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Do you think Yahoo Questions and Answers should carry a mental-health warning?

Like - Users BEWARE! - of the subtle, entrancing, magnetic, alluring, psychologically addictive quality of using this site, overtly inducing physical inertia on the user and stifling the the prompts of conscience to -'Get out and clean that car! ' - 'Get in that kitchen!' - 'Get back to that workshop - office - cleaning -mending/fixing - mail - and all that important priority stuff!

If you are the addictive type -Watch it mate!


Question not meant to be serious - just a thought, wondered if anyone else had the same thought! Mobile phone addiction is now a known problem. Here, It seems that some people can gain a lot of points very quickly - meaning lots of time here on this site, or maybe lots of short answers.

Update 2:

'Not so French' make sure you use nice tasty gravy on your pud!

Update 3:

The second part of my question does refer to the serious issue of addiction which can become a problem for some people.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, this sense of addiction can be felt in almost any sphere of life. I also observed this after I had joined Q&A.

    I think material life in itself should be labeled with a mental-health warning.

    What we are speaking of here is some kind of attachment which arises automatically, if we act out of self interest. Trying to profile ourselves as a significant person, we try to establish our name and fame in this world (or the Internet-world) through the exploitation of our talents or our natural inclinations. Naturally, we may be gifted or conditioned with so many talents and tendencies. One may be an expert writer, or mother, father, warrior, gardener, painter, preacher, driver or whatever... any talent we can think of.

    If we ab-use these talents, attempting to profile our own 'glories' self within this world, naturally we will feel elated when our actions are applauded or depressed when they are 'thumbed down'. We desire to enjoy the fruits of our activities. The sweeter and/or larger the fruits are, the more we experience some kind of exultation, and depression is felt after receiving criticism, ridicule or neglect. These then, are the bitter fruits we received through our activities, creating aversion in our mind. These feelings of 'attraction and aversion' are the symptom of being self-centered.

    If, on the other hand, we learn how to use our talents in the service of the Lord, trying to establish the greatness and the glories of His magnanimous personality, we naturally become detached to glorification or ridicule. the feelings of attraction and aversion become smoothed. For such a soul, fully surrendered to the Lord, the Lord's pleasure becomes his' or hers and His dissatisfaction also, will be shared by such a person.

    As soon as all our activities are dovetailed with the Lord's desires, the 'mental-health warning label' can be removed. No danger for addiction anymore, the uncontrolled endeavors, the greedy attempts to satisfy one's own mind and senses.

    Also consider the nice story of the talents in the Bible:

    My reverend lady, being the servant of our Lord, for sure you knew all these things already before. Just for the sake of my own ignorant self and other innocent beings, it's good to hear these lessons again and again...

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not. It's actually hard to gauge the seriousness of your question. But my stance is if a person chooses to disregard the "physical inertia on the user and stifling the the prompts of conscience", than that person is lazy. Yahoo should not be held accountable.

    Too many people need the coddling of others to make through life in today's society.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL...Yes. It sure could be addictive. My solution for time management is to forgo grammar, spelling and, most obviously, quality answers. This is a strange place. At times, you wonder if the site is just ten people with many accounts creating a stage for themselves.

    In the end you still want to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone; real folk, trolls, nerfs and all.

    lol :)

  • pabst
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    don't be fooled! those are not "questions" as all of us understand them, Maggie - it quite is a QUESTIONNAIRE they're attempting to get you to fill in! by employing luring you into giving your well-known number of nutty solutions, Yahoo plan on proving you insane and getting you locked up interior the loony bin - for that reason rendering you unable to proceed as a optimum easy interior our brave band of dissident revolt Q & A-ers. don't be tempted into partaking, MB! They make get rid of our stupid solutions - yet they'll on no account take our freedom!

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  • Stu147
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nah, I hardly ever use this site..............*notices level 6 status*...........erm, oops!

    Oh well, hook it up to my veins and I'll answer questions intravenously in my sleep!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "You don't have to be mad to keep coming here, but it helps!"

    That is the warning ;-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, now where is my yorkshire pudding?

  • 1 decade ago


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