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If Atheists are in league with Satan without knowing it, isn't it possible Christians are too?

So in a post about Atheists being synonymous with Satanists, someone said that they are Satanists, they just don't know it. If in fact this is even possible, that Atheists somehow are promoting an agenda of non-belief in the service of Satan (who you would think would instead promote belief in Satan), isn't it possible that Christians, or Muslims, or Jews are also in league with Satan, and they're sending out false messages meant to confuse us and have us worshipping the wrong deity? Think about it.


Ok, perfect example of someone using Biblical examples to "prove" a point... LOVE: If you believe and love Jesus Christ, you will not go to hell, you will go to Heaven. (John:3:16) and (John:6:47)

Now who's to say that this whole Heaven thing isn't just some lie to get me to follow along? You can't show me Heaven. You can't take me there. You can't prove it exists so I know I'm not being lied to. So how can I possibly believe that maybe your religion isn't trying to dupe me into evil?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that evil is a force of human intellect. In other words we are capable of great good and evil.

    I also believe that God lords over both good and evil and that he created it all.

    I do not think Satan is real other than as a metaphorical example of or embodiment of evil.

    Religion fails us many times over when it places its dogma between adherents and God.

    If there is any evil to guard against, it is religion which tends to use peoples' loving faith in God to do evil things. Persecutions, genocides, inquisitions, heresy trials and executions by fire, stoning, drowning and torture are all symptoms of how evil religions can get. Though I am not just referring to the Roman Catholic Church, since the Jews stoned people to death, and the Muslims do the same thing even today.

    My point of course is that Satan is basically part of the human intellect. God created humans, we are a part of God, and He is a part of us.

    Therefore, if anyone can understand what evil truly is, its a force of the intellect. It is what drives humans to do bad things instead of good things.

    Since religion is imperfect and its adherents can be misled into committing evil, inhuman acts, then you know I think your question IS valid.

  • 1 decade ago

    One would think that a flat out disbelief in Satan would be considered a harsher stance than just renouncing Satan and all his works. The concept of Satan only exists as a direct result of Christian teachings, in furtherance of spreading their "truth"; therefore a prerequisite of membership in the Christian Church is a belief not only in God, but also Satan. Atheists rarely bring up the concept of Satan alone, rather we usually dwell on the absurdity of belief and blind faith in general. That being said, it is the Christians that are responsible for injecting the concept of Satan into the narrative.

    The fact that we have no belief in any of this does not preclude us from the debate. Atheists typically know more about religion in general and in specificity than many devout persons, therefore we acknowledge the existence of the concept of Satan. As I see it, Satan is the personification of subterfuge, whereas most Christians seem to portray him as a fear-monger or the ultimate evil. According to everything I've ever read on this, it is his intervention that coaxes humans into furthering his agenda. My take on this is that the "Satan made me do it" line is the ultimate excuse for "sinning". He is the best scapegoat available. Then, especially if you're Catholic, you have those sins absolved and you're back in the fold... no harm, no foul.

    The Christian side of this debate is that if you don't believe in God, then you are in league with Satan. Moral absolutism is at the heart of the absurdity that fuels Atheism. This is, however, a mute point. In order to be affected by the influence of Satan, one must actually believe he exists as a supernatural being and not just a concept. With that logic, the ONLY people that could be "in league" with Satan are those who acknowledge his existence... Ipso facto, Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    If your worldview says that the spread of Christianity is evil, then yes, sure. It's possible.

    In the worldview of the Christian, there is truth and there is untruth. All untruth serves the purpose of distracting people from truth, and thus it's a tool of Satan meant to confuse and confound. Satan is "a liar, and the father of lies," says the Bible.

    If the Christian worldview is true, then this is also true.

    Satan, according to Christianity, doesn't care at all about what you do and what you believe, so long as you don't believe in Jesus Christ. He doesn't care about you, he cares only about hurting God through hurting the people that he loves. Satan ultimately tries to cause God to act in a way that's against his nature so that Satan can rightly claim that God is no better than he is.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is good and bad in everyone. Far be it from someone who has atheist friends like myself to call any atheist a satanist or a christian one for that matter.

    Atheist promote their ideas because that it what they believe as well as we Christians promote our beliefs on truth.

    Now we may not agree about what they believe or they may not agree with what we believe, but respect is due to a dog and we can respect each other and realize that we must live together and that our personal choices using our freewill does not make us satanist on any accord.

    God's truth is His truth and there is no dispute in that. Perhaps like all, just remember that when you leave this flesh body, you will see God and you will know He is the true and living God and not the wrong deity as you say. Will you be able to stand.

    Use a little more common sense and judge not lest ye be judged. I understand that you are only wondering, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    But, when you really know satan and things of him, dearheart you will have no doubt.

    If you have never been in the presence of true and real evil then you would wonder. But trust me when I tell you, you do not want to encounter it if you do not Have God in your life or your heart. It is not a situation you want to be in.

    Now when we enter the valley of the shadow of death, that presence is there if you earned it and dearheart, please know, the only power to overcome evil and death is God. You are gonna need Him on your side.

    Not every atheist is evil or have anything to do with evil or things of it. Not everyone saying they are christian truly love God and obeys Him. But when a Christian (Christ man) tells you of the truth of God and his word, He is telling you what is real and proven in His life and the life of others, in concern that you will not perish but have everlasting life just as God says it is not his will that anyone should perish.

    If you have God, YHVH, I AM, THAT I AM, ALPHA AND OMEGA, EL, then you have the true and living God. If shadrach meschach and abednigo were here they could witness, or Daniel when He was in the lions den, or the Hebrew Children. But you can read these truths in the word of God.

    Be blessed and know that He is God, as he said, "I am the lord thy God and there is none before me."

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's not just possible. In Judaism, demon means imaginary god and paul admits jezeus is a hallucination. Satan is a partially untranslated Hebrew word - used to personify karma. Is -cause and effect- a being? Obviously not.

    xtians ask the imaginary jesus, and muslims ask the imaginary allah into their heart - xtians used to terrorize Europe, and muslims currently terrorize the middle east - thinking they are fighting evil.

    Conversely, Judaism teaches to treat others as you would wish to be treated.

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't understand what makes Christians so innocent. No one is perfect, so why judge atheists for their beliefs when you probably sin everyday? If I actually believed in an afterlife I would think everyone would be going to hell, seeing as how you have to be an angel according to the bible.

    Source(s): Agnostic Buddhist
  • 1 decade ago

    The state of the world, i'd wager, that Evil has already corrupted the world, as much as it can. People walking all over one another, for cash. People think, it is ok for people to betray, lie and psychologically destroy one another. We recklessly destroy all we touch, and preserve nothing, for future generations. We use people as a currency. Countries, borrowing money from other countries, and condemning our children, and our childrens children, to a bleak future.

    We place worth, on life in general, and morality has all but vanished, though people are blind to it's death. Honour is missing, a persons word is worth nothing anymore. Justice, is questionable, at best, and people can live out their entire lives, without ever following their dreams, or even being noticed. They may as well, never have existed at all.

    The world is corrupt, or rather, humanity is corrupt. If there is a devil, it has already poisoned the hearts of millions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists aren't doing much to help Satan out.

    Christians are actively telling people to ignore God's law in the Old Testament.

    They are, by obligation of their book, spreading the word across the globe that the perfect, eternal law God formed and enforced for over 4000 years is no longer needed. Neither Jews nor Muslims are spreading this kind of message.

  • 1 decade ago

    Another way to put it is that religion is propaganda or a phishing site built to deceive people to send financial and other information to the wrong site similiar to how advertisers trick people to let them advertise. To guard against a religious computer program designed to look for human rights issues plus using thou shalt not kill commandment and definition of fascist propaganda could weed out the religious bigotry. Jehovah Witnesses say religious intolerance is a sign you are deceiving yourself or being deceived. another interpretation is religion then is deceit and utilizes methods like Walter Lippman wrote of in Manufacturing consent so to understand why religion persists is to under stand propaganda and how neccesary illusions about religion just like propaganda control in democratic societies work. also how it works in Nazi type sociaties.

    Source(s): Neccesary llusions by noam chomsky, walter lippmann on public mind plus own ideas united nations charter human rights and religious computer program idea
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually its the christians that are in the league with satan. God is satan is disguise.

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