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What would you think if your husband said these things....?

1. Your 3 year old was not doing as she/he was told eg not going to bed, and being naughty. Your husband says "Do as you're told, do you want people to hate you?" to your 3 year old

2. You had a big argument and told him you though it was best if you broke up and he got angry and said "you're better off dead"


Thanks for the answers so far everyone. I know it's abuse and I did say something to him on both occasions, I just wanted to see if others thought it was abuse too (verbal abuse I mean) and I wasn't going crazy. Thanks again.

13 Answers

  • Tina
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your husband telling your child that people will hate him if he does not do what he is told is abusive. Your child is not going to want people to hate him so he will grow up believing that he needs to do what people are telling him what to do. That my dear could lead him to deep trouble. He will think that he needs to always do what people are telling him and he will do it just to please them. Your husband brainwashing your child to believe that he has to do what people are telling him will prevent your child to say no to people when he needs to say no. He will end up being a yes man. The word hate is not a word that your husband should be teaching your son when it comes to him saying no to something that he does not want to do. Your husband should be patient and should take time to encourage your son to go to bed instead of telling him that people are going to hate him if he doesn't do what he's told.

    Telling you that you are better off dead is also abusive. Your husband's choices of words are not acceptable and you should tell him. You need to tell him to think twice before he opens his mouth. Your husband seems to have a problem when he's angry and he does not seem to care what comes out of his mouth. You had a big argument with your husband but that does not give him the right to say that you are better off dead because you had said that you thought it was best if you broke up. I think you need to put your foot down and you need to tell him that you no longer accept him telling your son about people hating him or telling you that you are better off dead. Your husband is showing a lack of respect toward you and your son and you need to tell him that it needs to stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    husbands and wives say mean things to each other when their angry (doesnt mean its okay, but people tend be mean when mad) he shouldnt say things like that though, life is too short and anybody can lose a loved one at any time. As far as what was said to the 3 yr old, I have a 3 yr old and a hubby, and that was not cool, at all! Kids soak up most things adults say, especially their parents. At that age, they remember tons of things. He either really means the things hes saying, or hes saying them out of anger, either way you should definitely stand up for yourself and your child. What would I think? That my husband as some issues. Only you know your real situation, if its bad enough to make you say you want to separate then chances are, it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your husband is going to give your 3 year old a complex if he keeps saying stuff like that. As for saying you are better off dead...that is a very threatening/scary thing to say. It would make me wonder if he will one day go off the deep end and kill me if I wanted a divorce. Maybe he needs some counselling...could be he just is immature and needs to learn more appropriate ways to communicate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a) he's a big fat ******** who needs to ******* grow up and relize that he is a parent now.

    B) You need to have a frank conversation about these things, in a safe environment where he can't hurt you or the children. Don't make excuses, like that he was having a bad day or that he was under a lot of stress. Making excuses is part of the cycle of abuse. Don't let this become a pattern.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'd think it's time for counseling to rescue your 3 year old from any further damage by it's parents!

    Your defenseless child is the real victim in all of this and you need to DO WHAT'S RIGHT for your dependent, helpless little child! Be a good role model!!!!

    Source(s): role modeling
  • 1 decade ago

    He is extremely childish. He wants to be in control. He wants so badly to say something shocking to put fear in your heart.

    It really sounds like he wants to manipulate people. He is not very good at parenting. I think a really long separation would be a good idea.

    He doesn't sound like someone who can handle marriage or parenthood.

    He sounds a little off balance, be careful with this fool.

  • 1 decade ago

    About the baby did he say that before the argument? If it was prior to the argument i wouldn't make anything out of it, he could been just out of line. As to him saying to you "you're better off dead" I see that as a threat and would be more caution.

  • Bikram
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, people sometimes say something which have no meaning at all and no deep link with life and thinking. So, do not take anything in heart. If anything being told you then observe it is behaviour. If you find something in behaviour then it has meaning unless not at all.

    God bless you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I would think he's over protective and he is so jeously but you CAN'T let him get to you, you've got to stop it right now and place your thoughs, your opinions and your objectives and let him know that you won't be afraid, cos if you do, then he'll think to himself that you fear him and he can do whatever he needs to hurt you and control you.

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