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If there were no police, how would you conduct yourself?

Often on the diverse board of human (sub?)thought that is YA! someone posits the question "Are the police really nessecary?" in some form or another. The reply is generally overwhelmingly resoundingly "without police all your sister would be raped and all of your possesions would be stolen by sunrise" or some variation of that theme.

So for arguments sake, lets say that there was no announcement of widespread PD closure or anything, but today you didnt see a single cop. Or the next day, or all month. At what point would you decide "well the cops aint gonna get me, Im gonna go rape Peggy Sue (that tight little piece of a$$ you've been lusting after) kill her dog and take all of her stuff?

Or would you behave like a rational, decent human being? Why do you trust that others wouldnt?

One could well say "well I know others wouldn't because there are rapes now, and we have cops"

Okay, let us examine this. What happens when a rape, burglery or violent crime is commited? The victim is, well, victimized and then calls the police, who may or may not bring 'justice' at some point in the future. But they seldom "stop" any crime. They are by their very nature a reactionary force. So then how should we prevent crime?

With a .45 I contend. Why rely on someone else to protect you and your loved ones, when you could do a much better job yourself?

But the police are preventative by theur preasence you say. I contend that they are not. Or at least not very efficently, after all there is crime today, and we have police. Is it not true that love and character are the strongest deturrent to crime. How does one foster love and character? This is a complex question, but I humbly submit that it starts in the family, and that imprisoning generations (our incarceration rate is atrocious in global comparison) of young men mostly for drug (non)crimes, and forcing their children to grow up fatherless is counterproductive to our goal of a stable, peaceful society.

In light of all this, why are police needed? To write traffic tickets? Do you need to be policed to prevent yourself from sinning against man?


And yes wawhoomp, I know Im a stupid, immature, dope-fiend kid.

Im also certain there are numerous gramatical errors in my question, so could we please look beyond that, to the idea.

Update 2:

@ The patriotic canadian:

Why not trust me and my .45, but trust a cop and his 9? there is no real difference. Im saying you should trust yourself, to stop me, be self reliant, ya know.

@FUM if you want to go to that length to protect your family, I would not begrude you the right. It would certainly be more effective (and probably cheaper) than the elaborate LEO method you have now implemented.

@MEV: The natural laws of decency and accounting to the community would prevail, just as they do now. We live in a fundamentally anarchocapitalistic world. The government is just a (expensive, bloated, corrupt ineffective) tool for dealing with this reality.

Update 3:

@ Josh. I agree people need more training to safely handle weapons. I think basic weapons handling should be part of middleschool and highschool curriculum. But 1000s of years of society hasnt shown us this. We have only tried this big government police state thingfor about 100 years or so. I think however we might revert to wanting bigbrother to save us in time, for the same reasons that led us here in the first place. But those reasons are not reason.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Without law, anarchy has no boundaries!

    Source(s): 28 Years in law enforcement Retired NYPD Highway Patrol (Motorcycle) Proc. Adjunct Professor AS/BS Community Human Services Completing MPA
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database -
  • Josh C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's obvious that there would be people who would take advantage of a lack of law enforcement. There's already people who murder, rape, steal, etc. when there IS law enforcement, can you imagine how many more people would behave that way without law enforcement?

    I'm not saying 100% of people would turn into animals, but more than there are now, and there's certainly enough now.

    Allowing people to carry weapons COULD be a deterrant, but most people aren't trained with those weapons and could probably end up harming themselves before they could defend themselves.

    Sure, it would be cool for a little while to live in a martial-law, post-apocalyptic society, but in the long run, we'd realized that thousands of years of humanity has taught us that law enforcement is neccesary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'd do whatever i want without worry that some dick might take offense to what i did and call the cops about it.

    I'd drive as fast as I'd like on the freeway, usually 80 or so, whatever is most comfortable with me. when i stick to the limit I find myself making more errors (serious errors). if someone wants to complain about me speeding, they can go f%ck themselves. i'm not harming anyone, don't like it, too bad!

    I'd experiment with everything I've ever wanted to do. grow some pot (I don't see it being any more harmful than legal tobacco) sell it, smoke it, whatever.

    I honestly doesn't think there needs to be cops. cops are only for losers and ******* that like to snitch on other people and make life miserable for anyone they don't like. i find typically its rich white folk that like to call the cops day and night over very small things like someone's tree is too big and somehow it gets dragged to court where the poorer person looses all their money over something retarded like that.

    we already have the 2nd amendment, we are given the right to defend ourselves, we don't need cops. well not as much cops as we have today. a sheriff or two per city is enough, my city has more cops than necessary, they got nothing to do all the time and are overzealous about doing this job (can't blame em, its boring with nothing to do). just last month ago a some dude trying to kill himself invited 3 swat teams and over 20 cars of cops. jeez, just let the guy kill himself. my city is crawling with cops. i see at least 3 cars on every street.

    also no cops in California means i can carry. currently I can't because hte cops made it illegal to do so. so I'm defenseless and utterly reliant of cops to help me should i get into trouble. i believe if everyone carried (all the smart people anyone, we don't need more idiots with guns) then there would be no crime and therefore no need for this many cops. LA, Orange, and Riverside counties has a combined force of over 10,000 cops and 55 SWAT teams. is all this really necessary?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ha..I wish I have made some video recordings of the LA riots back in the 90's here. It was really crazy, there were hundreds of people going into this one store and dragging out tv sets and other things and just tossing them into their cars. That's when I realized that there's a lot crazy people here.

    As for me I didn't steal anything that week, I know some of my co-workers and I joked around about it, that we were going downtown to rip off a vcr and tv but I don't think any of us did.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mount a .50 cal MG on my roof that's sensor controlled, go to sleep with my AR, a couple of grenades in the drawer, a RPG within reaching distance...

  • 1 decade ago

    I trust me, you and your .45 I'm not so sure about.

    That's why we need cops

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