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christmas presents for my parents please help ?

My grandparents are pretty much my parents but this is the first time i am spending christmas while living with them and i have no idea what to get them. I have a small budget but i am willing to spend a good amount. My grandma is not the typical grandma she likes to build things and she loves cars. she spendshours out in her work room building new sheleves and toys. My grandpa is a sweet harley riding guy who also loves cars and motorcylces.

both of there interests are expensive and they have every tool in the world so i dont know what to do. what could i get them thats under $100 that would be good?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best gift to give to any adult, especially older ones, is something that they don't have to find a place to put.

    Don't worry about their hobbies or the things that they have, think about the things that they enjoy doing with you. If you go out to dinner with them all the time, get them a gift certificate to a nice place that you'll all enjoy and give it to them in a card that says "Thank you for being you, next time dinner is on me!" If you are movie buffs, go to the theater and prepurchase tickets to a movie that you would like to go see and give them to them. Or a concert, or a play, or whatever.

    The most important thing is that it is from you. That's the only thing they care about.

  • Girzie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Take them out to dinner or give them a voucher so they can go together. Cook them a nice meal and have a Family NIght in. Make them homemade gift, like a collage of old photos (or new ones - whichever you think hey would like best) or take a photo of the two of them together and have it framed for them.

    If she is not a typical grandma, maybe you should do the Christmas baking/cooking - Christmas cake, mince pies etc

  • 1 decade ago

    what sort of toys does your grandma make. how about some expensive paints or something so she can paint them.

    As for your grandpa -- bike cleaning kits or something like that.

    Your grandparents sound very hands on type of people so are there any car shows or something you can take them to.

    I'm also looking for gift ideas for my friends so I know how difficult it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    You could always make them a photo album of you and them...They'd like that no matter what their interests are...And all you have to do is take some photos you already have and buy a nice photo album...that can't get much cheaper...but it's still sentimental :)

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