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Ebay shipping???? need a little help :)?

I sold a game on ebay 3 months ago and shipped it to the buyer who lives in isreal. well it never made it to the buyer as it was returned today in my mailbox after 3 months. The buyer never contacted us and I am wondering what I should do? Also I don't want to have to pay to ship this again? Can I just keep it without worrying about refunding the buyers money? I Just want to be ok with ebay rules.


Can a buyer open a case after 3 months? Isn't there a rule against that somewhere? He has not contacted me. I spent a lot of time and effort to take pictures, list and ship this item and the buyer is the one who had a faulty address.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You owe the buyer a refund if he never recieved the game but only if he actualy files a complaint against you. You should just refund his money and be done with it. I don't ship overseas b/c its too tough figuring out postage, things get caught up in customs which ebay will rule against you even if its not your fault.

    Also, when things like this happens both you and the buyer are out shipping money which is not cheap

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Morally, you email the buyer and refund as necessary.

    1. He writes back, doesn't want it. You subtract shipping and paypal fees and "send him the money" (after 60 days the refund link doesn't work).

    2. He writes back and wants it. Verify the address. If it's the same, I'd decline (as it didnt' get the first time); if it's different, have him pay for shipping again.

    3. He doesn't write back. See #1.

  • 1 decade ago

    first you should try to contact the buyer and explain the problem. If he still wants the product then get a better shipping address and reship, if not you can get away with refunding the price of the item minus the shipping cost you allready spent. if you ignore it and the buyer reports you you could be suspended from E-bay, especially if they used pay-pal to purchase it and file a claim against pay-pal

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It might come back but it might go to the recipient with postage due which leads to a un happy customer.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Robin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Do the right will be good for your soul.

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