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John asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

Can I get a slug barrrel ported?

Going to pick up a cantilever barrel for my 870, I see Mossberg barrels are ported but I'm wondering if I can get the Remington one ported. Recoil doesn't bother me much but I've noticed cycling problems with 3 inch loads in pump shotguns, like the recoil cycles the bolt back. Anyone have any experience with this or know what porting would cost?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like the first guy said, porting will not solve your cycling problems with the pump. I suspect you are "short stroking" the gun. This is common with hard recoiling pump shotguns. Have someone watch you shoot, preferably someone skilled with a pump shotgun. Or, set up a video and film yourself shooting. Then play it back at about half speed. See if you are moving the pump during recoil.

  • rick
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Porting a shot gun will do nothing . A shot gun is not the same as a rifle. A shot gun shell has a wad a rifle bullet don't. Porting would have to go 6 inches back to eliminate kick and who know what that would do to your velocity. If recoil does not bother you than why even bother wasting the money.

  • Neilis
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Porting will solve nothing on your cycling issues. If your bolt is opening based on recoil that's a problem/malfunction on your individual gun that needs to be solved (it's actually unsafe for a gun to be unlocking due to firing).

    Personally, I'm not a fan of porting anyways. The pain you take off your shoulder just ends up transferred to your ear as porting makes the gun MUCH louder.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this happens to pump guns with the heavier loads. its probably just the rearward momentum on you after firing that is doing it. its a minor issue that doesn't really need fixing. if anything just adjust your stance so you put more pressure forward on the gun and see if it does it less.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you can get your barrel ported.Check with Mag-na- port. For shotguns they call it pro-porting.

    good luck

    Source(s): Mag-na-port International
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