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What is the intention of asking questions and blocking the people most able to answer?

When I discovered I was blocked from getting to the question: "What exactly is a 'Jewish Soul'? I often hear Jews say a certain Christian has a 'Jewish Soul'. Can you explain what a Jewish Soul is and can one lose it?", I was curious as to who might be asking such a question. I was even more surprised that it was a Level 1 user who'd been a member since May this year (not exactly an active account), and who I'd never heard of under the current user name. Sadly, the answers there are all nonsense (or were when I logged out to look) and I am reasonably sure all the usual Jewish answerers on here are also blocked.

Can anyone explain to me why someone does this? Should I assume the questioner isn't interested in the answer but only in spreading misinformation? It's certainly strange to be blocked by someone one's never knowingly encountered.;_ylt=AvUDY...


Illegitimi non carborundum - thank you. All is now clear. Of course, the "Messianics" all seem to have multiple accounts and I've been blocked by several of them in the past; this must be one of them who's simply blocked everyone that s/he'd ever blocked on one of her/his other accounts.

Update 2:

Thanks, Cher - delighted you could get in there and give such a great answer (yes, I logged out again to go and peek!). Let me know if you now find yourself blocked......

Update 3:

You have to laugh. Here are two questions from the same user. In the first, the questioner states clearly that she is a "Messianic Jew" - the question is supposedly requesting 'peace'" "between Messianic and practicing traditional Jews". The BA is awarded to a well-known (on here) Messianic, known for her vitriol towards Jews. The second question asks how Jesus celebrated Hanukkah (!) and in response to a comment by a Jewish answerer says: "I have no idea where you got the idea I was Messianic. I've never posted a question or answer that remotely indicated I was Messianic. Matter of fact, I've asked what they were!"

Update 4:

Illegitimi - I'm pleased to say that someone has gone in there and commented, providing the link to the question where she claims to be a "Messianic Jew". And on the other question where comments about her having claimed to be a Messianic are also found (and she's denied it, ridiculing), Cher has commented and provided the link.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, I should tell you that I am here under an assumed name because I was also blocked by that person and couldn't read the link. I know this person well. She insists she is a Messianic Jew. Yesterday, she asked questions about Hanukkah that, if she was ever Jewish, she should have already known. I pointed that out to her and she promptly blocked me. "But I have many ways to achieve my goals, grasshopper"

    Edit: I found out that she gave me best answer - I can't read it of course because she blocked me before she gave me best answer. Isn't that ridiculous? I have her question about making peace between Jews and Messianic Jews in my answer list. That last part directed at me was a long piece of b*llshit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was able to see & answer. I guess they missed that I'm Jewish. The only other Jewish answer I saw was someone who I've never seen on here before (though her answer was accurate & informative.)

    I've had a few times recently been blocked by someone I haven't seen before... level 1s... no idea what they were about.

    Ahhh, yes, there are Messanics who want to claim they are Jewish... but have to block Jews to avoid being shown up for what they are... posers which agenda AT Jews. (Messanics who don't call themselves Jews, btw, Jews dont' ahve a problem with.)


    Interestingly she hasn't blocked me. I guess since you posted this question, she hasn't felt she could. She posted to the comments, a bit of ridiculousness which I'll comment on here...

    That's just <devoted1> in a new account. The classic abuse-type behavior makes it the same person, with the whole "I lied to accomplish something." That asker is making crazy-making, by claiming it's me who didn't understand why she's claimed something falsely & how innocent a LIE was. Sexual & other abusers use exactly that kind of thing. <Devoted1> & her 100 or so accounts (literally) have been using that kind of technique all along. The soft kitty photo goes with the personna of this account, trying to be soft... but the approach is classic abuse manipulations, which of course are anything but soft.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in case you look on the Christian Scriptures, there are 4 doctrines that say a loving God can coexist with a suffering universe. Doctrine #a million: the object of this life isn't happiness, yet wisdom of God. (As you could understand, many human beings turn to God throughout the time of their circumstances of suffering.) Doctrine #2: guy has forsaken God and his will. (maximum suffering is led to via guy, from the destruction of the atmosphere, to wars, to crime.) Doctrine #3: God's plan contains on into the afterlife. (meaning somebody suffering now, will discover peace with God.) Doctrine #4: God is an incomparable good. (meaning all of the suffering and evil interior the international, won't be in a position to even discover ways to the affection and mercy God has for us.)

  • That last link you posted makes it very clear that the asker is deceitful. A plea for peace with the BA going to someone who can't do anything other than fling accusations of hate?

    The Jesus/Hannukah question is clearly an attempt to wind people up. I think the asker isn't actually sympathetic to the 'Messianics', but just enjoys stirring the pot.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I blocked one person early on in Y/QA, until I quickly realized you can learn something at least from haters. How not to hate.... Actually I forgot about him until now. How do you unblock someone?

    Just found out someone has recently blocked me. If she's blocked me, can she still answer my questions? I'm glad, tho, that she blocked me. She's an immature idiot child with a purse and shoes to match. Probably why she blocked me. She doesn't like the truth.

  • Chaya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    To try to get rid of the evidence.

    What if someone stole something. (like an identity) and the owner kept inconveniently showing up to try to claim it as rightfully theirs? They would try to get rid of the evidence of the misdeed by:

    a) blocking them from answering

    b) discrediting the owner

    c) call the owner/victim "mean"

    d) keep saying that you are the real person and they are imposters.

    e) burn and/or re-write their books

    f) all of the above :-)

    What you describe is quite the microcosm of replacement theologies, with a couple of religions at least.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In all honesty I suspect that the situation is that they are scared of your answers and so that is why they block you.

    I have been blocked by one person they started to threaten my via email to stay away from their questions when I refused they blocked me kind of Pathetic really that person incidently is the only person I have blocked

    Just pity them that's what I do as it just shows them as narrow minded and only want set answers

  • I don't block anyone unless I notice I get violations whenever they answer my questions. However I had a guy block all four of my accounts today. It was amusing. He did not like my comments about JW's.

  • robb
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If they block everyone who gives a valid answer it will increase the odds of getting the answer they want.

    I recently discovered a brand new account that had me blocked.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's immature to block someone just because you don't like their opinion. I was blocked by someone and I have no idea why. I don't think I've even answered any of their questions. They just don't like me I guess, how will I go on!?!

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