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ePiC! :D asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

do i have depression?

Lately, I've seemed to be lethargic, but I stay up for hours on end some night. My bestfriend thinks I'm trying to get attention, and my other friend thinks I have ADHD since depression is a symptom. I'm 13 and I feel worthless all of the time. My science and language arts grades plumetted. I always have a headache and I just want to die. I feel like everyone is gossiping about me and that I have no real friends. I tried cutting myself a few weeks ago but my mom saw the cuts. I told her that they were cat scratches but she didn't believe me. I even tried overdosing on Advil (I'm 200 lbs and 5'2" and I took 26 Advil pills). I took the pills about a month ago and all the overdosing resulted in was an upset stomach and a headache. I think I'm depressed. I don't know what to do. Help me please! Thank you in advance.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you taking any meds or drugs? Be careful with antidepressants - many have suicidal thoughts as side effects.

    Psychiatry - NO SCIENCE-NO CURES (4:54min)

    Can psychiatrists help you with antidepressants? Are there any cures in psychiatry today? How many people have been cured? What are your chances?

    Check it for yourself - hear it from interviewed psychiatrists.

    To be fully honest, this is strong tobacco for me. What shall I say to 13 y.o. girl who tried to kill herself?

    The positive - get through it - this is a tough time - even though I don't know you - I care - I do feel sad about the fact there is a girl who's so unhappy she wants to kill herself. We need you to stay alive and get through it. You WILL find someone who will love you. You are a vital part of mankind even if you cannot see it right now. With YOU dying, everyone else dies a little bit too.

    The negative - if you attempt to commit suicide again - you may not go away with it - people like that are labeled as "dangerous to themselves" and they are locked in psychiatry hospitals. Some will never get out and others become regulars - and that is a road to hell.

    I read an inspiring story about a woman who was in a psychiatry hospital and was believed that nothing could be done for her. Once, when she was having a walk, she witnessed a car accident and was asked by one man to assist him. They rescued that person from the car. That changed her life as she could see she could be actually helpful to other people and she became later a nurse and got sane. Maybe it could work for you too, if you could find out how you could help others - now or in the future. One - at least - gets busy and stops thinking only of himself and his problems.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    about 5 years ago, I started to fall into a really depressive episode. At first I thought it was only because I had a bad break from a relationship but the feelings wouldn't go away even after I got a new girlfriend. It was wrecking my life until a point where it was seriously affecting my work and personal life.

    She was very worried but at the same time couldn't understand why I was still sad and thought that I still couldn't let go of my previous relationship. Being the wonderful person that she is, she put aside her feelings and suggested I go for psychiatric evaluation. Many months later and even more anti-depressants, I was not coming close to being better at all.

    After doing some research online, I found out the real cause as you described it really makes a lot of sense and purchased this program. The results were simply astonishing. I read this book over three times and put all words in action. Using this method, I've kept my depression at bay ever since. Up to date I'm still living happily with my girlfriend.

    Depression Free Method?

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all NEVER and i mean NEVER overdose again or cut! those are not the solutions and will not help you! I know people who have depression and your case sounds similar. Please remember your not the only one going through this and there are solutions! Tell your mom what your going through. Even if you don't want to, tell her. She can take you to a doctor for a checkup sort of thing to see if there's any physical reason your feeling the way you are. If there isn't, you could be prescribed antidepressants. It will help so much to see a therapist once a week. My extremely close friend who has depression said she likes to think it not as seeing a therapist but venting to some one and just talking about life.Don't be afraid to tell your parents please and more importantly the destructive behavior has to stop now. i really hope you will do something about this and my heart goes out to you!

    Source(s): Friends and stuff. no websites!
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

    I suffer from depression myself so I know how tough it is.

    I've also attempted suicide twice and I assure you that it is not worth the hassle and only makes things worse. They told me in hospital that around 92% of suicide attempts fail. And the repercussions are not worth it, honestly.

    Go to your doctor and tell him exactly what you've said here. If you don't want to openly talk then print this off and show him how desperate you're feeling.

    He can talk you through some ways to make you feel better. Such as medication (mine really helps) and also seeing a therapist, which also really helps me.

    It is a scary step admitting that something is wrong but you will feel so much better once you start getting the help you need.

    I am wishing you the very best of luck and I assure you that things DO get better.

    Take care and if you need to talk, just let me know x

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  • 1 decade ago

    First off, you don't need to label what you are going through. You are going through a rough time. Second, there are a lot of young people who go through similar periods of crisis, and come out of it well. You don't want to impetuously give up because of a bad period in your life. Things can get better, and usually do.

    You need to take a look at your lifestyle and see what you can do to improve your lifestyle. Take care of yourself, don't have a TV or computer internet in your bedroom. That will help you sleep better. Don't overdose on music. Keep your music balanced and don't listened to "heavy" music, but light music. Don't listen to too much music.

    Try not to spend every day watching television and movies. Find other activities that you enjoy like drawing, writing poetry. Learn to play the piano, take lessons. This will give you self-respect and help you to like yourself.

    Teens tend to compare themselves to the ideals in the media, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Taylor Swift, all of the "perfects" out there, and then they feel like they are nothing. That's not how it is. You have to think about positive things, write them down, keep a diary and keep a section where you write positive things about yourself.

    Read the Bible and pray, make God your friend.

    These are all positive things that can help you.

    Exercise, ride your bike, walk or jog. Do active things, not just hanging out.

    I hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a load of poppycock you have been fed. You ARE depressed and you should see your doctor first and ask to be referred to a therapist. There are many kinds of depression, so you need a proper diagnosis from either your GP or your therapist. You may also need to see a psychiatrist for correct treatment to be used.

    Source(s): Been there.
  • Nathan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would agree it does sound like You probably are. Those sound like symptoms of depression. You should see a psychiatrist for diagnosis because if you find the right medicine, it really does help.

  • 1 decade ago

    You probably are. Those sound like symptoms of depression. You should see a psychiatrist for diagnosis because if you find the right medicine, it really does help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God's purpose for your life:

    Perhaps you've wondered, "What is the purpose for my life?" Or maybe you thought, "There must be more to life than this!" When you try to live life our way, sometimes everything falls apart and do not know what to do.

    But there is hope for a new dawn. When your heart is broken like a glass into a thousand pieces, and you feel a pain that does not let you pick up the pieces ... there is a solution. If you give all the pieces of your broken heart to our Saviour, He can help himself. He takes every bit of your heart and restore it to something beautiful. With Christ in the center of your life He restores you and gives you new life.

    At this point, you have the opportunity to hand over control of your life who created you, who loves you and who knows everything about your past, your present and your future. If you open your heart to Him, you will see that God has a specific plan for your life, which not only includes His purpose for creating you, but also His promise to give you a full life. If at this point and do not want to live life your way and you're ready to live life God's way, you'll find a life full of hope and true purpose.

    For the plan of God, know that:

    God's purpose for your life ... is salvation. God sent Christ to earth to condemn, but to express His love to save! Jesus came to take away all sin, but to forgive your sins, give you the power to overcome sin and the possibility of living a full life. (Read John 3:16-17 and John 10:10)

    Your problem ... is Sin. Sin is living separated from God established the rules for your life-knowing what is good, but have chosen wrong. The main consequence of sin is spiritual death, spiritual separation from God. (Read James 4:17 and Romans 6:23)

    God's provision for you ... is the Savior. Jesus died on the cross to personally pay the price for your sins. To believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to reach God the Father is the only solution to the problem of separation from God. (Read Romans 5:8 and John 14:6)

    What you have to do ... is to surrender. Put your faith in Christ Jesus (depends on Him) as your Lord and Savior and refuses to "good works" as a way to receive God's blessing. When you give Christ control of your life, and completely trust your life to Him, He gives you eternal life with Him and His power to live a full life, which is his plan for you on this earth. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9 and Matthew 16:24-26)


    "God, I want a real relationship with you. I admit that many times I've chosen my own way and not yours. Please forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Come into my life as my Lord and Savior. By Your power, make me the person with the intention that I created. It is in your holy name I do is prayer. Amen. "

    "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and keep My judgments and do them. " Ezekiel 36:26-27

    Our sin is what separates us from God and prevents us from fulfilling our deepest desires and needs. According to Romans 6:23, sin is an offense against God that carries a serious penalty "For the wages of sin is death (eternal separation from God's love and mercy)."

    Acknowledge the sacrifice of Christ

    What you can do for yourself, Jesus Christ has done for you! "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). He died on the cross for you, and rose from the dead to prove that His payment was acceptable to God. But you must acknowledge and believe this fact. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Hechos16: 31).

    Accept Jesus Christ as their Savior (accept the son of God, Jesus)

    Salvation is God's gift to you. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

    "Dear God. I know I am a sinner. I know that You love me and want to save. Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God who died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe you rose from the dead. Now I turn from my sins and through faith, receive You as my Savior and Lord. Come into my heart, forgive my sins and save me, Lord Jesus. In Your name I pray. Amen."

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