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Lv 6

Is anyone else sick and tired of Y!A users trashing Muslims?

How many Muslims have these people actually talked to? Do they seriously believe everything the media tells them?

Islam is just like Christianity and Judaism. They have major kinks that their followers need to work out. Unfortunately, it's a bit too little too late for them to actually iron out those kinks while the "civilized world" watches.

Have people completely forgotten all of the needless bloodshed, torture, slaughter, and persecution that Christianity imposed on itself and its own various sects, as well as other groups they considered to be "heretics" and "heathens"? What of everything the Catholic Church has done centuries past in the name of God? What of the massacres of foreign people by the Jews in ancient times to make way for their own people and culture?

"They hate us". I'd hate us too if a country muscled in my country, and along with their friends took MY oil and gave free land that I'd been eyeing for centuries to my enemies, and automatically back them up even when THEY started the fight or argument.

It's a pretty simple-minded view I have, I'll admit. But do you people even give them a chance? I know a Muslim family and they are very intelligent people. The father is a chef, the mother is a nurse, and their oldest daughter--my best friend--is being constantly pushed by them to get the best grades so that she can become one of those attorneys that can deal with foreign cases. They are originally from Albania, so I guess the "religious fervor" isn't as strong there as it is in say, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, etc., but they are decent people. They are very afraid of the US government and the fact that they are indeed Muslim, and my friend is especially afraid because she believes they have been monitoring her ever since we started researching the fine print of the Patriot Act.

And people act like just because someone aligns themselves as Muslim, that they automatically worship it. When's the last time any of you so-called Christians went to church? All of my friends, all of my family doesn't go to church and we're "Christian". The only time we go to church is 1) to be confirmed, 2) wedding, 3) baptism, or 4) funeral. Other than that, there is nothing that really ties any of us kids or the adults I know to the religion other than say "Thank God" or "Jesus Christ".

And before I leave, let me give you a list of American Muslims:

Akon, Dave Chappelle, Busta Rhymes (5 percenter), Everlast, Casey Kasem, Jermaine Jackson, Ice Cube, T-Pain, Shaquille O' Neal.

Do you see any of them throwing hate and intolerance in your face for not being Muslim? No, they keep that **** under wraps, because that's what true religious people should do.

15 Answers

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, the generalizations that "every muslim is a terrorist" are ridiculous, and harmful.

    At the same time, the religion of Islam is ancient superstitious nonsense that promotes out-group hatred, ignorance, misogyny, and violence. Yes, so is they merit criticism for that nonsense.

    Here's the thing: if we can educate people out of tribal ignorant religious beliefs, we have a chance of eliminating tribal ignorant out-group hatred. That's pretty much our *only* chance. So how about we work on that?

  • 8 years ago

    Verbally "bashing" Muslims and trying to act like they are all terrorists or something is wrong. Many of them try to avoid that "Kill the infidels!" stuff.

    Unfortunately, the Quran actually says that they will be guaranteed "paradise" if they kill people with other beliefs. I don't think that can be justified. Which brings me to the unfortunate other thing.

    Allah is not God. He is not the God of Abraham. The Quran is full of things that are not true and things that God and "Isa", Jesus, wouldn't say. Some things are even the Opposite of what either of them would say. That is the real problem with Islam, not just the flashy terrorism issue. It is the worship of a false god.

    Islam is NOT like Christianity or Judaism. It is like a distorted reflection in a fun-house mirror.

    Individual Catholic believers are fine, but what you said about Christianity was the Catholic Church's doing, 100%. The Crusades, Inquisitions, and "witch trials" are all the fault of some Catholic officials drunk with power and a need for dominance and control. It was as wrong as the different people who bribed and assassinated their way into becoming Pope.

    Much of that, along with some non-biblical beliefs are why so many Christians fought to become and are the free Christian "Protestants" that we are. Christianity has NO teachings about killing or torturing people of other beliefs. Period. The Catholic Church killed plenty of disagreeing Christians in the Inquisitions and alleged witch trials. People LOVE to try to act like that garbage is real Christianity though. Please.

    The Jews killed the "people" God told them to, in Canaan (now Israel) because they were hybrid humans that were naturally evil, cannibalistic, and had part fallen angel DNA.

    "There were giants in the land." Look it up. The giants and their different tribes appear in many scriptures, including the story of David and Goliath. The Jews weren't just "murdering people", and God ordered no human "genocide". They were like goblins or other evil demi-humans, not actual human beings.

    Islam is not like the actual Abrahamic religions. It is not the worship of the God of Abraham. Islam distorts the message and teachings of Jesus, which is an awful thing.

    That is the problem with Islam, not just terrorism "scriptures".

    Source(s): - Jesus is the prophet Moses spoke of in Deuteronomy 18:15-19. Mohammed is the prophet Moses spoke of in Deuteronomy 18:20-22. John 16:5-11 is Jesus speaking of the coming Holy Spirit, not Mohammed. Isaiah chapter 42 is about the Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua), NOT Mohammed. Islam is a fake religion, with NO rightful existence. Please abandon it, and worship the actual God.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The apologists, the apologists. Always pretending to be smart, when they are so ignorant and clueless of the current state of the world.

    Islam is not like Judaism and Christianity, what a simplistic view on affairs like religion. Totally different from one another, their philosophies and concepts of God are totally different from one another and so are their teachings, morals and ethics. Totally different from one another.

    You talk about the Catholic church being Nazis. I agree, was it OK? Well... unlike the Christian morals of the Catholic church, the Muslim morals actually preach violence, hatred and discrimination. On the other hand Jesus said: "Who is free of sin, let him be the first one to toss the first stone".

    "Do not judge or you will be judged".

    Pretty different morals.

    Islam on the other hand is a system, there are rules for everything: dressing, washing, marriage, heritage, government system, etc. you do not want us to speak out against it? Go to Saudi Arabia and see if you like that beautiful religion. "Not all Muslims are alike". Off course not, but Islam is the problem in the same way Christianity was the problem, want to deny those facts?

    Pfff... using another religion to justify one that is worse... beautiful mentality.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Wow... next you'll be suggesting you're as persecuted as the xians claim they are.

    What's the matter with you people?

    Being a Drama Queen not exciting enough?

    Oh, what sorta Cheese and Crackers you want with that Whine...

    Cos you're not allowed to drink de wine, huh?

    I just can't understand anyone admiring a man who would rape a tiny nine year old girl . . I can hear Aisha's screams of Pain and Terror from here as Mo' rapes her tiny little nine-year old body... I feel quite ill.

    Surely the truth cannot be deemed "Insulting or Ranting Content"…

    Mo ‘had’ Aisha when she was nine. FACT.

    Nine year old female bodies are small. FACT.

    Nine year olds cannot consent to sex. FACT.

    I have a nine-year old niece – she is TINY !

    If Mo did today what he did in 600 he would be put away for life separated from the rest of the prison population cos even the most hardened criminals HATE child molesters.


    Seriously – IF a god existed do you really think he’d condone such a thing?

    “The Muslim world is a brittle world, sitting atop a fossilised religion, devoid of any type of political or personal freedom and full of desperately poor people; a world threatened by civilisation and its prosperity, democratic values and, its freedom.”

    Guido: "Muhammad is a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer,

    a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman,

    a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter."

    Former Muslim **Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone

    who could prove otherwise based on Islamic texts.

    The reward has gone unclaimed



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  • 6 years ago

    "Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking." - William Mather Lewis

  • jms043
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I`m sure that most of the people who complain about Muslims, don`t mean the entire group, only the insane ones who blow up innocent people, just to make some stupid statement.

  • Joanne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM WABARIK ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL FAATIHI LIMA UGHLIQA WAL KHAATIMI LIMA SABAKA WAN NAASIRIL HAQQA BIL HAQQI WAL HAADI ILA SIRAATIKAL MUSTAQEEMI SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WA ALA AALI WA ASHABIHI HAQQA QADRIHI MIQDAARIHIL AZEEM. "O Allah! May Thy grace, peace and blessings rest on Muhammad, our Master, who opens that which is closed, and closes that which is preceded, who helps truth with truth, and who guided mankind to Thy straight path. May blessings of Allah be on him and his Family and Companions as according to his exalted position befitting his merit and his high rank". Actually, this Durood Shareef is in the Holy Quran; but then it was kept a secret. Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu), the first Caliph of Islam, used to recite it daily without fail. Some narrations say that it is because of this Durood that he was awarded the title of "Siddique" which means "Testifier to the Truth". Hazrat Abul Muqqarab (radi Allahu anhu) says that a man's total sins will be washed away if he recites Durood-e-Fath for forty days continuously. Hazrat Shaikh Muhammad Bakari (radi Allahu anhu) says that the recitation of Durood-e-Fath once a day relieves the reciter from the Fire of Hell. Hazrat Syed Ahmed Hillam (radi Allahu anhu) says that Durood-e- Fath was the most favourite routine of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) of Baghdad Shareef. The great Saints also say that Durood-e-Fath is actual and real light. Hazrat Sheikh Yusuf Bin Ismail (radi Allahu anhu) says that this Durood Shareef is the greatest mystery of Allah. It brings 100% success and happiness to the reciter. In fact, this Durood Shareef brings prosperity and favour and solves all the complex problems by the Grace of Allah. When a man recites this Durood Shareef, the Angels of Allah surround him, mercy covers him and peace starts descending on him.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    So convert to islam, grovel to allah, and put a bag over your ugly mudshark face.

    Good Riddance!

  • Z
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I'm absolutely SICK of people all over the United States trashing and mistreating Muslims, and not just on Yahoo Answers. I agree with absolutely everything you say. Hating an entire religion because a few extremists did some terrible things is like hating every Christian because of the Westbro Baptist Church.

    I am not Muslim, and so obviously there are many parts of Islam I disagree with. But the amount of ignorance and hatred toward Muslims is absurd.

  • 8 years ago

    No, I'm sick of people trashing Western Civilization who don't know anything about it.

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