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blue317 asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Did the Democrats learn anything from the Mid-Term Elections?

I see that the Democrats elected Nancy P. as now minority house leader. Why?

Are the Democrats that far to the LEFT that they could care less what the American people want?

Are the Democrats and Obama still going to try to push the Socialist Agenda?

Will this cost Obama a chance of re-election?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stupid is as Stupid does , 26% of Americans think Obama should have a second term , the DEMS have done nothing to improve upon that . They will get another bigger slap in the face come 2012

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Democrats learned that, what the voters give, the voters can take away!

    They reinstated Pelosi because, love her or hate her, she got things done. They need that right now. She's Obama's spine!

    Neither party cares what the people want. If they did, they wouldn't tax companies out of business and cost people jobs, and then tell them that they will get them jobs! They HAD jobs! They want to let hispanics in our country to do minimum wage jobs, and cost the tax payers more than they are worth. But, they are good for a DEMOCRATIC vote! That didn't work, so send them back, and let them take their crime, disease and third world lack of ethics and morality with them.

    STILL? They have never stopped their push for Socialism. Both parties want it, they just go about achieving it differently. With the midterm elections, they now realize that the half of the population that didn't vote for Obama are waking up!

    They want to take down the the middle class, (our country is the only one that's ever had one!) and ruin our concept of family by recognizing gays, and allowing gay marriage. Gays need to go back in the closet. What happens in the closet, needs to STAY in the closet!


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. the democrats learned that being a blue dog conservative dem is stupid...when voters get the choice of a blue dog or a real republican, they pick the republican

    the more progressives won, the conservative dems all lost

  • 1 decade ago

    Socialism Both parties want it the Dems by taking your Money(via taxes) and the Repubs by taking

    your rights and privileges (Patriot Act and Homeland Security)

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes if you don't do anything you will win

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