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Should I be angry that my neighbor feeds my child without asking me first?

This has ruined many dinners and lunches. My husband thinks Im over reacting and that they are just being nice people. Well when youre preparing a nice dinner for your family and your child comes home and says he already ate, that just irks me!! My son is 6. Shouldnt she be asking me first? Ive also told my son to come home and ask me also.


BTW...he plays with the neighbor kid who is his friend.

Update 2:

I do plan on talking to her about it.

18 Answers

  • Poppy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that before you get all worked up, you should nicely ask the neighbor to not feed him meals without calling you first. If you have regular meal times, snacks in between should not be an issue, but I would have talked to her already.

  • 5 years ago

    He is immature to the point of being uncooked. He is telling you he feels overwhelmed by more responsibility than he can take. Funny thing that you asked for no feminists, its not a feminist problem except that dads are more apt to walk away than the mother is. He doesn't hate you or the kids, he hates the situation he is in, he wants to have no responsibilities. I doubt he will want to go through what he will perceive as the hassle of divorce, more likely he will simply go stay with an unencumbered male friend. You can't make him grow up and be responsible, and if you allow him to drift, he will be angry when you get tired enough of THREE kids, he won't understand why. Go to counseling, together or separate, just go, you need a place to air your concerns, and to let him air his. If you can, hire a maid for a day or ask a relative or friend to help you move the garbage and things, you have a lot on your own head and no shoulder to rest it on.

  • 1 decade ago

    While I can see why you are frustrated, in reality, your neighbor is just being nice I'm sure, and she probably doesn't realize that it bothers you. Maybe just nicely ask her not to feed your son. Or better yet, just tell your son not to say no thank you because he'll be having dinner at home soon.

  • blank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you.I used to eat at my neighbors house once in a while too.But I would ask whatever parent that was cooking that night if it was alright.They always said yes.But also I would come home and eat a bit too.Although I knew I was going to eat both meals I still asked.Even as a toddler Your neighbor should really be asking you.I remember one time .I went over my friends and she forgot to tell her parents I was allergic to cranberries.So they served cranberry sauce on my plate.My friend ended up telling them.And they got me a whole new plate.The Point is he could be allergic to something without your neighbor knowing.

    Source(s): blank
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  • When I was 6 my mom just told me when not to eat dinner at a friend or family members house. Just tell him he's not allowed to eat there anymore. Your neighbor was probably just being polite if your son was at her house around dinnertime. You are overreacting when it's such a simple problem to fix.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi. I really do see your point. But your neighbours are only trying to be friendly, and I'm sure that they're not trying to do any harm. However, it is your son, your house, your rules, and even though it's good to appreciate when people do good to you, this is your son, not theirs. If you are angry with your neighbours for doing this, then it's up to you to lay down the rules, and explain to your son that he should be aware of strangers. But if you don't mind them feeding him from time to time, you should make a rota or scheduele. Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    I can see how that is annoying. But try not to be angry, not at first anyway.

    First step is to go over there and tell them how nice it is for them to invite your son for lunch and dinner like that. But you would really appreciate if they talked to you first.

    That is ruins your meal planning and that you this way have to waste perfectly good food and such.

    Plan before you go over what you are going to say. Try to look happy as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They should ask you. What if he had an allergy and went into shock at their house? Could they handle it properly? It's not their place to feed your child. They should phone you and ask first. Tell her you are very grateful that she is willing to feed your child but that sometimes you have prepared dinner as well and it goes bad because he is full.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont let him hang at the neighbors house so often before dinner and it wont be a problem.or call him a little while before dinner is ready and tel him to come home....or call and say ok im putting supper/dinner/whatever on, its time to come home...... if a child was at my house and we were having a meal i would feed him/her as well. by now you should know what time they eat their meals, have your child home at those times. if they are ruining so many meals for your son he must be over there quite a lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would b mad to. if i was the neighbor id b asking anyway just incase the child is allergic to something. but in any case they shouldnt b doing it without yur consent. tell them how u feel that u dont appreciate that they r doing it.

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