictly.

    If someone is such a strict Lesbian that she would not have sex with a pan / bisexual woman, or with a trans woman, I am not making her and I don't think anybody else is, either. Some women would be entirely happy to have a relationship with a pansexual or bisexual woman. Some women in relationships with transsexual women regard themselves as Lesbians. Likewise for some women in partnerships with people who identify as non-binary, but who nonetheless lean more towards the feminine.

    Do we need to start distinguishing between "Lesans", "Bio-Transo-Lesbians" and "Flexbians" (although probably inventing better words to use) as we distinguish between vegans, ovo-lacto-vegetarians and flexitarians?

  • What is a Saint's Day actually the anniversary of?

    This is something that I have never really understood. Is a Saint's official Feast celebrated on their birthday, the day they died, they day they did the special thing that earned them sainthood or the day the Church officially recognised them as a Saint? Any of te four would seem to make the same amount of sense .....

    For instance, was St George born on 23 April, did he die on 23 April, did he kill the dragon on 23 April or was 23 April the day the the Church made him a Saint?

    Also, do different Churches have different rules for determining Feast Days? If the Roman Catholic Church admitted a new Saint, could he Church of England admit the same person as a Saint but with a different Feast Day?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • Is it valid to speak of primary, secondary and tertiary sexism?

    There are primary sexual characteristics (those biological factors which a swimsuit conceals), secondary sexual characteristics (those biological factors which a swimsuit does not conceal; such as physical stature, pitch of voice &c.) and tertiary sexual characteristics (non-biological, learned, possibly varying across cultures; such as dress, grooming, behaviour &c).

    Is it valid to distinguish between discrimination based ob primary, secondary and tertiary characteristics, even if we accept that the effects of primary, secondary and tertiary sexism are no different in practice? Discrimination based on secondary and tertiary characteristics would be particularly susceptible to "false positives" insofaras occasionally disadvantaging e.g. a man with a higher-pitched voice, or benefitting e.g, a tall woman?

    1 AnswerGender Studies3 years ago
  • Does anyone else think we should limit the number of baby boys being born?

    If there were fewer boys born, there would eventually be fewer men.

    Historically, men did most of the work, especially physical labour. Today, women can do nearly all the things men used to do; and physical strength is no longer necessary in a world where we have electric motors. In any case, there would still be some men around to do the small fraction of jobs that could not be fully automated.

    Most crime -- and especially most violent crime -- is committed by men. There would be less crime overall, and almost no violent crime, in a world without men. There would be fewer wars. At worst, two countries' presidents might not talk to each other for a week if they were seen in public wearing the same shoes.

    Sounds like a win all round to me. And no man living today need die of anything but old age in order to achieve it.

    5 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago
  • Can the Second Law of Thermodynamics be explained by the Devil stealing some energy every time there is a flow of energy between bodies?

    And all this stolen energy is used to keep Hell hot?

    I mean, you'd hardly expect the Devil to pay his own fuel bills, would you?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • TERFs: How exactly do transsexual women "erase lesbians" ?

    If someone wants to have sex only with non-trans women who themselves only want to have sex with other non-trans women, how is that affected by trans people?

    If someone doesn't want to have sex with me, I'm not going to make them; and I don't think anyone else is going to, either.

  • Do TERFs have a lot in common with creationists?

    TERFs insist that trans women are really men, and that trans man are really women, in the face of counter-examples. Creationists insist that there are no transitional fossils, in the face of counter-examples.

    TERFs confuse the rigorous and narrow legal definition of a legally-protected single-sex space with vernacular usage (e.g., trying-on rooms in a department store) in order to spread misinformation. Creationists confuse the rigorous and narrow definition of a scientific theory with vernacular usage in order to spread misinformation by claiming that the Theory of Evolution is equivalent to a guess.

    TERFs seek to blame anyone but themselves for their own flawed Theory of Gender; all the while getting angrier and angrier as it keeps failing. Creationists seek to blame anyone but themselves for their own flawed Theory of Origins; all the while getting angrier and angrier as it keeps failing.

    TERFs and creationists don't care about having the right answers; they both only care about being seen to be right.

  • What do TERFs think of gay trans men?

    I've heard TERFs say that trans men are "just confused lesbians". What about trans men who want to sleep with other men? That must really mess with the TERF narrative .....

  • Should we take active steps to reduce the proportion of babies born male?

    In the past, many young men would have been wiped out by war or industrial accident. And now that we have electric motors, men's traditionally greater physical strength is less important.

    Do we really need so many men in the world?

    If only about one in every ten or twenty babies was a boy, then eventually over time we would end up with fewer men in the world; and therefore also less crime, less disease, less homelessness, less unemployment and more general happiness.

    And no male presently alive need die of anything but old age -- we just have to be more careful not to replace them, is all. Isn't that a goal worth working towards?

    7 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago
  • Would this investment idea work?

    Say I were to buy several thousand cigarettes, vacuum-seal them so here was no possibility for degradation, then just leave them unopened until the price of cigarettes had increased enough for them to be saleable at a decent profit, after covering the original cost of sealing the cigarettes air-tight and any storage fees (which could be avoided altogether, if I kept the amounts small enough) .....

    Would that be legal? I mean, the duty on the cigarettes would already have been paid when they were originally bought. and every year all the tobacconists are offering fags at pre-budget prices for a few weeks, so it must be legally permissible to sell them without paying any extra duty on them.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Calling all Android hackers ..... Will this idea work?

    I have a phone with some text messages on it from a dear friend who has passed away. I don t have the required permissions to pull the mmssms.db file using ADB. Only an app with permission to access messages can do that. The file is specifically excluded from a full backup. And there is no sudo command in Android :(

    Could I write a little app that asks for permission to access messages and the SD card; then just reads the file contents and writes them out unaltered to a file on the SD card (or even just use system() to issue a cp command to the shell)? I d only need to run it once and then uninstall it. The output file on the SD card would be owned by my app, so I should be able to chmod it at least 664 and then the ADB shell user would be able to read it, so I could pull it to my (Ubuntu) laptop and use sqlite to query just the messages out of it that I want to archive.

    Please, no code spoilers or links to ready-made SMS backup apps. I m not asking *how* to do this: if it s possible, I d like to figure out how on my own terms. (Learning a new programming language would be fun and anyway, it s still all just function()s and {posh brackets} so I must already be about halfway there.) I would just like to be sure, before I start, if or not this method stands a chance of working at all, or there s a reason I have not thought of why it would be a hiding to nothing?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design3 years ago
  • Why do some people use the exclusive-or symbol to denote raising a number to a power?

    As in writing "x^2" to mean x squared. In computing, ^ represents the EOR operation. Raising to powers is represented by a double star, like x**2.

    8 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Was this a racial incident or not?

    Shortly after I moved away from there, I read of a shocking crime. A group of (white) under-age kids tried to buy cigarettes from a local store and were refused service by the (Asian) shopkeeper. The youths subsequently went and set fire to his house, and members of his family perished in the blaze.

    The police and local papers treated this as a racial incident, but were they right to do so? The crime was in retaliation for the shopkeeper's refusal to sell fags to the kids, and had nothing to do with the colour of his skin.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Should we have mandatory Sex and Relationships Education in schools?

    I think that if schools taught classes on Sex and Relationships Education, including topics such as consent, contraception, abortion, sexually-transmitted diseases, Kink, the sex work industry and LGBT issues, this would help prepare kids better for life in the adult world.

    The alternative is to allow kids to pick up incorrect ideas which go unchallenged and end up causing actual harm such as rape, unwanted pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases or hate crimes against gay or transsexual people.

    The ignorance fomented by abstinence-only "education" can make matters worse. It doesn't actually stop

    f they have wrong ideas about contraception, they might end up getting pregnant or catching a disease. If men don't learn about consent, they might end up raping someone. I think that if schools taught classes on Sex and Relationships Education, including topics such as consent, contraception, abortion, sexually-transmitted diseases, Kink, the sex work industry and LGBT issues, this would help prepare kids better for life in the adult world.

    The alternative is to allow kids to pick up incorrect ideas which go unchallenged and end up causing actual harm such as rape, unwanted pregnancy, sexually-transmitted diseases or hate crimes against gay or transsexual people. Not teaching kids about sex won't stop them from doing it altogether -- but teaching them might just stop them from doing it wrongly and causing real harm.

    What does everyone else think?

    8 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago