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Why do people think Reagan was a great president?

Reagan sent the deficit skyrocketi­ng, growing faster in real dollars than under any other president, including the current one. He cut social spending to the bone, creating the homeless problem by turning hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people out on the streets. He traded arms, money, drugs, and hostages between Iran and the Nicaraguan rebels. More appointed officials were indicted and convicted of crimes than under any other president. He gave chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein. He catastrophically lowered taxes in 1981, creating debt so bad he raised taxes each of the next six years and still didn't make up for it. And while he streamlined the complex and exemption-riddled income tax, his changes created the largest-ever shift of tax burden from the wealthy to the middle-class and working poor.

He was a bad president, who promulgated bad policies and appointed bad people.

For the life of me, I can't see why some people think Reagan was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Any ideas?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, you seem to have made up your mind, but I will try to sway you anyway. The greatest was the destruction of the Berlin wall, reuniting families and friends that had been separated for generations. He cut taxes, and stopped printing money, which, although it is difficult to come out of, was ultimately a good thing for the economy. If congress hadn't fought his every move during the presidency he would have also cut spending, cutting the debt. He didn't shift taxes from the wealthy and middle class, he cut unfair taxes to the wealthy and middle classes, and equalized the percentage of taxes to allow an almost flat tax(income taxes are the same percentage). Do you know why more appointed officials were indicted and convicted of crimes than under any other president? because he enforced the law more, not shielding officials, like a majority of presidents. I could go on, and if you want to we can have a continued discussion through yahoo chat or something. But I have to study.

    P.S. have you heard one of his speeches?

    P.P.S. I prefer my bread not sliced, so I would say the best thing since legos.

    Source(s): My own research into the subject, in unbiased books
  • 1 decade ago

    Because he gave them the Freedom and Civility Americans really needed well making the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer is Shameful in my book.

    By the Far Reagan with his Pro Capitalist Ideas created the Largest debt in american history behind Hoover and George W. Bush, so I would say he was Balanced I would say However he knew how to use Diplomacy Wisely though.

  • 1 decade ago

    He could talk his way out of a wet paper bag and was very charismatic.

    He put the final economic nails in the coffin of the USSR by continuing the containment policy and arms race which finally caused economic collapse in the Soviet Union because they simply could not keep up, effectively ending the Cold War. (Of course, this is probably where a lot of the skyrocketing deficit came from, not JUST the tax cuts).

    I'd also say he was incredibly lucky. Other Presidents, if handed the same exact record, would NOT have appeared to come out of it smelling like roses.

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because they believe like you, in exaggerations, distortions and outright untruths. For example, presidents do not raise taxes.

    I don't think of Reagan as a great president and I never voted for him. Neither do I blame him for all the problems of the time. The Democrat controlled congress Reagan dealt with for most of his two terms deserves it's share of the blame.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont get how you proclaim that he sent the deficit skyrocketing, the national revenue doubled when he was in office and the reason that the dept got bigger is because the democratic house found new ways to spend the money that he was helping to bring in. Mainly he was spending a lot of time trying to reduce inflation to improve unemployment rates, which he was successful at accomplishing if you take time to look at the misery index, "that is the combination of inflation and unemployment".

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You need to 'use your OWN think box' instead of falling for the liberal pap they are stuffing into your head. Every line you listed is pure BS, twisted by the left, omitting the fact that the democrat party controlled the payroll, NOT Reagan, for your 'deficit', just for starters.

  • 1 decade ago

    He Had Torn Down The Berlin Wall....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate bread and don't care for Reagan.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The shining city on the hill, and stuff like that there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he is simple like me (common man) and tell it like it is and make you laugh at the same time. And I'll vote for him again and you can't stop me. LOL

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