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Why do people think gay marriage is an equal rights issue?

Lets walk through this.

You gays claim that this is some kind of a civil rights issue, and a same sex couple who really love each other should be allowed to marry who they love, and they can't because religious people won't allow gays to marry.

In this thread it has been proved that this idea is bull****.

The laws have been written gender neutral so that any consenting adult can marry a person of the opposite sex. There is nothing about a requirement to have a heterosexual orientaton. A gay person can marry another gay person as long as one of them is a lesbian and the other is a gay man.

While this does not allow a gay to marry the kind of person he wants to marry, this right is not given to straight people either.

e.g. BJ cant marry a 16 year old girl, she does not qualify as an adult.

e.g. Kevin can't marry Remiben, she wont consent.

What the gays want to do is re-derfine mariage to suit them.

Therefore what the gays would get would not be equal rights, it would be equal +1 more.

You cant argue against a case like that airtight.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fallacy with your arguments are that BJ can marry the 16-year old either in two years when she is 18, or should her parents/guardians consent. You'd be surprised how many preggers 15-year olds there are walking down the aisle. A gay person is never given the right.

    And as for the girl who won't consent...what does that have to do with the price of green beans in Paloma? That has nothing to do with gay rights or the rights of gay people to marry other consenting adults.

    I can't even give you a nice try, your examples are so lame and empty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your argument is anything BUT airtight. A 16 year old CAN get married provided his or her parents give consent. If a person does not consent to marry, then where is there any argument?? And your sentence about being gender neutral, just by virtue of YOUR statement, the laws are NOT gender neutral.

  • Zach
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I see logic escapes you. A 16 year old is a minor, therefore there's no basis for that argument.

    As it currently stands a heterosexual person can marry who they love, physically and emotionally. A gay person doesn't have the ability to love someone of the opposite sex the way a heterosexual can. A gay person cannot marry the person they love like their heterosexual counterpart. If you can't see the inequality in that, you may want to do some research on what equality means.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    How is American gay couples redefining marriage any different than what heterosexual couples have been doing for at least the past 130 years ?

    You and those who believe as you do are constantly making references to "traditional marriage "

    Just so know know traditional marriages involved 12-13 year old girls who married older guys and became their chattel

    In a true traditional marriage a man could legally beat and/or rape his wife

    Are you sure that you support traditional marriage ?

    I find it ironic that a country that got to where it is by defying tradition [ there is nothing traditional about self governance ] is now becoming obsessed with defending it

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  • Trekd
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've yet seen a good reason given by gays as to why they want to get married. Church doctrine says homosexuality is wrong, just like they say murdering another person is wrong, like stealing is wrong, like lying is wrong, etc.

    I don't see a group of criminals marching in parades saying that murdering is a right and it should be allowed, that would be ridiculous, but yet you see these people marching for the gays.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is an equal rights issue; an equal Religious rights issue.

    Like it or not, there are churches that recognize the Sacramental validity of same-sex marriage. The Government has no right to ban or criminalize Religious Sacraments; that much is spelled out, black and white, in the First Amendment.

    You're on the wrong side of The Constitution; deal with it.

    Source(s): Reform Jew
  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you even care who marries who.

    what are conservatives afraid of. "if the gays take marrage then they can inslave us all, we will all catch the GAY and become gay and ..........."

    It is mass hysteria fueled by bigot polititions and radio show hosts with an oppressive Nazi-like addenda against gay people. If you buy into it i feel sorry for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religiously I don't agree with any church being forced to join gays in marriage.

    However civil marriage has nothing to do with religion and is purely MAN MADE. Which means any two adults regardless of gender should be allowed to be married. Polygamy is wrong yet people still do it.

    By the way wtf doesn't it matter to you who marries who? I have serious moral and ethical issues against homosexuality but you don't see me going out and harassing them or telling them how to live their lives do you?

  • 1 decade ago

    It is clearly a civil rights issue. Would you have argued in favor of laws that prohibited inter-racial marriage that the laws were neutral with respect to race because everyone was free to marry a person of the same race? The same reasoning applies here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marriage isn't a right, it's a religious institution. Civil unions are completely fine with me (for both heterosexual and homosexuals) that are recognized by the government but the word "marriage" is and should be left in the religious yard. That way the government stays out of religion and there is no religion in the government, yay the Constitution finally wins.

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