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Will the Northwest Front succeed in creating a white homeland in the Pacific Northwest?

YouTube Video "New Part of America for Whites Only (Week 10 season 2)"

In the YouTube video it says "The Northwest Front is an organization that wants to section off part of the country for whites only!!! NO Blacks, Asians or Spanish." Is this ok for these White Nationalists or is this racist?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Quite right JJ - real diversity in the long term means keeping things separate. Only a sloppy painter lets all the colors on his pallet run together. If you love the diverse colors, you wont let that happen. And if it does happen, you don't automatically get some new gorgeous color, you're probably going to get an unattractive muddy color. What's so great about that? It's such a childish mistake: bring everyone together like the colors of the rainbow and everyone will be shiney happy people. Well look at rainbow: the colors are separate - that's why they can exist at all. People have to be really, really, really dumb to buy all this crap. The media have done their loathsome work very well.

    That all being said, I have no problem with trade between cultures and races. Or even with an "interzone" where two or more cultures come together and the races share space. But the Elite want to turn the whole White World into such an interzone. Why? And beyond that, WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT?

  • 1 decade ago

    What you overlook is that it is not just Whites who want to separate away from the main country.

    In the Southwest the Mexican immigrants have long been talking of secession and creating their own Hispanic nation "Aztlan." There has also been talk of a black "Nation within a nation" by Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) so this is nothing new.

    And in any case in the same way that the Soviet Union broke apart some years ago, because it was an empire, not a single Nation, America has also become a multi-racial empire of different nations all forced-living together. Tensions are rising so it will also break apart, because all empires eventually break up....

  • 1 decade ago

    With the direction the United States is headed, it is very likely that many states will be seceding from the union. There is rampant crime and already a racial divide in places like the South, the Southwest and in major cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit and in D.C. itself. If white people were to organize even half as much as the Mexicans in California and the blacks in the South, they could feasibly force a takeover of the Pacific Northwest.

    While it is POSSIBLE, will the white people of the nation actually have the desire to do so is the real question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I think that white people have nowhere else to live. The rest of the world is being taken over and we can't have diversity if everyone is just one race, If white people don't do this by 2020 they will be extinct before long. America's freedoms that our founders gave everyone has been taken away and the people drooling media idiots. Let's hope that America turns into something better than it is. You can't say that it is good enough because you haven't seen it different except maybe in the past.

    Source(s): History Class, Economics
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Northwest Front was founded by Harold Covington, a man who calls himself a National Socialist, although he has some peculiarly un-Nazi ideas.

    One is that there will be no ID cards in the new Northwest Homeland, and indeed no such thing as a driving licence.

    Harold has also been in the forefront of those attacking the illegal detention of alleged terrorists on American soil, unlike many of the people who denounce him as a hatemonger and call on the US Government to bomb Iran.

    There is a bigger question here. Does the White Race deserve to survive, should it be protected, etc? If your answer to that is no, then there is nothing further to discuss.

    Before you engage in stupid epithets like isn't this racist? you should educate yourself as to the true nature of "racism", the man who invented it, the people who claim to oppose it, and what they really want.

    Then ask yourself, is Harold really the evil one, or is his a natural if apparently extreme reaction against the Bloodless Genocide?

    Check out

    to start with.

    Source(s): My own researches, check out and
  • 1 decade ago

    I think a people have a right to retain, and indeed develop, their culture, tradition, and gene pool. This can only be done if the people have the exclusive use of a piece of this earth, so they can grow and flourish as a people through the exclusive evolution of their "morphic field". This means the people have a right to their Identity! Otherwise, they are naught but units of labour and consumption, slaves of social Marxism, the leveling of all identities into lumps of protoplasm: Total materialism. I believe we are more than flesh; we are Spirit and therein we find our Identity.

    All people must have their own lands, otherwise their traditions, cultures, and gene pools become corrupted and debased. Our identities have evolved over eons of time, and are moving to become separate species for the further glory of Nature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When left alone, societies naturally segregate by race. Freedom is being able to associate with whom you wish, and to not associate with those you don't wish to. People have been brainwashed by the media to believe that segregation is okay for every other race... except whites. Will this organization succeed? Remains to be seen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not as long as the world is populated by mush brained college "graduates" who can't write worth a damn or even think for themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What are they? If they are a private club, I think they can do most anything they want. Is it racist? heck yeah, is it OK? moral? no, is it legal? yep. Have to be able to tolerate nasty minded bigots like that so that you can maintain the right to call Obama a socialist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course it's racist, not to mention stupid and backwards.

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