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ePiC! :D

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I'm loony! I love Twilight, cheese, and writing stories. I'm supposedly a good singer and have many friends.

  • Socially awkward situation?

    a few months ago, my friend went behind my back, stole my camp-crush's number, & texted him some odd things. I found out from my camp crush, and now I have trust issues with the friend. she thinks everything is fine, she doesn't get a clue, and she's a total nerd. we started highschool and now when she says hi I just stone-faced say hello or ignore her. how do I get her to stop bothering me? she will also be at my friends Halloween party- how do I have a good time with or her bothering me...

    also, I cannot stand her. she ruined my friendship with the camp Crush and she basically ruined our friendship too...

    sorry for the long paragraph, but you need to know the story before you answer the question, thank you in advanced! best answer gets 10 Pts!

    3 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • What phoneeeeeeeeeee?

    I have the env3 && it sucks. I have verizon and can't get a data plan... Should I get the LG octane or the LG cosmo touch? Is the octane like the env3? Thanks!

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Self-injury?!??!!!?!?

    Okay, so I'm 13 and I cut my shoulder with a scissor blade. The cuts aren't deep but I'm addicted. How do I stop?! My friends don't help and I'm so alone :( therapists are creepers... I just need someone to LISTEN! aah help?

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • do i have depression?

    Lately, I've seemed to be lethargic, but I stay up for hours on end some night. My bestfriend thinks I'm trying to get attention, and my other friend thinks I have ADHD since depression is a symptom. I'm 13 and I feel worthless all of the time. My science and language arts grades plumetted. I always have a headache and I just want to die. I feel like everyone is gossiping about me and that I have no real friends. I tried cutting myself a few weeks ago but my mom saw the cuts. I told her that they were cat scratches but she didn't believe me. I even tried overdosing on Advil (I'm 200 lbs and 5'2" and I took 26 Advil pills). I took the pills about a month ago and all the overdosing resulted in was an upset stomach and a headache. I think I'm depressed. I don't know what to do. Help me please! Thank you in advance.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • This guy flirting???!?

    I really like this guy. We talk almost every day and we text sometimes. He tells me the weirdest things.... like his middle name, that he has no common sense, etc. The other day he told me that his dad calls him gay. And that he can have anyone over his house (even girls he mentioned alot). Also, he just randomly started talking about this snowboard he thought was cool. And asked me for help on his art project. Is he flirting? He also is really nice to me and mean to this other girl at our table and he tells me I'm smart..... I dont think he likes me but I hope he does!!

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Is Kayson Rebecca Marlow a believable name in my story?

    She is a "healer" and can heal... plus kayson means the healer

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Girrrrrl Troubleeee?

    Ok soo i like this guy and during class today we were talking and he really likes this other girl... a few months back my friend liked the same guy and he liked the same girl, but that girl told my friend that she didn't like him. Today, he was almost begging for the girl to tell him who she likes and wanted to ask her out. ANother friend told the guy to ask her out by the pencil sharpener so it wasnt awkward (she doesnt know that i like him). At that point i was almost in tears. Is he worth it? He's not dating this girl, he talks to me everyday, and i have his number.... help.

    4 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Is 4 crushes too much?

    I have a crush on 4 different (avaliable and not out of my league) guys. Too much or fine??

    27 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Gooooood names for a story?

    I need:

    Girl 1: A 16 year old girl- she has long, brown hair, green eyes, glasses, and nerdish. She has no friends and hates her partner in English. In the end, they become friends.

    Girl 2: A 16 year old girl- she has short, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, cool clothes, and popular. She has many friends, but no true friends, and hates the girl she is partnered with in English. in the end, they become friends and she dies.

    Boy 1: A 16 year old boy- short dark brown-almost black hair, brown eyes, cool, popular, falls in love with Girl 1,

    Girl 3: A 14 year old girl- short, brown hair, brown eyes, cool, popualr, Girl 1's sister.

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Ok... what should I dooooo??????????????????

    Ok, so I have a crush on a nerd.... I think he's cute but I don't think anyone else does. I told my best friend and she said "ewwwwww!"

    Today I told two other people (a close friend and a trustworthy friend). One said, "Ok.... weird but ok"

    The other said, "Ok." And that's all she said because she had to go to English. So the guy is ok.

    Now I'm trying to flirt with him, and it's not working out. I asked if he got a haircut and he said yes and i said cool but that's not enough. Any tips on flirting? Thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Should I get a Kindle instead of a DS Lite/DSi?

    What do you think???????? This is for Christmas.

    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • DS Lite or DSi????????

    I'm making my Christmas list early and I have the old model of the DS so I'm debating between the DS Lite and the DSi (BTW: my old DS has many dead pixels and it's very out-dated). Which one should I get???? Thank you in advance! :D

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Do you like the name Eloise?

    Personally, I love it.

    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What do you think??? Funny or corny?

    Poll answer: I've had a crush on a nerd... when I told my friend she teased me.... I didn't tell anyne else after that....

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Is this weird? Or nice?????????

    Tomorrow was supposed to be my kitty's first bithday, but he died in July (;_ylt=Aqvjf...

    Would it be weird that at lunch I bring a picture of my kitten. Only one of my friends at my lunch table actually MET my kitty... she said that she would say a prayer with me.

    Is this weird or nice?

    15 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What should I do (20 characters)????

    Just Monday my best friend said she would trick-or-treat with me. About an hour ago, she texted, "R u trick-or-treating with your other friend". I said no, of course. I was going with her! Then my mom said that we can trick or teart without adult supervision so I called her and my best friend said that she was invited to a "party" on Halloween and that she can't trick or treat with me. Then I hung up and she calld back saying that if I had no one else to go with, then she'd not go to her party and go with me! In other words, she thinks I have no friends. Should I pretend to cry and really make her feel bad, ignore her, or just go with my other friend (if she can) and just make her feel really bad about herself? Help, please!

    5 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Does this sound interesting????

    I'm writing a story called Falling for You. It's about a 16 year old girl named Alyson Bloom but they call her Aly. Aly has a twin sister named Nina and a mother named Ara. Aly's father died before she was born, so she never knew him. Also, Aly, Nina, and Ara are witches. Aly's family moves to a new town after someone discovers that they are witches and Aly meets Benjamin Carter, but people call him Ben. Aly wants to tell Ben what she is, but she doesn't want to get in trouble, so she's torn. What do you think.

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What should I be for Halloween?

    I was considering to be a shopaholic or a French girl.... but I want more ideas! I was already:

    - Pocahontas

    - The Yellow Teletubee

    - Tinkerbell

    - Minnie Mouse

    - A Princess

    - A Witch

    - An Angel

    - A Devil

    - A Clown

    - A Little Dutch Girl

    That's all I can remember! I don't want to rewear one of my costumes. Help please! Thank you in advance!

    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • How do you post Aeropostale?

    My friend says Air-o-post-elle and I say it Air-o-post-al-ee. How do you say it? She always says that she is right and hits me (playfully, of course). Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Do you like the name Henry?

    It's for a tan, white, and brown Welsh Corgi. He is 11 weeks old and ADORABLE! Thank you in advance.

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago