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Do Christians realize how offensive other faiths (and lack of faiths) find this?

The very idea of getting on my knees and begging a dead god to save me from a great evil that he is threatening me with? Begging mercy for being who and what I was made to be. Betraying my faith, and my Deities that have guided me well. Selling my soul on the threat of torture.

That is what I hear from many Christians when they try to convert me. I don't think this is intentional, has this ever occurred to any of you?

I know Christians don't see it this way, but other faiths do. Some atheists do. I know this very question might offend you, but comfort yourself that it will aid to your arsenal the next time you try to convert someone.


I have caffeine, I am not threatening you!!!!!!

Update 2:

I'm not talking about Jesus, I am talking about his followers. You are not Jesus.

Update 3:

If you read the question, you would know that I am not an atheist.

Update 4:

Great, all but 3 are still stupid. Wonderful.

15 Answers

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think most christians are even cognizant of the fact that faith through fear is not a true faith at all. Any deity worth honoring would know immediately that someone who confessed faith just because they were scared, coerced or indoctrinated into it was a liar. True faith takes hard work and according to the bible, that particular deity doesn't call everyone, not even most. So the vast majority of these folks who *think* they are "saved" are actually most likely not. They were indoctrinated to "believe" certain things and will talk the talk to varying degrees of success, they simply do not (or cannot) walk the walk, as the kids say.

    Some of these christians also may actually believe they are "saving" you (or trying to!) from some horrible fate that simply does not exist. Jews don't have a place of eternal torment and Jesus himself would not have believed in one. So unless he created it himself during his life, or YHWH created it after the crucifixion, it simply doesn't belong in that faith. The concept of eternal torment most likely entered christianity in the early 300's with the conversion of Constantine. While he did convert and accept the god of the Jews as his patron he most likely approached it the same way Pagans and Heathens have always annoyed christians - he would have held on to his old beliefs as well and blended them with his new faith and new patron deity. He would not have abandoned those old rites, beliefs and traditions, something common in religion to this very day. Christianity has been heavily paganized and Constantine was probably one of the biggest influences in this process.

    You also need to remember that the vast majority of the christians you encounter will be completely unfamiliar with other faith paths. If they've even heard of one, they have not the first clue what those others actually believe or do. Just look at the one comment about all faiths "getting on their knees" before their gods. That is someone who has obviously never bothered educating themselves about other faiths because they were told by someone else who has obviously never bothered to educate themselves about other faiths that those other faiths are "of Satan" or "evil" or "devil worshipers" or - well, pick your level of stupid and projection, really. I've heard it all at this point. The point is, they are unaware that groveling before the divine is almost unheard of in faiths outside the Abrahamic faiths. To such people that groveling and sense of shame and being wrong/sinful/evil just for being born is a normal thing. They simply cannot understand how we can stand proudly before our deities as we always have and as our ancestors did for thousands of years before the Jews went monotheistic! Groveling, shame and no sense of self-worth is the standard for such people. They do not understand the difference between worshiping something, believing in something and honoring something. It's a foreign concept to them.

    I can't get mad at most of them for such things though. Remember, what *some* of them are trying to do to others has already been done to them. They have been victimized to the point they are afraid to NOT grovel before that deity. Afraid of everything from simple death to the Greek Pagan Tartarus, that they have mistranslated to "hell". This is why I don't get mad at them most of the time (unless they're being especially awful) but rather feel sorry for them.

    I think the best thing for us Pagans and Heathens to do is give them a polite reminder. They claim they are guided and/or inspired by their god. They are ambassadors for their faith, just like everyone is, and when they claim that god guides them and then they malign, ridicule, insult, threaten or otherwise behave badly, it reflects on their god. For people outside the faith the only thing we have to judge the character and worthiness of that faith is the words and actions of those who claim to be guided by the god of that faith. So watching some of these people leaves you really with no other conclusion than that god is hateful, bigoted, sadistic, malicious and definitely borderline if not outright evil. What else but evil would inspire or guide such horrible and dishonorable behavior in its followers? Remind them of that and some of them get even worse, proving your point. Yet others will get that little light bulb above their heads and suddenly start learning some manners. Those are the ones that are actually worth talking to - the ones who simply never considered they are wholly responsible for the dim view so many take of their faith because of their own behavior and are willing to act more honorably in the future because they do not want to malign their own god with their poor behavior in its name. I really think that is the only effective way to counter the vast amounts of hate *some* of them spew on a regular basis.

    Source(s): Nordic Heathen (Forn Sed variety) - we're supposed to be naughty sometimes. It makes Lord Loki PROUD!
  • 5 years ago

    I dont know where you live but in England. As a Catholic, I feel like an outsider from society. Even my family take the piss out of me. My friends are mainly 50/50 on the debate. I do have one friend though who is an Atheist and he goes on an awful lot about my faith. So much that once we got into a fight over it. He likes to read quotes from the verbal terrorist Dawkin. In actually fact i also believe in Evolution and have read the origin of the species and find Charles Darwin to be a very interesting man. I also believe he would turn in his grave at some of the comments made by Atheists today. A man/ Woman of science is supposed to be an open minded person but when it comes to religion they will try their best to disturb people. I really dont understand why you cant leave us alone. You know for all the few million Christians that spout hatred there are 1.8 billion Christians in the world who do not and live good, moral lives. It saddens me when all people highlight is the bad in the church. Like the Paedophiles, everyone despises them and so do the Church but they cover it up because people like the Liberal Media jump on the bandwagon and say all priest are kiddie rapists. Paedophiles are in all walks of life just ask the Police. Why is it that there is not more focus on the good the Church does like CAFOD and L'arche. The Church provides food for the homeless in every city of the world. Everynight of the week. So the church is a vital part of society. Why is that we cannot live in peace together. It is each man to his own. I know there are some Loon Atheists out there but lets not forget. Chairman Mao, Stalin, Hitler (denounced his faith as he saw Christianity as a monument to Judaism), Pol Pot. You see we all have idiots in our faiths and belief systems but the vast majority in both are good and moral people who have respect for each other. Me I respect the views of Atheists as I share many of the views about Evolution. Its just I believe that someone or something created it all.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    All the other religions and atheists live in peace and are only attacked by christians and self defense is legitimate!

    It takes in reality only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion. - William Ralph Inge.

    Christians are provoking retaliation and repudiation for their terrible attitudes?!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped their intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted postings things might change!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more things might change!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped being the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting gays, pro choice and so much more things might change!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped demanding freedom of religion whilst they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them things might change!

    If Christians rediscovered the god of love and forgiveness and put aside all those terrible human emotions things would definitely change!

    Why are Christians so afraid of people who simply do not believe in any god?!!!! Surely it can only be because they are so afraid that atheist are right and they are wrong or it would not bother them!

    Time for Christians to understand that it is not about god, jesus or belief but about the terrible Christians attitudes and behaviour!

    As soon as they rediscover the loving god Christianity used to have and start acting like it the problem will cease!

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    People tend to get offended real easy these days.... The world has come so PC, it is a wonder any of us are sane..... I, myself , don't worry about it much.. If I offend, I just offend... I don't mean to, but I refuse to pre script every speech I make, or when I plan on speaking at all... I don't get offended easily if at all.... Even when I was an atheist, big deal, people believe what they wish or what ever..... I heard it all the time.... I just smiled and said *ok*.... and move on.... If you find our faith and belief *offensive* I feel sorry for ya, and anyone else who takes offense of it....

    Your concept of what we believe is a little skewed at best, but what ever... There are much bigger things in this world to be offended about or take offense of/to, than what people say about their faith.... go in peace... God bless

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Too many idiots are answering.

    I am an Atheist and I wouldn't say I am offended by what Christians say to me in their sad attempt to convert me. I do think it's absurd that this all loving god of theirs threatens my soul if I do not worship him and follow his every command. God sounds a bit crazy... psychopathic perhaps. No wonder Christians are scared of him... what a nice guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It never made sense to me, but I never thought of it as offensive. To be fair, I was raised in a very Christian family. Of all the things that are offensive about Christianity, I never thought about it that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not quite sure how you think other faith's worship their respective deities other than getting on their knees in worship.

    Do you actually know anything about faith - Christian or otherwise - or are you just a bored kid come on here for something to do

  • Angie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Our faith is a big part of our lives. It makes us feel better when we are at our lowest points. It makes us rejoice when we at our highest ones. You shouldn't be offended if we try to share it with you. We want you to feel what we feel by sharing our beliefs but we also understand thats your choice to accept our beliefs or not to.

    Also, we can't help it if you see the glass half empty instead of half full.

  • 1 decade ago

    I get what you're saying. I agree that you can't convince someone with an intangible threat like "if you don't do this or that, you're going to hell", esp. if the person doesn't believe in hell in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Phi 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

    Phi 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

    Phi 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    Even the devil and his angels will bow their knees. You are not exempt.

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