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Lv 727,716 points

Peloristic Philosopher (A)

Favorite Answers14%

Keeping things simple: Bachelors-- Double Majored in Sociology and Philosophy (Religion Track) with a minor in Biology. Masters-- Sociology primary study based in Sociology of Religion and Ethnocentrism with interdisciplinary courses in Biology and general Sciences. Ph. D-- Religious Studies with a focus in Societal Relations concerning Religion in the coming generations and the future expectations and applications of the eradication of theistic religion.

  • Is the professor at legal fault?

    Currently finishing up an undergrad degree at a state university. One of my professor agreed to do recommendation letters for my prospective graduate school applications. Yet, at the very last possible day he told me that he would no longer submit recommendations for five of the schools I applied to. This is after the deadline to submit (recommendations can come after), meaning all the application fees, GRE score fees, and transcript fees were already paid--total of about $600 worth. Is he at legal fault and can be charged for anything? Is there a chance something will happen if I take this to one of the school administration people? Dean, HR, ombudsman?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • I have a fiance and a crush?

    Okay, so I've been in a committed relationship for 3.5 years and have gotten engaged with this person. It's been great for a while, but for the past few monthes things have seem to taken a negative turn and I get the feeling that it won't last much longer. We're in a position where if it ends, though, my fiance might not have a place to live or anything and I still care enough not to let that happen.

    But I have also been crushing on another person, someone I met in work, for a little bit. I'm not sure where this person and I might stand, but my heart is kind of saying to pursue this more. I'm not sure how to go about handling this situation.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How common is this tattoo?

    I'm looking for duplicates and ones that are similar to this one.

    1 AnswerTattoos7 years ago
  • Physics side of this theory?

    Hello! I posed the scenario below in Religion/spirituality already, but I would like to see how people from Physics responds to this. I am a Professor of Religious Studies doing research in the feasibility of the self-creation of a god, which would involve Quantum Mechanics, Time, and all that, so I figure that I get some outside thoughts (For reference sake: Damn it Jim, I'm a philosopher, not a Physicist). I already have certain colleagues working on this, but I would like input from many areas, from academia and elsewhere.


    ~~~~~I will be using the term God in this example. I am not saying that there is actually a God or not, or which one. The only assumption is that the God in the example is able to create, destroy, and travel through time. Although a Spatial Mode can be applied, I will not do so in this example.

    1. Let us assume that there is a single length of time labeled 'B'.

    2. God begins to exist seemingly ex nihilo.

    3. God's first action is to create a length of time after B, this one being labeled 'C', that's duration is irrelevant in this example.

    4. God then creates a length of time prior to B, this one being labeled 'A'. He travels through time so that he is present in A.

    5. While in A, since it is before both B and C, theoretically only A exists during that period of time.

    6. God creates B, and then he creates himself within B.

    7. The God of step 6 then travels in time to C, where he remains then on.

    What are your opinions of this example of an Ipsum Creatio causal loop? Also, let us assume that it is not a God that did this, but rather a human time traveler, in such a way that it appears as the following:

    1. The Universe exists as we know it.

    2. A time traveler named Stewie is born at some point of time in this Universe.

    3. Stewie uses his time machine to travel before the creation of spacetime.

    4. Because of the time machine, there is a small "speck" of spacetime that manifests in a void that is without space and without time. This small "speck" shall be known as the Singularity.

    5. Stewie overloads the time machine, spawning the Universe as we know it from that Singularity.

    6. Stewie then re-manifested at a point in this Universe slightly after the events of Step 3.

    7. The Universe from step 5 exists as Step 1 and eventually leads to Stewie's birth in Step 2.

    This example can be called the Stewie Griffin Principal.~~~~~

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • Philosophically Speaking, Consider a Ipsum Creatio causal loop?

    Disclaimer: I am an agnostic atheist. I am posing this question as a scholarly one, as a hypothetical, to see how people react to it. I acknowledge that there could be people for and against. If you are against this idea, please calmly say why and what flaws there are.

    I will be using the term God in this example. I am not saying that there is actually a God or not, or which one. The only assumption is that the God in the example is able to create, destroy, and travel through time. Although a Spatial Mode can be applied, I will not do so in this example.

    1. Let us assume that there is a single length of time labeled 'B'.

    2. God begins to exist seemingly ex nihilo.

    3. God's first action is to create a length of time after B, this one being labeled 'C', that's duration is irrelevant in this example.

    4. God then creates a length of time prior to B, this one being labeled 'A'. He travels through time so that he is present in A.

    5. While in A, since it is before both B and C, theoretically only A exists during that period of time.

    6. God creates B, and then he creates himself within B.

    7. The God of step 6 then travels in time to C, where he remains then on.

    What are your opinions of this example of an Ipsum Creatio causal loop? Also, let us assume that it is not a God that did this, but rather a human time traveler, in such a way that it appears as the following:

    1. The Universe exists as we know it.

    2. A time traveler named Stewie is born at some point of time in this Universe.

    3. Stewie uses his time machine to travel before the creation of spacetime.

    4. Because of the time machine, there is a small "speck" of spacetime that manifests in a void that is without space and without time. This small "speck" shall be known as the Singularity.

    5. Stewie overloads the time machine, spawning the Universe as we know it from that Singularity.

    6. Stewie then re-manifested at a point in this Universe slightly after the events of Step 3.

    7. The Universe from step 5 exists as Step 1 and eventually leads to Stewie's birth in Step 2.

    This example can be called the Stewie Griffin Principal. It can be used to show that the Universe is just as capable of creating itself as God would be, in theory, except we already know that there is a Universe around us.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Need a trig explanation?

    I tried posting this question last night, but I got a sole response that didn't help. Better luck during daytime?

    I came across questions that might be asked on my Trig Final that I have no idea how to do. If you could tell me how to do these? An example problem:

    Given that cos x + i sin y = sin x + i, find all correct x and y values between 0 and 2pi.

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Need a trig explanation?

    I came across questions that might be asked on my Trig Final that I have no idea how to do. If you could tell me how to do these? An example problem:

    Given that cos x + i sin y = sin x + i, find all correct x and y values between 0 and 2pi.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Fiance's second priority?

    My fiance has been playing a lot of Pathfinder with his friends over the course of the past couple months. Just recently started a new campaign after a previous one concluded. I asked my fiance yesterday if he could skip a night since I've been stressing out a lot and really would've liked some extended time just to be with him, but he claimed it was too close to start time to back out? Is his tabletop game of a greater priority?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • What shade would this be?

    My friends have been arguing over what shade my new pants are. It's gone between Cobalt Blue, Egyptian Blue, and Seaform mostly.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • German translation please?

    Bester suff kopp in de welt.

    Thanks :p

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • On the spot monologues?

    I was curious about the idea of just starting a random monologue (not a pre-prepared one, just lengthy rambling on a topic) in the middle of a conversation. Is there any place I can find tips or techniques on learning how to do this amazingly? I would like to see how people respond to something so theatrical and spontaneous :p

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • Why must college students sit in the dark?

    I'm doing a research paper titled "Why Sit in the Dark?" It is supposed to be a study on why students, specifically college students for this study, sit in the dark (surprise, surprise). I got the idea for the topic from my Atomic Bomb course professor. He's also there a few minutes late because his previous class is across campus and the lights are always turned off when he gets in. As he said "In the past twenty years teaching here, not one student made the move to turn the lights on before I got here."

    What I'm asking here is if there is any previous research made into the concept. I've yet to find anything in the past while of searching the interwebs. If I am unable to find any, I may have to drop the topic and write the paper on something else.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Why must college students sit in the dark?

    I'm doing a research paper titled "Why Sit in the Dark?" It is supposed to be a study on why students, specifically college students for this study, sit in the dark (surprise, surprise). I got the idea for the topic from my Atomic Bomb course professor. He's also there a few minutes late because his previous class is across campus and the lights are always turned off when he gets in. As he said "In the past twenty years teaching here, not one student made the move to turn the lights on before I got here."

    What I'm asking here is if there is any previous research made into the concept. I've yet to find anything in the past while of searching the interwebs. If I am unable to find any, I may have to drop the topic and write the paper on something else.

    1 AnswerSociology9 years ago
  • Why must college students sit in the dark?

    I'm doing a research paper titled "Why Sit in the Dark?" It is supposed to be a study on why students, specifically college students for this study, sit in the dark (surprise, surprise). I got the idea for the topic from my Atomic Bomb course professor. He's also there a few minutes late because his previous class is across campus and the lights are always turned off when he gets in. As he said "In the past twenty years teaching here, not one student made the move to turn the lights on before I got here."

    What I'm asking here is if there is any previous research made into the concept. I've yet to find anything in the past while of searching the interwebs. If I am unable to find any, I may have to drop the topic and write the paper on something else.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Language and Vocal Chords?

    I couldn't find an anatomy section and I didn't think it fit in the Language area... correct me if there is a better place to put this.

    Is it possible for someone's primary language to affect the way that a person's vocal chords grow? And if so, will it be enough to where they can't *accurately* pronounce a certain sound in another language? Such as when an umlaut is put on the u or o in German.

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • TracFone R455C Pictures?

    My TracFone slider with the full qwerty keyboard (R455C, i think).

    I got a picture message and start 'retrieving' the pic. The phone uses the units, but never finishes retrieving it. Just keep taking units as it tries and I never get the pic. What do?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Teacher's Discrimination?

    I have a friend (and it's actually is a friend, I'm not speaking hypothetically for my own situation) who was found holding hands with her friend, both being girls. The teacher told them to stop, as one might assume with PDA and whatnot in public schools. The issue, however, is that the teacher deliberately ignored a straight couple blatantly adjacent to them who were holding hands themselves. Thoughts, Opinions, Advice?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Question pertaining to DIBS?

    Article 62 of the Bro Code reads:

    " In the event that two Bros lock on to the same target, the Bro who calls dibs first has dibs. If they both call dibs at the same time, the Bro who counts aloud to ten the fastest has dibs. If both arrive at the number ten at the same time, the Bro who brought the last round of drinks has dibs. If they haven't purchased drinks yet, the taller of the two Bros has dibs. If they're the same height, the Bro with the longer dry spell has dibs. Should the dry spells be of equal length, a game of discreet Broshambo* shall determine dibs, provided the chick is still there."

    The code has proceedings based on calling dibs first and at the same time. The question is whether or not there is any code that determines what happens if the Bros do not know who was first calling it.

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • I can't find a word to describe this.?

    I'm looking for a word that means "the study of why we have religion". Please don't confuse this on the study of religion itself, or the study of what religious people worship. I'm specifically looking for -why- we have it. Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago