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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why does being liberal automatically mean that we (my family and I) are irresponsible?

Jesus Christ...

Is this what my adult life is going to be like?

Racist conservatives poking fun at liberals and liberals just being silent? Anyway..

I'm a ******* liberal. Why is that a crime? My uncle gets special disability checks because he's been blind and half-deaf since birth, as well as suffering from mental retardation that makes him incontinent as well as unable to walk on his own.

My mother left me with her parents so she could finish college and get a teaching degree..don't worry, the college was only a twenty minute drive so it wasn't like I never saw her. We lived in assisted housing for the first 6 years of my life, and once she got a job she moved us out, remarried (she divorced my father before I was two years old..Long story short, he is an undiagnosed ADD suffering, manipulative alkie) and lived in an apartment before moving us again three years later in a 1600 sq. ft Victorian style home where she had four more kids (Hello, half-siblings -__- ).

My aunt Debi and Uncle Dave act pretty conservative--hunters and very Christian--but they along with their three sons, Josh, Seth, and Elias, are Democrats. They volunteer in their community and all three of my cousins are Eagle Scouts. Seth has been shipped off to be a field medic and Elias is now at boot camp to enter the Marines. Josh is aspiring to be a professional chef, LOL.

My grandfather was an alcoholic, but has been sober for all my 17 years of life. He has a boating license, a pilot's license, has been a pediatrician for probably 30 years and trained himself to be a CFO for a banking corporation. My grandmother does disaster planning and insurance for hospitals. Both love to travel.

My Aunt Barb takes care of mentally disabled children at her school. On my father's side, my grandparents take care of their mentally disabled daughter Susan. She is confined to a wheelchair permanently and has that special condition where she has like a 7 year old's body and a large head, despite being nearly 40 years old. She can't speak and needs help with everything.

Another thing I don't get is why is that "disability check" automatically means = "Too lazy to work"? Do you truly EXPECT my aunt Susan and my uncle Arthur to work? Why must you lump people like the guy who broke his back after doing heavy lifting at his work for 10 years, my aunt and uncle, and the guy who pretends to have a bum knee and spends his check on weed together?

I don't understand... I'm lazy, but I don't demand money. If I want something but need money for it, and if I don't HAVE the money for it, I go without. I'm not taking nor giving anything away. What's the problem with that? Yeah I'm living under my parents' roofs but they have four other kids to take care of. What's one more mouth going to hurt? And I don't even eat much; I literally eat one meal a day while they're opening four different packages of poptarts every hour...

So what are your thoughts? Does my family seem irresponsible to you?


@Ultra. How rude! The number of mentally retarded or disabled members of my family is two. Out of (counts) 50. But two is too many for yah, huh? What, would you have preferred I go through the seven brothers and sisters my mother's father has? Thought not!

@ a few others.. "Sophomore writing class".. nice. Real nice.

@ Everyone else. Thanks for being civil and not complete assholes.

Update 2:

Jesus, this will be fun!

@ good for nothing servant.. What you think that I don't think liberals aren't racist? I just want people to get an equal opportunity. Trust me, I whine A LOT about French people and its language (goddamn silent consonants!!), but it's nothing that I demand reparation for. Fooling anybody? Fool whom into what, might I ask? I just want to know if people on the Internet are capable of seeing an alternative reality to that which they perceive their world to be. That my liberal family is NOT a drain on society. Well, my father is. But he's the only one that was ever associated with my and my mum dumped his *** after helping him out time and time again. Even my alcoholic, schizophrenic aunt Kathy has a job, and we avoid her and her craziness like the plague.

19 Answers

  • Because you are not entitled to anyone else property (AKA their money). In a system of healthcare under a libertarian society, your uncle wouldn't have to pay a dime, receive free care, and aid, because those companies that donate are incentivized to do so, by giving them a 0% tax break on everything they donate, and they would receive money during the next year for doing so. Guess what, they just made money by doing nothing but donating medication to free clinics, and they can get professional care by offering malpractice tax incentives for doctors who donate 8 hours of their time every week. States can also run a more efficient social welfare programs then the federal government can. But the federal government can help by giving certain incentives for people to make houses on government land for free for a substantial tax credit during the next year. Which means free housing for those who qualify, like your aunt and uncle.

    I can go on. But the point of what I am saying is to think outside of the box. Taking from others is not the only answer. Taking from the people should always be the last resort. I hope you think about what I have told you. Because we can all do better then what we are doing now.

    Source(s): Libertarian but Anarchist at heart
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    f those stupid right wingers don't even give them that much thought . They are so desperate they even messed with the voting act to try and cheat some votes next time because their hate ,paranoia, bigotry, racism ,and lies has made them a dwindling party not to take seriously. They know they have no chance without cheating. They are still f ing things up in the places that they have power, but as they keep on with bat **** crazy they keep dwindling. The only thing that keeps them going is the greedy corrupt corps. and rich [space alien like] sympathizers like the koch bros. endless money. These rich con a holes take our jobs to china and india and say that laws made to keep them here are unconstitutional . They say government is in their business so they need small government for reasons such as that.. That's how they turn all these middle class and poor right wingers into fake patriots who feel all emotional over lies perpetrated against all americans. They worked against obama and have held the country back. If they worked together with the left for all of us instead of working lies with the corporate right we would be doing very well.

  • jms043
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My father had it right when he said that Liberals and Conservatives both want the same things. '

    The difference comes in where the Liberals want those things right now, where the Conservatives want to wait til we can pay for them.

    Most people will admit that the deserving should be helped as much as possible, but the problem arises with the fraudulent ones who cheat the system.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I didn't read that wall of text, but not all liberals are irresponsible. Some simply don't understand how the world works.

    My problem with liberals is that most of what the extreme left touts boils down to "can't someone else do it?" to quote Homer Simpson's election-winning motto. Obama lectures on how we should "pay our fair share" and picks a rich VP who gave less to charity last year than I did on my $34K a year civil service job.

    Don't TELL me how I should act; SHOW me.

    If you're not one of those liberals, well, good. Thanks.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Just because conservatism is a proven mental disorder doesn't mean you should let them get away with making you feel inferior. I served my country which is more than a conservative on yahoo answers ever did. These people are scum. Stand proud! Show backbone and these effete weakling Conservatives will fall apart because they're weak! And we're strong. We're Americans and they're traitorous scum!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Able-bodied scam artists that get away with collecting disability are the people you should be pizzed at, babe.

  • 8 years ago

    They won't hear you through their deafening right wing rage. Most of their perceptions of liberals are based off what they heard or pre conceived notions.

  • Oh boohoo. Liberals call conservatives racist and you cry about being called irresponsible.

    BTW, nobody buys your bullshit for one second.

  • 8 years ago

    Sounds to me like you guilty conscious is nagging you. No other explanation for your comments.

  • It seems very likely that your irresponsibility preceded your political alignment.

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