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With Thanksgiving tomorrow, what are you thankful for?

My wife almost died this year due to complications with her open heart surgery. I am so thankful and grateful that I have my wife back and that she is recovering.

What about you? what are you thankful for?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not a single day goes by that I am not thankful for my incredible family.

    My husband is the most phenomenal man I have ever known. The love, care and enthusiasm with which he approaches his responsibility to his family is second to none. Not to mention how much fun the two of us have together on a daily basis. I have said it countless time, I have no idea what I did so right in my life to deserve him but I am so glad I did whatever it was.

    Our children never cease to amaze me. I cannot believe how lucky we are to have two happy, healthy, beautiful children. We cherish the time we get to spend as a family - snuggle time, movie time, dancing around the house time, cooking time.... we have more fun together than should be allowed.

    I have much, much more that I am grateful for, good health, wonderful parents, siblings and extended family. A fabulous career, beautiful home. But it all pales in comparison to the three most important people in my life. Without them, the rest wouldn't matter.

  • K8
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My 71 year old Dad is at the beginning stages of dementia/Alzheimer's - I am thankful I get to see him and that he may remember this Thanksgiving. He still remembers us and is doing OK - but he is losing his memory pretty fast.

    I am also very thankful for my husband and children and the happy life we lead.

    I'm very glad your wife is recovering. I almost died several times at age 29 from a ruptured appendix and the tons of complications and surgeries that resulted. Those were scary times.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy, my list could go on forever..

    I am thankful my son is alive and healthy although he won't get a GD job and lives off of tax payers dollars---I'm a tax payer so i paid for his laziness. I am thankful he didn't chose Susan Smith to have kids with BUT this hefer he did choose came in second. I am thankful they have a roof over their heads , they live in the projects.

    I am thankful my other son works every moment he can, even if he lies every GD breath. I am thankful he didn't inhale when he smoked that weed. I am thankful the condom wrapper i found was unopened, and that he has not done jail time.

    I am thankful my husbands gambling [sports] addiction finally paid off this past weekend, and we had enough to pay for his speeding ticket.

    I am thankful our car repair shop only charged us 5 HUNDRED dollars just to change a GD belt, and oil change.

    *****It made me smile for you to mention your wife and to be able to have her another year--you have been blessed, like most of us, but alot of times we fail to give thankful or recognition for what is real and what is important, although all the stuff I mentioned above is actually simi-true I am VERY thankful for the good in my life..I had a head-injury 3 years ago, and I know first hand how LUCKY and BLESSED and THANKFUL I am to be here*****

  • 1 decade ago

    My beautiful and sweet little girl who woke up early, so excited that grandma is on her way, and then fell asleep on the couch.. I'm listening to her gentle breaths while writing this.. and so thankful I was blessed with her.

    My family.. who never has let a problem keep us from loving one another.. who will be sitting around the table with me, laughing and telling stories of those who are not able to be with us or maybe they are in spirit ;~) ..

    That I am able to provide a safe and secure life for myself and my daughter.. because of my health, my career, my choices in life..

    Waking up this morning, able to stand on my own two feet... long story short, I haven't always been able to do that do to a medical issue.. and wake up so thankful each day that I am able to now.

    I could go on and on.. there is so much in life for which to be thankful.. and I am humbled by how much I have truly been blessed.

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  • Star
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am thankful that God keeps me on this earth to watch my children grow right in front of me .I cherish that he lets me live day by day(even thou things are never what they seem -as in good or bad). But , that I have the ability to be with them as much as I can.

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

    Source(s): breathing , and living
  • 1 decade ago

    Glad that your wife is doing much better. I am sure she is a blessing to you.

    Been a hard year for me, so at times it has been hard to see the good. But I have two wonderful little girls. They are my little miracles. And they give me much to be thankful for.

  • mrs g4
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm so happy for your wife's improving health!

    I am expecting my first Grandchild (a girl) in mid-January, and I am SOOO grateful! I honestly have happy tears in my eyes typing every OTHER time I think about her!

  • 1 decade ago

    My parents, my brother, my kids, my girlfriend (most of the time), my health, my house, my garage(s), my job (controller at a hospital), my life in general. I am thankful my x-wife is an X! can't forget that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thankful that I found and am with the love of my life. I am thankful I have a roof over my head and have food to eat.

  • Mimi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am thankful for you family, a roof over my head, my job, health insurance, and all the food I am going to eat tomorrow!

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