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Yahoo UK asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Today is White Ribbon Day, what pledge could you make to end violence against women?

The White Ribbon Day is the largest effort in the world of men working to end men's violence against women. You can make a pledge here: .

56 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i pledge to call it domestic violence as it makes no difference to me whether its a man who hits a woman, woman hits man, women hit women, men hit men the point being it should not happen at all. therefore its domestic. i also pledge not to keep it to myself but inform the relative authorities if i see or hear it. so many people ignore it and for me they are just as bad and condoning it even if they do not think so.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I do not join such pledge drives because I believe that things like putting an end to hunger (especially that of children) sexism, racism and hate in general is a 24 hour a day, 365 day a year obligation for each person. I try to do it as best I can every time that ugly stuff comes up. It's tough; I'm just as flawed as anyone else. The need to correct these things is not something you believe in it is something you either know or don't know.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think violence against either sex is totally wrong, however, statistics do show that women and girls are more likely to be victims of violence by a man, however, I have personally seen at least two men being battered by their other halves, both times I tried to stop the violence towards the men, both times I was literally told to " off" by the men in question.

    I think there was the shame of being an abused man, and secondly that another female was stepping in to try and stop it, I think both the men, felt utterly emasculated.....

    All violence against others is wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The white ribbon campaign is very sexist - it pretends that only men commit violence and only women are victims.

    Instead of supporting a hateful and bigoted campaign like the white ribbon, I shall be instead continuing as I do daily - supporting an anti-violence stance from both sexes against both sexes.

    Your sexism disgusts me.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Violence against women? What about violence against men??. Men are reluctant to call the police about their wife or partner attacking them but women will call in the blink of an eye. it is estimated that more women actually attack their partner than men do. It's just not on official record. Women have been known even to make false reports.

    Of course the police arrest men in an instant and ignore any accusations by men.

    It's time that men took a stand and rallied for our rights. Women (but not all) are cheating, manipulative, point scoring and very calculating people.

    They go to the police in tears, most officers are men and they feel sympathy so they arrest the man... even if there is no evidence.

    Affairs should be made a lawful offence also. That way 80% of the UK population of women would be locked up and marital bliss would once again exist. Ever wondered why such devices as the chasterdy belt existed?. Somebody didn't invent that for no reason.

    - Create the mens institute

    - Fight for our rights by law

    - Enforce marital promises

    - Arrest women who commit adultery (18months - 2 years in prison)

    - Arrest women on the spot who commit GBH or Assault

    - Put a stop to all these womens rights campaigns. Equality is EQUALITY not , "Women should be above men"

    Don't get me wrong, i'm all for equal rights between all races and sexes. But this current situation is creating an imbalance in the famale favour.

    Oh and there need to be mens shelters and advice lines for men who are being physically abused.

    In equality must exist equality so , hard physical labor should exist for both parties. This means 9 - 12 hours a day of extreme physical work. Heavy weight men vs women boxing. Infact... everything athletic. It should all be mixed. Unless women are willing to agree that they are weaker.

    Mensa even discriminate against the sexes. There is a seperate IQ test for males and females. Put them on the same test and publish results.

    I have never hit a person let alone a woman, but my pledge is that I will never do that. If no female attacks me then I will not attack back.

    Source(s): life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Mine is simple.

    I pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about a persons violence against another in all its forms.

    I think that while it is important to act on domestic abuse, it is important to act on all forms of violence to others. I do support this as domestic abuse is tolerated by too many people. The link below goes into it in a bit more detail in South Africa, but this happens all across the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    I pledge to find a injection that will shut woman's gobs from the beginning of their period until the end. that way, men wont be enclined to hit the bottle as they do every month, loose it, and end up doing something they actually regret killing the b...h. Get real, ITS ALL IN THE UPBRINGING AND CULTURE. Im all for helping those pour men who suffer terribly by these controlling freaks. we should have a black suit day.

    Source(s): Me being totally truthfull. equal rights exists you know
  • Dz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Need I say that there should be a ribbon for women violence against men? Just because the man's much bigger and stronger naturally it doesn't mean that they HAVE to be the ones who cause violence.

    Women violence against men are as much effective as men violence against women. Men should be respected too, and I hate these campaigns to seperate men and women - so sexist!

  • 1 decade ago

    White Women Day in what country? I never heard of White Ribbon Day. The way that men can pledge to end violence against women is by pledging to themselves that they will stop being violent towards women.

  • Talyn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I wanna stop all the bride burnings in the Middle East and to break up all those strict codes that need to be followed to the T by women but not by men in fear of her becoming a -whore- or a -prostitute-

    Also, I want to find some way to stop battery in lesbian couples, along with women beating against men, and to stop feminists from blowing up the numbers and making men feel like the victim.

    Men, just don't. use. the belt on your wife. and women. he'll get the trash later! Right now the game is on!

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