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.. ██████████████▄▐█▄▄▄▄█ ██████▌▄▌▄▐▐▌███▌▀▀██▀ ████▄█▌▄▌▄▐▐▌▀███▄▄█▌ ▄▄▄▄▄██████████████ Meet my Fail Whale. His name is Charlie. Sun: Virgo Moon: Aquarius Rising: Libra Mercury: Libra Venus: Virgo Mars: Scorpio You'll find me 8/10 in Comics & Animation. But I'll also stray to places like Horoscopes, Polls, and Music>Rock and Pop... I mostly deal with the "suggestions" questions and info that is easy to relay to others, like "what is this.." or "where can I find this..?" I am an anime/manga fan. Yeah, it's true! I got so high a level with persistence. Just a few questions a day for a few years really adds up, LOL. Having best answer a few times doesn't hurt, either.

  • As a Christian, would it be considered rude of me to..?

    Pray and worship at other religious..."centers" despite not being of their faith?

    Like, I'm Christian, confirmed Lutheran, though I don't practice it but I have the background of being one.

    Say I were to go to Japan and visit a shrine. Would it be okay for me to pray at one despite not being Shinto? Would it be considered a good gesture to follow in their faith for the time that I'm there or would it be seen as rude since I don't wholeheartedly believe in it (what they would probably assume) and am not as well-versed in it as they are? Same as if I were to visit a mosque or a Hindu temple or a synagogue. Would it be alright? I've always wanted to experience being in these different places but have always been unsure if it would be rude or not.

    I mean, I have been in a Mormon church twice, but since it's still technically Christian you just have to alter what you do a tiny bit, like folding your arms instead of clasping your hands when praying.

    Any input or opinions would be nice.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Survey: As a parent, how do you feel when...? read these absolutely HORRIBLE accounts and cases of child abuse as they appear in the media or you just happen to stumble upon?

    Here's a story of a 5 year old that was in crib-turned-cage and so malnourished that she was subsisting on eating her own dead skin:

    6-week-old baby raped by uncle in South Africa

    13-month-old boy was struck twice in the stomach by the accused's fist, caused severe abdominal hemorrhaging:

    Parents sent to 60 years for being too LAZY to feed their baby boy

    What are your thoughts?

    Do you feel:

    Rage? Sadness? Disbelief and shock? A combination? I'd like to hear your thoughts, because I don't really get any "stimulating conversation" or adequate responses from my Mom. She loves all five of us (me and my siblings) but she prefers not to think about it and does not like to discuss it, because it's ..inappropriate, I guess, but what do YOU think?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • How much did a portable CD player cost in the 1980s?

    So I'm watching Wayne's World right as I'm typing this, and there's that scene in the car when Wayne and Cassandra are in the car (right after they sing "Mickey" by Toni Basil), and she makes a comment on the CD player...

    How much did they cost back then? If you know, then could you give me the original price and the year--assuming you bought it (I could adjust for inflation), or you could adjust for inflation yourself. But I don't care either way.


    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Help remembering this bit from the Berserk manga?

    I just can't remember/find this one part in the manga. There was this brutish guy and his bands of what I can only describe as Vikings/pillage-the-village-ing/super soldiers on steroids. They carried the dismembered bodies of their victims on poles with them and the leader was going to crush/violate Casca when he grew to the size of a giant, but Griffith and Guts stopped him (I think Griffith was there...)

    The guy looked kind of Monkey-pig-bullish in a way, and he actually crushed one of his cronies' skulls between his thumb and forefinger.

    Can you tell me what chapter or at least what STORY ARC this freak of nature is in? And his name? Thanks :3

    I'm absolutely sure it's NOT Zodd...

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Poll: What do you think is worse?

    Since I'm taking an RGC class (Race, Gender, Culture) this year in high school, I'm being exposed to a lot, a lot, A LOT of racism. We saw American History X stretched out in three days (made sure the door was closed, LOL)

    Now here's what I'm thinking of asking you.

    Which is worse?

    1) A blatantly racist person who doesn't hide it, even if what they believe isn't logical (like "Jews are the spawn of Eve and Satan" .. like, WTF?)

    2) A "subtly" racist person who may not even know they're racist but try to use "logic" or generalizations to justify what they believe (like "Black people just don't care about their community. Look at all of the theft and murder that happens in the inner cities." or something like that)

    What are your opinions?

    BQ: Have you seen American History X? If yes, thoughts? Did you think it got the idea that hate is really, really bad across? (What an understatement of a question, LOL)

    BQ2: (Americans only. Everyone else can put N/A for this one)

    1. Go to this website:

    2. Find your state

    3. What hate groups live in/near your place of residence? Did you know that these hate groups lived so close to you?

    If you answer all three, you're 3x more likely to get the 10 points :3

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How can I get back to the old yahoo answers?

    This version...really sucks.. It's all bare bones and doesn't have the green theme that I've come to know and love.

    For some reason, when I tried to access Yahoo! Answers on a PC at school WITHOUT being logged in, it directed me to the aforementioned version of it.

    But no matter how I direct myself to Yahoo! Answers when I AM logged in, it gives me this crappy, white backgrounded, blue text, AMATEUR look that is really getting on my nerves. Is there any way at all to fix this, or to maybe change the settings of the look or something? D:

    2 AnswersMy Yahoo8 years ago
  • Why does being liberal automatically mean that we (my family and I) are irresponsible?

    Jesus Christ...

    Is this what my adult life is going to be like?

    Racist conservatives poking fun at liberals and liberals just being silent? Anyway..

    I'm a ******* liberal. Why is that a crime? My uncle gets special disability checks because he's been blind and half-deaf since birth, as well as suffering from mental retardation that makes him incontinent as well as unable to walk on his own.

    My mother left me with her parents so she could finish college and get a teaching degree..don't worry, the college was only a twenty minute drive so it wasn't like I never saw her. We lived in assisted housing for the first 6 years of my life, and once she got a job she moved us out, remarried (she divorced my father before I was two years old..Long story short, he is an undiagnosed ADD suffering, manipulative alkie) and lived in an apartment before moving us again three years later in a 1600 sq. ft Victorian style home where she had four more kids (Hello, half-siblings -__- ).

    My aunt Debi and Uncle Dave act pretty conservative--hunters and very Christian--but they along with their three sons, Josh, Seth, and Elias, are Democrats. They volunteer in their community and all three of my cousins are Eagle Scouts. Seth has been shipped off to be a field medic and Elias is now at boot camp to enter the Marines. Josh is aspiring to be a professional chef, LOL.

    My grandfather was an alcoholic, but has been sober for all my 17 years of life. He has a boating license, a pilot's license, has been a pediatrician for probably 30 years and trained himself to be a CFO for a banking corporation. My grandmother does disaster planning and insurance for hospitals. Both love to travel.

    My Aunt Barb takes care of mentally disabled children at her school. On my father's side, my grandparents take care of their mentally disabled daughter Susan. She is confined to a wheelchair permanently and has that special condition where she has like a 7 year old's body and a large head, despite being nearly 40 years old. She can't speak and needs help with everything.

    Another thing I don't get is why is that "disability check" automatically means = "Too lazy to work"? Do you truly EXPECT my aunt Susan and my uncle Arthur to work? Why must you lump people like the guy who broke his back after doing heavy lifting at his work for 10 years, my aunt and uncle, and the guy who pretends to have a bum knee and spends his check on weed together?

    I don't understand... I'm lazy, but I don't demand money. If I want something but need money for it, and if I don't HAVE the money for it, I go without. I'm not taking nor giving anything away. What's the problem with that? Yeah I'm living under my parents' roofs but they have four other kids to take care of. What's one more mouth going to hurt? And I don't even eat much; I literally eat one meal a day while they're opening four different packages of poptarts every hour...

    So what are your thoughts? Does my family seem irresponsible to you?

    19 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • P&G Poll: Do you feel that you can't accurately convey your opinions or ideas on the Internet?

    I feel that it's very hard to do so, as discussions and debates focusing on politics or say, religion, are only best stimulated when facing someone in person.

    On sites like Yahoo! Answers, you simply answer a question with your own snarky comment or close-minded view of things and then move on, with only thumb ups or thumb downs to reflect how your words are received by others. There is no active feedback or response, and you're left feeling like no matter what, you're still right. Who takes comments and objections on the Internet by other users seriously? If you get frustrated with trying to convince another person, you default to "Oh they're a liberal/conservative, so they can't possibly be convinced that my ideas are right" and you feel like a martyr or someone misunderstood and know there are people like you who will take your side and what you have written by only seeing it at face value.

    I feel that the debate masters of yore, Socrates and all them, would curse such a thing as the Internet. That being said, I use the internet much like the people I've pointed out above, so I'm not a hypocrite. I understand this and am unfortunate enough to be caught in this one-sided misunderstanding-miscommunication phenomenon that seems all too frequent on Y!A.

    Never mind that though, what are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Poll: Which would you rather defend against a zombie attack?

    A sports stadium or a college campus?

    A sports stadium has lots of room to camp out and with it being completely fortified ahead of time, you only need to guard the doors leading into the facility. On the other hand, bathrooms are limited and if it's open air then lots of people will be exposed to the elements if they decide to set up in the field. But in my opinion, I think the military or Coast Guard or whatever humanitarian efforts issued by the government would choose the stadium because of its naturally high defenses. Remember Katrina? They put all the survivors in a huge sports stadium.. "Wooh! I'm camping on the 10 yard line... This sucks"

    On a college campus, there's wide open spaces so in a way there's more to fortify if you're posting watch on the borders, but if the campus has a huge lawn then you can see the zombies coming and hopefully you'll be able to set traps. You may run into the problem of stabilizing the place if there are separate buildings and it's not all joined together into one facility, but there are plenty of living spaces designed to house two to three people and classrooms can be used to stockpile weapons. The problem that's run into is the matter of barricading all doors and windows, since there will undoubtedly be a lot of them. Also, since it's a college campus there's going to be science majors who will undoubtedly try to crack the code on the virus or infection and try to stop it.

    Both places would probably have food stocks, though the college campus moreso due to the students and teachers having their own supply of snacks and of course the cafeteria.

    Which place would you rather defend?

    BQ: Reasons? Any other than my own or some different logic?

    BQ2: Beck or Gorillaz?

    BQ3: Who is more of an epic badass, Odysseus or Beowulf?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Hey, instead of fighting over our country like cats and dogs, why don't we?

    Each create and rule over our own?

    The Democratic States of Salamandria welcomes you aliens.

    BQ: What's your nation's name?

    BQ2: Currency and Animal

    BQ3: Political leanings and Motto?

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Liberals, Conservatives! Can't we all calm down and just...?

    Eat a churro?

    Just calm down and eat a churro! Your flavor of choice, of course!

    Who's with me!

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • American Poll: Can you name 5 foreign world leaders off the top of your head?

    Can you?! I can't! I realize I can't!

    Putin - Russia. That's it! That's all I know. I don't even know the Prime Minister of the UK... All I know is that there's a Socialist French ..President or PM, and I think there's still a woman PM for Germany? I don't know.. And of course Saudi Arabia has the royal family but I can't remember what it's called D:

    Can you name 5 foreign world leaders without Googling? If you can only name one, two, three, then put those down!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is anyone else sick and tired of Y!A users trashing Muslims?

    How many Muslims have these people actually talked to? Do they seriously believe everything the media tells them?

    Islam is just like Christianity and Judaism. They have major kinks that their followers need to work out. Unfortunately, it's a bit too little too late for them to actually iron out those kinks while the "civilized world" watches.

    Have people completely forgotten all of the needless bloodshed, torture, slaughter, and persecution that Christianity imposed on itself and its own various sects, as well as other groups they considered to be "heretics" and "heathens"? What of everything the Catholic Church has done centuries past in the name of God? What of the massacres of foreign people by the Jews in ancient times to make way for their own people and culture?

    "They hate us". I'd hate us too if a country muscled in my country, and along with their friends took MY oil and gave free land that I'd been eyeing for centuries to my enemies, and automatically back them up even when THEY started the fight or argument.

    It's a pretty simple-minded view I have, I'll admit. But do you people even give them a chance? I know a Muslim family and they are very intelligent people. The father is a chef, the mother is a nurse, and their oldest daughter--my best friend--is being constantly pushed by them to get the best grades so that she can become one of those attorneys that can deal with foreign cases. They are originally from Albania, so I guess the "religious fervor" isn't as strong there as it is in say, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, etc., but they are decent people. They are very afraid of the US government and the fact that they are indeed Muslim, and my friend is especially afraid because she believes they have been monitoring her ever since we started researching the fine print of the Patriot Act.

    And people act like just because someone aligns themselves as Muslim, that they automatically worship it. When's the last time any of you so-called Christians went to church? All of my friends, all of my family doesn't go to church and we're "Christian". The only time we go to church is 1) to be confirmed, 2) wedding, 3) baptism, or 4) funeral. Other than that, there is nothing that really ties any of us kids or the adults I know to the religion other than say "Thank God" or "Jesus Christ".

    And before I leave, let me give you a list of American Muslims:

    Akon, Dave Chappelle, Busta Rhymes (5 percenter), Everlast, Casey Kasem, Jermaine Jackson, Ice Cube, T-Pain, Shaquille O' Neal.

    Do you see any of them throwing hate and intolerance in your face for not being Muslim? No, they keep that **** under wraps, because that's what true religious people should do.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Anime/Manga Pairings Survey?

    What are your favorite pairings from these series:




    Hetalia (I'm ready for the barrage o__o)


    Fullmetal Alchemist

    Ouran High School Host Club

    Vampire Knight

    Death Note

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    You can just put the ones for the series you only watch or know.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • I'm still confused on the Rukongai in Bleach? Anyone explain this to me?

    Okay so when people die, their souls get a little number and they're sent to a random place. Okay.

    But does that mean that their "soul" continues growing? I always thought that if a soul would die it stays as it is for all eternity. But the characters in Rukongai are aging? Is that legit? It should make sense and I should be figuring this out on my own but it somehow doesn't click.

    Because Gin and Rangiku lived in Rukongai and grew up. I'm still hazy on how Rangiku just ended up somewhere in the middle of nowhere and Gin found her. Wouldn't she be sent to a district? There are so many holes to these backstories o_o

    And if "souls" grow up then why is Hitsugaya so short? Is it because he died as a kid and can't grow anymore or is his body just like "screw it, I'm done growing!"...

    Any information would help..I think I'm just getting caught up in the discrepancies or something..

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Redhead Survey: What color are your eyes?

    I know green eyes aren't nearly as common among redheads as people think.

    I'll accept answers from NATURAL red heads, "carrot tops", copper-colored hair, and anyone who has had orange or red tints to their hair (even when you were a baby, I'll accept that! My baby sister has strawberry blond-y orange hair right now, but I doubt that'll last)...

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on World War Z?

    I read the book and I absolutely loved it.

    I'm afraid to see the movie because I'm terrified of zombies and the psychological implications of "this is what would happen if society went to ****".

    Here's the trailer if you haven't seen it or haven't made any opinion yet:

    When I saw the tiny snatch of some guys carrying out the US Constitution I was heartbroken because I get really emotional and depressed when I see history threatened like that. It's the reason why I get pissed when I read about people burning libraries or books or defacing landmarks (I'm looking at you, rude Chinese kid in Egypt!)..

    BQ: Have you read the book?

    BQ2: What is your favorite disaster, post-apocalyptic, or zombie movie?

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Would I die if the veins on the back of my hands were sliced?

    Here is a fact.

    I have a great LEGITIMATE FEAR of my veins being slashed by something or another, and not by my own hand.

    When I do lots of "handsy" tasks, the blue veins on the back of my hands rise up against the skin and are very visible.

    In the back of my head I've had this fear that they'll be cut and I'll die.

    If they were sliced, would I bleed out and die? I need to know so that if it somehow does happen I can either 1) Know that "No, it's not a mortal wound. You won't die." or 2) "HOLY **** I NEED SOME BANDAGES NOW!"

    Any insights or medical facts would be super helpful.

    2 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • Poll: Do you believe that Russians can control gravity?

    Look at this ****:

    Can you honestly tell me that they're not hacking reality? That is some flipping Dick Van Dyke **** right there.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do you cross yourself in the "Russian Orthodox" style (Really quick 10 points)?

    This is just a really quick question. First one who can either show me a diagram or explain it to me gets it.

    I was just reading about the "goofs" for the film Dr. Zhivago on IMDB, and it said that in the movie during Yuri's funeral a girl named Tonya begins to cross herself in the Roman Catholic style but then quickly fixes herself and "ends" it with the Russian Orthodox style.

    I have no time to watch the movie (It's like what 4 hours long or something? I'll get to it later) but how is crossing yourself different between the two sects?

    Here is the link to the "goof" in case you need it for WHATEVER reason:

    Thanks for any help!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago