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If the universe exists because God created it, then who or what created God?

If you tell me that "God created Himself" - then why do you have a problem with people who think the Universe created itself, and can't we just leave the Magic Invisible Sky Wizard out of it?

If you answer that "God has always existed", then why do you have a problem with others saying the Universe has always existed, and can't we just leave the Magic Invisible Sky Wizard out of it?


*Update: So far, I'm leaning towards "Giant Purple Duck Fart" as the "Best Answer". Just thought you might want to know.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe the giant purple duck farted an omnipotent sky fairy into being. Now as to where the duck came from...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agree strongly with Blackacre ... praise the cosmic purple duck !!! Errrr or whatever created the duck !!!

    Yeah ok G E M Ancscombe ... you danced around the obvious implications of this question. One I've often asked the religious zombies myself. With a bunch of rambling and cult dogma. Cosmology does not support the existence of your ancient cults nonsense about god. Know why ? Because humanity has seen a long wayyyyy out there and no sign of your god anywhere.

    Where is your god then ? One day god was everywhere, performing miracles appearing to cavemen on a regular basis. You couldnt take 10 steps without tripping and falling over god. Then one day ... over and out, no more proof, no more miracles, no more manifestations. Im just going to be really quiet and float around in the sky keeping track of what everyone on the world thinks/does/believes and says ?

    I ask the question again ... what created your god ? You people are always saying look at all this ... our god obviously must be real. Mustve created all this ... how else could it be ? You say things like this cause you have no real proof of anything. Other than a book from the dark ages. When people thought the world was flat and couldnt count all their fingers and toes. Claims that have been falling apart as science develops and shows all the nonsense the originators of your cult claimed happened. Could not possibly have happened.

    Well then what created your god ? Atheists and skeptics dont pretend to know all the answers. That's you cultists job ... you just accept child like borderline retarded explanations for anything/everything you cant understand. So while the skeptics dont have all the answers. We sure as hell have alot more facts supporting our views than you do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, this was the prevalent belief of atheists before the observational data of the 20th century strongly refuted the idea that the universe was eternal. This fact presented a big dilemma for atheists, since a non-eternal universe implied that it must have been caused. Maybe Genesis 1:1 was correct! Not to be dismayed by the facts, atheists have invented some metaphysical "science" that attempt to explain away the existence of God. Hence, most atheistic cosmologists believe that we see only the visible part of a much larger "multiverse" that randomly spews out universes with different physical parameters.2 Since there is no evidence supporting this idea (nor can there be, according to the laws of the universe), it is really just a substitute "god" for atheists

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah, but theists would probably say "Then you believe the universe came from NOTHING!".

    No. We don't for the last time. We simply cannot tell what the origin of the Big Bang was. This does not account for us believing the universe was created from nothing. That's as bad as assuming that the entire universe was created by a supernatural being who's basic existence cannot be demonstrated. Misrepresentations of your opponents won't get you anywhere in your arguments.

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  • I like how some people are seriously stupid enough to answer "God has always been", even though you clearly pointed the flaw of that in your question details. Such morons these theists are.

    Indeed, the Universe has always existed. That's the argument I use. Excellent question, by the way, first time I saw someone actually post it instead of just use it.

    Source(s): Peloristic Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why do you assume that all people who believe in God have a problem with people who do not?

    i understand your frustration with those who are religious, as you must have faced opposition your whole life as an atheist.

    However, I beg you not to take out your frustrations on a whole people and to make such stereotyped assumptions.

    Many of us are just like you. We are all trying to make sense of the great mysteries of life.

  • Because the universe is bound to physical laws (such as Conservation of energy) while God who is capable of creating things from nothing is probably not (Generally regardless of which God you believe in)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the universe exists and God didn't create it, then why does an uncreated universe count but not an uncreated God ?

    See, atheists gave up that embarrassing line of attack during the days of Bertrand Russell. It makes you look stupid to say there can't be an uncreated God because there can be an uncreated Universe.

    See, pure stupidity. Either uncreated is unacceptable or it isn't.

    Anyway current cosmology makes the universe look pretty damn created.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every time the branes in hyperspace collide, a universe is created.

    Source(s): M theory (physics)
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    First causers arguments always boil down to "goddidit", end of!

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