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What will Obama do about N. Korea?

I suppose that as as a Democrat, Like Clinton, he will pay them billions to quit, because we know that Internationally, the Democrats have no B*^^s. This is serious. We still have 25,000 troops on the DMZ, over 400 men have been killed since the war ended in 1953 (yes, I know that the war was never officially declared "over.") THIS is why people vote Republican today. What say you?


Hey, momma whatever, keep your hate

mongering to yourself, and it's because of YOUR hatred that folks hate Dems. Oh and ps, I AM NOT THE PRESIDENT.

Answer another question of mine at your own peril. Nasty.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    nothing. South Korea is one of our closest allies and Obama will do nothing! I have been to south korea, americans do not realize how close these two countries to one another and they do not realize how brutal North koreans are. South Koreans are a wonderful people who deserve to live in peace. We need to make it known to North korea that we will not put up with there terror of the south koreans. I'm not saying war but gees, put some dam pressure on them!

  • 1 decade ago

    What would you do about it? Consider all the factors: the fact that North and South Korea are still at a state of war, since a peace treaty was never signed, the fact that China is North Korea's ally, mainly because they don't want millions of North Koreans flooding across their border as refugees(assume you know how China will react in order to support what you will decide), the fact that even though North Korea would be flattened like a pancake, they would still have time to decimate South Korea and Japan before they were crushed, the fact that we are South Korea's ally and we are trying to prevent harm from coming to them, the fact that we cannot afford another war, the fact that China owns so much of our debt that they could easily threaten us with economic collapse if we attack North Korea, etc., etc. Please summarize your conclusions in 500 pages or less.

    Then you may have at least an inkling of what the President might do, without the overlay of your hatred for Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    400 men have been killed since the war ended, but thousands more would be killed if we were to escalate the situation.

    I'm thankful that we don't have a trigger happy president. He may be incompetent, but at least he's not blindly charging into other countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    0bama is a reacting president, not an acting president, therefore the ball is in N.Korea's court. In the meantime, we will continue our war games with South Korea. We know this agitates the shiit out of Dear leader, and will probably provoke more hostilities.

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  • 1 decade ago

    thats a good question. Not being a military man kind of screws up the background part immediately.

    It is logical to presume that a crash course on history of conflict in the region is in order.

    Then a briefing on existing US policies from Hillary.

    then he will probably get suggestions from his cadre of "experts" his czars etc

    In short, dont hold your breath about action, he would not want to be accused of an "uneducated " response.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Over 400 men killed and yet no other president did anything?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He has already done the worst he could do... "strongly condemns". Give him time, and he will apologize for saying it and for the capitalistic aggression of the US. This guy has got to go next election.



  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Obama will dunk on Kim Jong Il and all will be solved.

  • 1 decade ago

    NEVER ASK A man-child TO DO A MAN'S JOB.

    Source(s): THIS GUY PUT THE "N" IN BLACK.
  • GARF
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Send guns and butter.

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